How to Create a LinkedIn Analytics Report for Clients

How to Create a LinkedIn Analytics Report for Clients


A LinkedIn analytics report provides a detailed overview of a campaign's performance on LinkedIn. It includes metrics on engagement, reach, and follower growth, offering insights into content effectiveness. This guide explains how to create a comprehensive LinkedIn report for clients, ensuring clear communication of key performance indicators and strategic recommendations. Learn the best practices for compiling and presenting LinkedIn data.

Manually compiling and creating LinkedIn analytics reports can be a time-consuming exercise for social media marketing account managers, taking precious time away from campaign strategy and execution. Keeping track of performance data across multiple clients' LinkedIn pages is not just about ticking boxes; it’s about gaining clear insights that drive decisions and show tangible results.

Managing and tracking LinkedIn page and post analytics often feels like juggling multiple balls, especially when done manually using the native LinkedIn analytics tool. Plus, data scattered across different sources, such as Google Analytics, the constant switch between tabs, and the time spent on creating reports can be overwhelming. You know there's a better way, and that's what this guide is here to offer.

In this post, we'll explore how to streamline the process of creating LinkedIn analytics reports. Imagine having a seamless system that not only saves time but also provides a comprehensive view of your clients' LinkedIn performance. You'll find tips and strategies that simplify your workflow and enhance your reporting accuracy.

Ready to transform how you handle LinkedIn post analytics for your clients? Let’s dive in and start making your reporting process as efficient as possible.

Why Your Agency Needs Custom LinkedIn Analytics Reports

LinkedIn analytics reports play a vital role in measuring campaign success and optimizing strategies. By tracking LinkedIn analytics, these reports provide insights into how content performs, helping to refine marketing efforts and achieve better results. Understanding audience engagement and identifying key metrics are essential for making data-driven decisions.

Clients benefit from LinkedIn analytics reports in several ways. These reports highlight the most important LinkedIn metrics, such as impressions, engagement rate, and follower growth, offering a clear view of what works and what doesn’t. By focusing on these metrics, clients can see a direct connection between their marketing efforts and business outcomes, enhancing their return on investment (ROI).

LinkedIn Dashboard integration on AgencyAnalytics

Using data visualization tools provides another significant advantage of LinkedIn analytics reports. These tools make it easier to interpret complex data, allowing clients to quickly grasp performance trends and insights. Effective data visualization can transform raw data into actionable insights, enabling better decision-making.

Ultimately, LinkedIn analytics reports provide a comprehensive overview of campaign performance. By consistently measuring and analyzing important LinkedIn metrics, agencies can ensure their strategies remain aligned with clients' goals, leading to sustained success and growth.

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How to Choose the Right Metrics and KPIs for a LinkedIn Analytics Report

LinkedIn requires a separate content and social media strategy from your clients' other social media channels. As such, it comes with its own metrics to track and benchmark against.

Selecting the right metrics and KPIs for a LinkedIn analytics report begins with understanding the client’s goals. An agency should engage in a detailed discussion with the client to pinpoint what they aim to achieve through their LinkedIn business page. Whether the focus is on increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or enhancing engagement, these objectives will guide the selection of relevant metrics.

LinkedIn Analytics Reporting Dashboard

For example, if a client wants to boost brand visibility, engagement metrics like likes, comments, and shares on posts will be key. However, for a client focused on lead generation, tracking metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates will provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the campaigns.

It’s also important to consider the type of content being shared. If a client heavily invests in the people-side of their LinkedIn profile, employee advocacy analytics should be included. This involves monitoring how employees share and engage with company content, which can amplify reach and credibility.

Another critical step is segmenting the LinkedIn audience. Different segments may interact differently with the content. Analyzing these interactions offers detailed insights into which types of content resonate most with each audience segment. This segmentation helps tailor strategies to meet the specific needs and preferences of each group.

Audience Demographics Graph Example from the LinkedIn Analytics dashboard

Using hypothetical examples, let’s say a client is launching a new product. The agency might prioritize metrics like post reach and impressions to gauge initial interest, followed by engagement metrics to assess how well the content is performing. If another client is looking to enhance their thought leadership, metrics such as the number of followers gained and the quality of engagement on articles and posts will be more relevant.

Selecting the right analytics involves continuous collaboration between the agency and the client. Regular reviews of the data and adjusting strategies based on what’s working and what isn’t are essential for ongoing success.

Leveraging these metrics and KPIs ensures that the agency can provide detailed insights, optimize marketing strategies, and ultimately drive better results for the client's LinkedIn business page.

Once you have tailored your client’s live LinkedIn dashboard to your specs like the one above, you’ve got all the data you need to demonstrate the success of your content marketing strategy. Now you just need a clear and concise way of reporting this data direct from your LinkedIn analytics tool.

Establishing KPIs for LinkedIn Campaigns

Let's face it – clients usually don't want to dive deep into every tiny detail of their LinkedIn posts. They've got businesses to run and goals to achieve, so their focus is on the big picture. That’s why they hired your team, after all. 

As marketing agencies, it's essential to align client reporting with what truly matters to them. Are you hitting those campaign targets, contributing to their overall ROI, and proving your agency's worth?

The marketing dollars need to translate to top-line revenue, and so it's our job to help our clients connect the dots to that in our reporting.

Lane Rizzardini, Co-Owner, Marion Relationship Marketing 

When crafting reports for your clients, prioritize key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that directly relate to their objectives. Instead of bombarding them with every imaginable metric, distill the data down to what's most relevant and actionable. 

For instance, highlight how your campaigns have increased website traffic, boosted lead generation, or enhanced brand awareness.

Don't forget to tell a story with your data. Clients love to see a narrative that showcases the progress made, the challenges overcome, and the strategies that led to success. By tying your reporting to tangible results and clear insights, you're making it much, much easier for clients to understand the value you provide.

It's our job to tell a simple story through reporting to our clients.  The report is the client’s proof that what we are doing is benefiting their business in a positive way.

Brian Ferritto, Partner, 42connect

So, the next time you're preparing a client report, remember to keep it focused on what really counts. Show them the magic you've worked on their LinkedIn campaigns and how you've earned your agency's keep, all while steering clear of the nitty-gritty that's best left behind the scenes.

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Picking the Right LinkedIn Analytics Tools for Your Agency

Alright, folks, we've tackled the ‘what’ of tracking LinkedIn analytics like champs. Now, let's dive into the how. Picking the perfect analytics and reporting tools so you manage all those LinkedIn client campaigns like a boss!

When you're scouting for the ultimate LinkedIn analytics tools, be on the lookout for features that'll make your agency's day-to-day as smooth as butter. The goal is to find a platform that not only centralizes data in a user-friendly way but also automates routine tasks and generates customized reports for each of your clients.

By simplifying your workflow, supercharging your decision-making, and dishing out actionable insights to your clients, you'll be well on your way to crafting long-lasting partnerships and enjoying some serious agency success. Now, let's get out there and find that perfect tool!

LinkedIn's Native Analytics Dashboard

The native LinkedIn analytics dashboard provides essential metrics and insights for both company and personal profiles, making it a valuable tool for understanding and optimizing LinkedIn campaigns.

While the native LinkedIn analytics dashboard offers a solid foundation for analyzing LinkedIn campaigns, it may not be the best choice for marketing agencies managing multiple clients. Here are some reasons why:

  • Limited in-depth analysis: The native dashboard provides basic insights but may lack the granularity and advanced features that marketing agencies need for a comprehensive understanding of their clients' campaigns.

  • No multi-client management: The dashboard is designed for individual users or single company pages, making it challenging to manage multiple clients simultaneously.

  • Lack of customization and integration: The native dashboard offers limited customization options for reports and visuals and doesn't support integration with other social media platforms or analytics tools.

  • No automatic report scheduling: Marketing agencies often need to send regular reports to clients, but the native LinkedIn analytics dashboard doesn't provide a built-in feature for automated report scheduling.

For marketing agencies managing multiple clients, third-party LinkedIn analytics tools like AgencyAnalytics may be better suited, as they offer advanced features, customizable reports, multi-client management, and integration with other platforms.

Pros and Cons of the Native LinkedIn Analytics Dashboard: 

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Free and easily accessible

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

Limited in-depth analysis

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Simple, user-friendly LinkedIn analytics tool

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

Lacks some advanced features compared to third-party LinkedIn analytics tools

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Provides an overview of key LinkedIn metrics

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

No option to integrate LinkedIn analytics with data from other platforms

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Insights into follower demographics and growth

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

Limited customization of reports and visuals

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Real-time monitoring of post engagement and impressions

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

No way to aggregate data across multiple client campaigns

Native LinkedIn Analytics Pros

Compatible with both company and personal profiles

Native LinkedIn Analytics Cons

Cannot setup automated reports on a set schedule

LinkedIn Reporting Using AgencyAnalytics

AgencyAnalytics is a comprehensive marketing analytics and reporting platform designed to meet the unique needs of marketing agencies. With its robust LinkedIn reporting capabilities, AgencyAnalytics provides in-depth insights into both organic LinkedIn analytics and LinkedIn ads reporting, making it an excellent choice for agencies managing multiple clients.

LinkedIn Custom Analytics Dashboard

Considering these advanced features, AgencyAnalytics is a top choice for marketing agencies managing multiple clients. Its comprehensive LinkedIn reporting capabilities, customization options, and seamless integration with other marketing platforms make it a powerful LinkedIn analytics tool to drive success for both agencies and their clients.

Garrett Kite AgencyAnalytics Review

Discover the All-in-One Reporting Tool Trusted by 6,500+ Marketing Agencies

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Customizing LinkedIn Reports for Clients

This is where AgencyAnalytics’ white label dashboard and reporting software really shines, helping you showcase your agency’s results. By including key LinkedIn metrics in your social media reports, like follower growth and post engagement, you'll be able to show how LinkedIn is performing against your other campaigns.

But to take it a step further, customize the report to make it exactly what your client needs to see. Plus, integrate LinkedIn analytics with other social media metrics to create a comprehensive social media dashboard that highlights your agency’s performance across all of the socials. 

Drag and drop report builder tool for Linkedin Reporting

Having those beautiful, reactive widgets has been huge. It's freed up so much time, just being able to have the stats we need at the tips of our fingers. We can share easily with our teammates, clients, and other departments to help paint a clear picture of how a client is performing. We can also spend more time focusing on how to create winning strategies, instead of spending all our time collecting data to show how far we've come. 

Rachel Jackson, Wit Digital

Chances are, you’re not just managing your clients’ LinkedIn profiles, so you need a LinkedIn analytics tool that can span multiple platforms. Win back countless billable hours every month when you put all your client reporting needs under one roof.

With an easy drag-and-drop report builder and over 80 integrations to choose from–including Google Analytics, Facebook, and Instagram–build white-labeled client reports in minutes.

When we pull up an AgencyAnalytics dashboard during a sales pitch, 100% of our leads immediately see the value that this reporting can bring to their business. It helps us seal the deal several times per month.

Graham Lumley, Director of Marketing, Blackhawk Digital Marketing

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Improve Your Agency's LinkedIn Reporting Today

Keeping track of LinkedIn analytics reports for multiple clients can be a complex task, but it doesn't have to be. This guide has shown how to simplify and enhance your reporting process using one of the best LinkedIn analytics tools, offering tips and strategies to save time and increase accuracy.

Here's a quick summary of the pros and cons of using the LinkedIn native analytics tool vs. AgencyAnalytics:

LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool


Direct integration

LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

Easily access LinkedIn analytics. No extra setup is required.


Connect in seconds using the LinkedIn integration.

Use Cases

LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

All LinkedIn users with a Company page.


Built specifically for marketing agencies.


LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

Included with LinkedIn, no additional charge.


Included with every AgencyAnalytics reporting platform


LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

Focused solely on LinkedIn analytics.


Consolidates data from over 80 marketing platforms.

User Interface

LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

Simplified and specific to LinkedIn data.


More customizable using widgets, custom metrics, and the drag-and-drop editor.


LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

Standard LinkedIn reporting tools, less customization available.


Advanced report customization, including complete white labeling capabilities.

Client management

LinkedIn Native Analytics Tool

No built-in client management or report sharing tools.


Features like client dashboards, report templates, and custom access for staff and clients.

By centralizing data and utilizing effective tools, you can gain valuable insights and present clear, impactful reports to your clients.

LinkedIn Drag and Drop Report Template Editor

Now, it's time to put these insights into action. Test out the AgencyAnalytics LinkedIn reporting tools and experience firsthand how they can transform your workflow. Streamline your LinkedIn analytics reports, impress your clients with detailed and accurate data, and take your social media marketing game to the next level.

Ready to see the difference? Try AgencyAnalytics today and make LinkedIn reporting effortless. Get your 14-day free trial now!

Paul Stainton

Written by

Paul Stainton

Paul Stainton is a digital marketing leader with extensive experience creating brand value through digital transformation, eCommerce strategies, brand strategy, and go-to-market execution.

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