The Value of Speaking Engagements for Your Agency

The Value of Speaking Engagements for Your Agency Hero Image


Why should agency leaders invest time and energy into speaking engagements? What’s to be gained from stepping out from behind the desk and onto the stage, into the podcast booth, or onto a panel? In this article, Cori Kohlmeier, founder and President of Advantage Marketing, explores the value of speaking engagements and how they can elevate your agency.

Recently, I had the privilege of speaking at the Kansas Small Business Development Council (KSBDC) Marketing Meet-Up for small business owners. The event kicked off with a presentation from One Million Cups, a program that empowers entrepreneurs and helps them connect and grow. It was a fitting start, as it mirrored my own journey of growth and connection within the Kansas business community. 

When I first started Advantage Marketing, the KSBDC was an invaluable resource. They provided guidance, support, and a network that helped navigate the challenges of building a business from the ground up. Later, as I sought to scale the company, I participated in the KSBDC Emerging Leaders program. This program, facilitated by the ever-inspiring Michael Aumack, was pivotal in shaping my leadership style and business strategies. 

So, when Michael reached out and asked if I would be interested in speaking to a new group of emerging leaders, I didn’t hesitate to say yes. It was a full-circle moment—returning to where I started, but this time as a mentor and guide for others. My team also had a booth at the event. This gave us the opportunity to engage with numerous businesses, discuss their marketing needs, and identify new prospects. It was a day of reflection, connection, and forward momentum.

For Advantage Marketing, participating in panel discussions and booking speaking events has been a key strategy for agency growth and competitive advantage. Today, I’d like to walk you through my agency’s process, and provide some tips for fellow agency leaders who are looking to expand their agency’s visibility by leveraging this powerful strategy.

The Importance of Being Seen as an Industry Expert 

I often say, "Perception is reality." 

In the world of business, how you are perceived can significantly impact your success. Being recognized as an industry expert or the premier agency in your niche benefits everyone—your business, your clients, and prospective clients. But here's the catch: You must be able to back up that perception with substance. 

Speaking engagements, whether at conferences, on panels, or through podcasts, offer a platform to share your story, insights, and expertise. They allow you to showcase the depth of your knowledge and the unique perspectives you bring to the table. When you speak publicly, you position yourself and your agency as thought leaders. This builds credibility, client trust, and recognition—all essential for long-term success. 

For example, speaking at the KSBDC event didn’t just allow me to reconnect with the community. It also positioned Advantage Marketing as a leader in the industry. It was an opportunity to demonstrate our expertise in front of a targeted audience of small business owners who could potentially become clients.

Cori Kohlmeier, Advantage Marketing Speaking Engagements

Plus, the benefits extend beyond just getting more clients. Speaking engagements also offer a chance to deepen relationships with existing clients. They reinforce your expertise and commitment to staying at the forefront of industry trends. When clients see you being recognized as an expert, it reaffirms their decision to work with you. It’s a powerful form of validation that strengthens the trust and loyalty they have in your agency. 

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Moreover, speaking engagements can spark new ideas and collaborations. They create a space for exchanging ideas with other industry professionals, leading to innovation and growth. 

Whether you’re speaking at a local event, on a podcast, or at a national conference, the connections you make and the conversations you have inspire new approaches and strategies for your business.

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The Journey To Landing Speaking Opportunities

My journey to landing speaking opportunities started with something simple: being vocal. I’ve always been someone who engages in group settings, such as the KSBDC Emerging Leaders program. I’ve found that when you speak up and share your thoughts, people take notice. The key is to be visible and engaged. 

One of my earliest speaking opportunities came after I had participated in the Emerging Leaders program. I was active in discussions, asked questions, and shared my insights whenever appropriate. This led to other participants and facilitators recognizing my expertise and inviting me to speak at different events. 

Amy Hoefer, VP/Co-owner, and Amanda Simons, Digital Manager/Media Buyer, at a local franchise event in Wichita, Kansas

Image: Amy Hoefer, VP/Co-owner, and Amanda Simons, Digital Manager/Media Buyer, discussing digital and social strategies and answering marketing questions at a local franchise event in Wichita, Kansas. 

Don’t be afraid to share your knowledge and opinions in group settings. When you consistently contribute to conversations and offer valuable insights, people will naturally start to see you as an expert. And when that happens, speaking opportunities often follow. 

Over time, I began to receive more invitations to speak at various events, panels, and podcasts. Each opportunity was a stepping stone that helped me refine my message and expand my reach. The more I spoke, the more confident I became, and the more I was able to position myself and Advantage Marketing as leaders in the industry.

4 Tips for Landing Speaking Gigs or Panel Invites 

If you’re eager to start sharing your insights, but don’t know where to start, here are my top 4 tips for welcoming more invitations to speak at the events that matter to your agency.

1. Be Vocal and Share Your Insight

This is where it all begins. Don’t shy away from sharing your knowledge in group settings such as meetings, a networking event, or an industry conference. The more you contribute, the more people will recognize your expertise.

2. Don’t Be Afraid To Ask Questions

Asking questions in group settings not only shows that you’re engaged but also helps you stand out. It demonstrates that you’re thoughtful, curious, and invested in the topic at hand.

3. Highlight Your Engagements Online

Once you’ve started landing speaking gigs, make sure to highlight them on your website and social media platforms. When people see that you’re active and interested in speaking, more opportunities will come your way.

4. Offer Your Services

Sometimes, the best way to land a speaking gig is to simply offer your services. For example, I was invited to do a workshop with the Create Campaign, an initiative focused on supporting underrepresented entrepreneurs. This opportunity came about because I had previously served on a panel with the founder and engaged with her through one of our clients. I made it clear that I was available to help in any way possible, and that led to the invitation. Don’t hesitate to reach out and offer your expertise—you never know where it might lead.

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2 Bonus Tips for Making the Most of Your Public Appearances

Once you’ve secured a few speaking engagements, I have some recommendations for how to maximize the opportunity. Play your cards right and a well-executed speech or panel discussion leads to myriad other opportunities–both for you and your agency. Consider prepping with these two steps:

1. Have a Bio and Headshot Ready

Whenever you’re invited to speak or appear on a podcast, have a professional bio and headshot ready to go. These are often requested by event organizers or podcast hosts. Having them prepared in advance shows that you’re professional and organized.

2. Leverage the Opportunity to the Fullest

When you’re given a platform to speak, make sure to maximize the opportunity. Provide your social media handles and website so that attendees or listeners can connect with you afterward. Engage with the audience during and after your appearance—answer questions, participate in discussions, and follow up with anyone who reaches out. The more you engage, the more value you’ll get from the experience.

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Extending Speaking Gigs to Your Team Members

One of the things I’m most proud of at Advantage Marketing is our team. We’ve worked hard to curate a staff of experts who each bring unique skills and perspectives to the table. That’s why we make it a priority to extend speaking opportunities to our team members, not just myself. 

Each member of our team has their own area of expertise, whether it’s social media management, content management, or digital strategy. By encouraging them to speak at events, we’re not only showcasing the depth of talent within our agency–we’re also empowering our team to take ownership of their roles.

For example, while I may offer strategies and insight at a high level, I no longer run social media ads or manage the day-to-day operations of our social campaigns. We have hired team members who are far more knowledgeable and skilled in those areas. By giving them the opportunity to speak publicly, we’re demonstrating to clients and prospects that Advantage Marketing is a team of specialists. It also creates an agency culture of ownership and accountability. We’re encouraging them to take pride in their work and to continually strive for excellence. This not only benefits our clients but also contributes to the overall success of the agency.

Corbin Rivera at Advantage Marketing Team Speaking Event

Image: Corbin Rivera, Social Media Coordinator, and Talon Flynn, Social Media Content Creator at the Create Campaign Forum. They assisted with the Social Media Workshop and shared social media creation tips with local entrepreneurs.

Putting Your Best Foot Forward 

Speaking engagements can be daunting, but they’re also incredibly rewarding. If you’re willing to put in the work to prepare, you can make a significant impact. Remember, it’s okay to feel nervous, but I’ve learned that preparation is key. Practice in front of a mirror or your hard-core fans. Personally, I practice in front of my 14- and 17-year-olds (who are always honest with their feedback). I also run my presentations by my team for their input. 

The more you prepare, the more confident you’ll feel, and the more successful your speaking engagements will be. So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there. Embrace the opportunities that come your way. Then, leverage them to build your agency’s reputation, strengthen your client relationships, and inspire your team. 

In the end, speaking engagements are about more than just sharing your knowledge. They’re about connecting with others, building your brand, and contributing to the growth of your industry. So go ahead, take the leap, and watch your agency make its mark.

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Cori Kohlmeier Advantage Marketing 2024

Written by

Cori Kohlmeier

Cori Kohlmeier has twenty-plus years of experience in the industry, and has successfully built a team of experts dedicated to delivering exceptional marketing solutions. Throughout her career, Cori has overseen numerous successful campaigns that have garnered impressive results for her clients. Her expertise lies in implementing a personalized multi-platform approach, incorporating media buying, digital solutions, and creative elements to create impactful marketing strategies.

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