How One Agency Maximizes Client Success with AgencyAnalytics

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AgencyAnalytics helps agencies streamline client reporting across every stage of the client lifecycle. By integrating transparent dashboards, data-driven decisions, and customized KPIs, agencies build trust and improve campaign outcomes. This approach enhances client retention and opens opportunities for upselling services. Learn how LeaseMyMarketing uses AgencyAnalytics to drive success, improve relationships, and deliver consistent results. 

As the founder of LeaseMyMarketing, I like to say that we’re more than just a service provider—we’re a true thought partner.

We offer full-service marketing solutions to a wide range of clients, from small and medium-sized businesses to large enterprises, across various industries. Our clients are as diverse as the strategies we create for them.

Client reporting isn’t just something we do; it’s central to everything we do. We don’t just use it to showcase our success. It’s integrated into every stage of our client lifecycle, starting from the very first pitch.

Today, I’ll be sharing why our team has placed such focus on client reporting, and how AgencyAnalytics has played a large role in our success.

The Importance of Client Reporting

Client reporting is like having a reliable GPS on a long road trip. Without it, you’re just guessing which way to go, not sure if you’re making progress or heading in the right direction. Or even worse–could your client reporting hell week be causing agency employee burnout? 

With a good GPS, agencies confidently navigate, make the right turns, and get to your destination smoothly without any detours.

At my agency, we boast three key benefits of our client reporting:

Building Trust Through Transparency

In any relationship—whether personal or business—transparency is key to success. At LMM, we take this to heart, which is why we’re dedicated to transparent agency-client relationships. Our clients have access to their real-time marketing results through their customized analytics dashboards.

Some clients check their dashboards daily, while others prefer to rely on our automated reports. Either way, by putting the information directly in their hands, we’re building client trust. 

They know we’re not cherry-picking the best results or hiding anything—we’re giving them the full picture, every time.

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Empowering Data-Driven Decisions

We don’t just use reporting to showcase results—we use it to create them. With all our marketing data centralized, we evaluate multi-channel campaigns against key performance indicators. 

This big-picture view enables us to make strategic pivots and assess campaign effectiveness without missing any crucial details.

We also don’t have to sift through the data that isn’t important to us in each system, instead we set up the custom metrics and KPIs for each client based on their strategy. 

Clear data lets us pinpoint what’s working, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes.

Agency Tip: Need help setting up custom KPIs in your marketing dashboards or reports? Check out the step-by-step guide from AgencyAnalytics.

Enhancing Client Retention and Upselling

Our account management team loves coming into weekly client meetings with clear success stories. When clients see the tangible results of our efforts, they’re more likely to continue partnering with us—and to invest in additional services.

We often start clients on a lighter plan, and after showing them 1-3 months of results, we’re able to transition them into a larger package.

Read More: 4 Ways to Use Marketing Dashboards to Ethically Upsell Your Agency Clients

How Our Agency Incorporates Reporting Into Every Phase of the Client Lifecycle

At LeaseMyMarketing, reporting isn’t just something we tack on at the end—it’s the secret sauce we mix into every step of our client relationships.

Client Pitch

From the very first interaction, we emphasize the role of data and reporting in our approach. During the pitch process, we showcase how our reporting tools, like AgencyAnalytics, allow clients to track their progress in real-time. 

Our pitch deck not only differentiates us from competitors but also sets clear expectations for the kind of transparency they can expect.

Read More: Perfect Pitch Presentation Tips for Marketing Agency Leaders


Once we’ve onboarded a client, the first step is an in-depth analysis of their current digital presence. We use AgencyAnalytics to pull detailed reports on everything from website traffic to keyword rankings.

This allows us to benchmark for our upcoming work and provides a clear format for future reporting, which is key to setting realistic expectations and SMART goals for our marketing campaigns.

Agency Tip: Has your agency used SMART goals before and not found any success? Try the MASTER goals framework for a fresh new approach. 

A screenshot of the SEMrush integration on AgencyAnalytics

Streamline your agency’s research with the Semrush integration from AgencyAnalytics. Combine your findings alongside campaign results in a single dashboard to show off your agency’s prowess. Start your 14-day free trial.


With our research locked and loaded, we dive into crafting a custom strategy for each client. AgencyAnalytics lets us set clear goals and track KPIs every step of the way. 

It's where creativity meets data, ensuring our strategies hit the mark every time–and again, that the marketing goals are realistic. It’s all about managing expectations with data.

Read More: 3 Steps to Manage Client Expectations and Overdeliver on Value

Project Execution

As we roll out campaigns, reporting becomes even more critical. AgencyAnalytics provides us with the tools to monitor campaign performance in real-time, making it easy to adjust tactics on the fly. 

This is as much a tool for our internal team as it is a resource for our clients. The team will use the results to tweak strategies or lean into what’s working.

digital marketing reporting dashboard

Connect all of your clients' marketing channels in a single dashboard to provide a complete picture of your agency’s efforts. Get started today with your 14-day free trial.


When clients see their campaigns taking off, they often want to dive into more services. With AgencyAnalytics, we spot these chances and show them how scaling up can lead to even bigger wins. 

We've had clients so pumped about their results that they ask, "Can we throw more money into our ad campaign?" Or they'll say, "What if we added $2,000—how many more leads would that get us?" Thanks to the data, we can predict the extra leads and show them the real ROI they'd get from boosting their investment. 

It’s a win for them and for us—just how we like to do business!

Why We Chose AgencyAnalytics

We've tried a bunch of reporting tools over the years, but AgencyAnalytics really stands out, and here are three reasons why:

1. Ease of Use

Our client’s aren’t always super tech savvy, and they don’t want to have to navigate complex reports to know their marketing is working. 

I can’t imagine asking them to look at Google Analytics on their own if they wanted to see real time results, and we don’t want to spend all of our time in meetings explaining that complicated reporting. 

AgencyAnalytics allows us to set up exactly what they want to see and in a way that’s easy for them to navigate and understand. 

2. Comprehensive

We’re a full-service agency, and while it would be great if every strategy and KPI were the same, the reality is that each client needs something different and unique strategies to get there. 

We recently built a website for a client that used Keap for their lead collection and embedded their Keap form onto the new website. I was happily surprised to find that AgencyAnalytics already has an integration! 

With more than 80 marketing platform integrations to choose from, we avoid the headache of pulling reports from 10+ different tools just to show results for our clients.

An example of the available marketing platform integrations AgencyAnalytics offers to connect your clients' marketing data

With marketing integrations from SEO platforms to social media channels to email marketing campaigns, AgencyAnalytics has all of the popular marketing channels you need to streamline your client reporting. Start building client reports with your 14-day free trial.

3. Customizable

AgencyAnalytics lets us create fully customized dashboards and reports tailored to each client’s specific services. For example, we might incorporate Semrush reports and Google Search Console in the same automated report as Facebook and Instagram!

One of my favorite things to do is create a custom widget for each client at the top of their dashboard that shows the “Total Leads” from all their sources. I can set up a formula that combines leads from various channels, such as Wix Web Form Submissions, WhatConverts Phone Calls, and Facebook Ads Leads, and then displays the total number in a single widget. This way, the total is automatically calculated and displayed in one place.

Agency Tip: Need help adding widgets to your dashboards? This help article will get you up and running in no time and if not, the AgencyAnalytics customer support team is available 24/5, to offer comprehensive assistance. 

A screenshot of the WhatConverts integration on AgencyAnalytics

Showcase your clients’ WhatConverts data front and center in their marketing dashboard. Plus, combine their other marketing channels in a single location. Get started with your 14-day free trial.

The Results

Bringing AgencyAnalytics into our workflow has been a game-changer. Our clients love the clear, no-nonsense reports, which have really helped us build stronger, more trusting relationships. This has led to higher client retention and more projects coming our way.

At LeaseMyMarketing, we’re all about data-driven marketing. By making reporting a key part of every client relationship, we keep our strategies perfectly aligned with our clients’ goals and keep them in the loop every step of the way. AgencyAnalytics has helped us deliver top-notch results time and time again.

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Adam Allen, CEO, LeaseMyMarketing Headshot

Written by

Adam Allen

Adam Allen founded LeaseMyMarketing, a Pennsylvania-based marketing agency, in 2015 to help small and medium-sized businesses access and understand their marketing data for informed decision-making. With over 20 years of corporate marketing experience, Allen knew he could apply the same data-driven approach that makes large corporations successful and apply it to their regional and national clientele to create a meaningful marketing impact.

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