Ben Spray, Managing Director at We Are Marketable

Discover how We Are Marketable streamlined their reporting process, saved valuable time, and boosted client ROI with automated reporting.
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AgencyAnalytics allows us to streamline our reporting, making it easier to manage and customize reports for our clients.
Ben Spray, We Are Marketable

The Client

We Are Marketable is a dynamic digital marketing agency based in Nottingham, UK, founded in 2017 by Ben Spray. The agency began as a solo venture, with Ben handling all aspects of the business. Today, it has expanded into a robust team with four full-time employees and four freelancers. 

Specializing in aiding small to medium-sized businesses, We Are Marketable offers a range of digital marketing services tailored to meet each client's unique needs. Their highly personalized approach ensures that each business receives the attention and customized strategies required to thrive in a competitive digital landscape. By focusing on results-driven marketing, the agency has earned a reputation for significantly improving their clients' online visibility, customer engagement, and revenue growth.

We offer proven services that drive conversions for our clients and walk the talk with our successful six-figure ecommerce store. We’re more than an agency; we’re a testament to effective digital strategies. We help businesses grow from an average of 0-5 leads per month to 15-20 qualified leads.
Ben Spray, We Are Marketable

IndustrySMB Marketing, Ecommerce
LocationNottingham, UK

The Challenge

Before adopting AgencyAnalytics, We Are Marketable struggled with its client reporting processes. The agency experimented with various software solutions, but none effectively met their needs. The manual process of creating reports was particularly burdensome, taking up 75 hours each month, which was a considerable drain on resources. 

This manual effort involved gathering data from different sources, formatting it into presentable reports, and ensuring accuracy—taking up valuable time that could be better spent on strategic client work and growth initiatives.

The inefficiency was not just a time sink; it also impacted the quality and consistency of the reports delivered to clients. The lack of a standardized reporting tool meant that reports varied in format and detail, sometimes leading to client confusion and dissatisfaction. The manual nature of the process also increased the risk of errors, which could undermine the agency's credibility and the trust clients placed in their services.

Before AgencyAnalytics, we tried several software solutions, none of which met our needs. We were just wasting time.
Ben Spray, We Are Marketable

The Solution

AgencyAnalytics offered a centralized platform where data from various sources could be seamlessly integrated and visualized. This integration eliminated the need for time-consuming data gathering and manual formatting. The platform's customizable templates allowed the team to tailor reports to meet specific client needs, enhancing the relevance and clarity of the information presented.

AgencyAnalytics’ automation capabilities ensured that reports were generated quickly and consistently, reducing the risk of errors and improving overall accuracy. The reports' professional presentation impressed clients and reinforced the agency's credibility and commitment to service quality. This newfound efficiency enabled the team to focus more on strategic tasks and client engagement, driving further growth and satisfaction.

Our reporting process is easy to manage, and we can onboard new staff members to manage the reporting in under a day. Clients understand the reports easily, and this allows us to explain the impact our work has had across the month.
Ben Spray, We Are Marketable

The Result

Since implementing AgencyAnalytics, We Are Marketable has experienced substantial benefits in its operations. The streamlined reporting process has saved the team an estimated 45 hours each month, translating to approximately £1,800 in monthly savings. The significant time and cost savings have allowed the agency to reinvest resources into strategic initiatives, enhancing overall productivity and client service.

The efficiency gains from using AgencyAnalytics have also improved the quality and consistency of client reports. The reports impress clients, leading to higher satisfaction and stronger retention rates.

By reducing the administrative burden of reporting, We Are Marketable allocates more time to developing and executing impactful marketing strategies for their clients, ultimately contributing to the agency's continued success and expansion.

AgencyAnalytics allows us to make data-informed decisions quickly. Clients also have access to an all-in-one marketing dashboard to see how each channel performs. This allows us to work together and optimize campaigns to get clients the best ROI.
Ben Spray, We Are Marketable

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