WooCommerce Reporting
WooCommerce Reporting
Highlight your agency's work with stunning, presentation-ready reports for your clients
WooCommerce Dashboards
Customizable dashboards allow your entire team to monitor WooCommerce data 24/7
Integrate All Stores
Access data for each client's WooCommerce store in one holistic platform
Time-Saving Tools For Agencies
80+ integrations, powerful SEO tools, and unlimited reports, all inside an intuitive white label interface
Unlimited Ecommerce Reporting
Save hours every month by automating your agency's reporting. Use the WooCommerce integration to create stunning ecommerce sales reports for clients in minutes. Automatically add metrics from any other integration, along with notes, images, and custom metrics for true cross-channel WooCommerce reporting.
Highlight key performance metrics from a client’s WooCommerce store without spending hours copying and pasting data from multiple sources.
Explore All Available WooCommerce Metrics
- Average Order
- Count
- Date
- Discounts
- Refunds
- Total Sales
Track Orders, Top Products, Refunds, and Discounts In Seconds
No more digging through the WordPress dashboard, combing through Google Analytics, or hunting for analytics plugins; all of the data you need to report your client’s WooCommerce store success is available, automatically.
Track total sales, customers, average order value, refunds, top products, and top coupons used at a glance. Harness the power of WooCommerce reporting, leverage robust data visualization features to uncover customer insights, and craft clear, concise reports that foster trust and transparency with your clients.
Show Your WooCommerce Value
No need for a WooCommerce plugin or to dig through Google Analytics ecommerce reports to monitor and share your clients’ ecommerce store data. Simply connect the integration to automatically pull WooCommerce analytics into a customizable drag-and-drop interface and build for impressive WooCommerce reports in minutes. Go beyond default WooCommerce reports and add your personal touch.
Track sales, top products, order status, and more. Clearly show how your agency is increasing profits for each client's WooCommerce store. Easily combine WooCommerce store data with Google Analytics, SEO Metrics, and social media data to create a holistic view of your digital marketing efforts. Creating a WooCommerce report has never been this easy or this insightful!
Customizable WooCommerce Dashboards
Integrate each client’s WooCommerce account to see everything in clear and intuitive dashboards. Switch between WooCommerce store accounts in an instant and create your own fully customized dashboards to track the sales of every one of your WooCommerce clients in a single, agency-level dashboard.
Why rely on a WooCommerce reporting plugin when you can create beautiful sales reports and dashboards using a completely customizable tool?
Mobile WooCommerce Updates
Monitor WooCommerce reporting and analytics, website traffic, gross sales, and all other WooCommerce store data, no matter where you are. Clients love having mobile access to their live sales report, and your team reacts to changes as they happen.
Never miss a beat with the intuitive mobile interface that provides access to WooCommerce online store reporting and analytics, anytime and anywhere.
AgencyAnalytics has changed the way that we do client reporting. It saves us time, is insanely convenient, and makes us look good. It’s been a massive win for our business.
Connect the WooCommerce integration in seconds to streamline your client reporting.
More Than Just Ecommerce
Running a WooCommerce store requires more than just analytics plugins. Effortlessly monitor every digital marketing channel in one place, for enhanced ecommerce tracking. Integrate each store's web traffic analytics from Google Analytics, PPC data, social media marketing campaigns, email marketing metrics. Create a complete reporting tool that easily tracks an online store's performance and monitors customer behavior.
Fully White Labeled
Add logos, brand colors, and more reporting features to create a professional WooCommerce reporting suite that positively reflects your agency's brand.
Clients will see your agency's branding on all WooCommerce reports and dashboards. On select plans, automated reports are sent from your agency's email address, and you can even brand your mobile interface!
With full white label capabilities, your agency has everything it needs to call the advanced WooCommerce reporting your own.
Build Client Dashboards & Reports Your Way
With a range of customization options, including dashboard widgets, custom metrics, and a drag-and-drop report builder, you have everything you need to create detailed reports that show off the impact of your agency's marketing expertise.
Create better, faster reports featuring your own branding, and impress clients with a suite of reporting tools with key features designed for marketing agencies.
Set a custom date range to provide detailed analytics on a WooCommerce store's performance in an easy-to-understand and intuitive dashboard. Focus your clients’ attention on key performance indicators, highlight conversion rate improvements, use the product sales report to influence marketing strategies, and much more.
Streamline Your Agency’s WooCommerce Reporting Workflows
Automate your client reporting process in minutes with custom marketing report templates and digital marketing dashboards. Easily gather and communicate key ecommerce analytics and other critical campaign metrics in a professional ecommerce dashboard. Highlight your agency’s value with the metrics and KPIs that impact your clients’ bottom lines.
Automatically send scheduled reports on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual basis. Use the enhanced report approval feature available on select plans to get notified before reports go out so you ensure nothing’s missing, and there are no surprises.
Keep Your Client’s Store On Top of SERPs
A feature-packed SEO toolkit provides daily organic ranking updates, a full backlink analysis, and information on competitors. Show the improvements your agency makes to each client's WordPress website in a dedicated ecommerce dashboard, highlighting SEO wins.
Show Clients You’re Hitting Their eCommerce Goals
Communicate how you’re executing your client’s ecommerce strategy at a glance with the Goals widget. The visual progress bar shows exactly how your efforts are trending against key ecommerce sales targets. Break down sales performance targets into day-to-day action items and keep your team on track. Apply annotations and goals to any metric and show clients exactly how you’re helping them progress toward their net sales growth.
Use custom comments to showcase your expert opinion to help your clients’ online stores succeed.
Client & Staff Management
Provide each client with a unique login to access a real-time digital marketing dashboard at any time. With granular user permissions, you’re in complete control over exactly which metrics each client sees. Even the best WooCommerce reporting plugin can’t give you this level of control!
Save time and scale your agency by streamlining your staff’s workflows. Assign staff members to clients and create one-off or recurring tasks for each campaign. AgencyAnalytics gives you everything you need to put your client dashboards and reporting on autopilot.
Customer Success Is Our Top Priority
AgencyAnalytics is committed to helping ecommerce agencies succeed. Through a dedicated customer support team, get the assistance you need to use your WooCommerce reporting and analytics software and deliver top-notch ecommerce reports to your clients.
Accessible 24/5, the live chat support is renowned for lightning-fast response times, usually less than 3 minutes, which means you're never kept waiting. But speed isn't our only claim to fame–we pride ourselves on the outstanding quality of our service, reflected in our customer satisfaction ratings consistently soaring above 95%.
Flexible Pricing for Growing Agencies
With plans starting at just $59 per month, agencies scale their operations without breaking the bank.
No hidden fees, no caps on the number of reports your agency can create from the 80+ included platform integrations, and get unlimited users and custom dashboards on select plans.
Affordable SEO add-ons allow agencies to consolidate all their reporting into a single, cohesive dashboard. Eliminate the hassle of managing multiple tools and platforms, and simplify your agency’s reporting process. Focus on what you do best—driving results and growing your business—without worrying about disjointed reporting systems or outdated WooCommerce reporting plugins.
Report Smarter, Not Harder
Seamlessly incorporate key performance marketing metrics from over 80 different data sources with your agency’s branding in a professional, white label ecommerce reporting platform. Collects essential analytics from WooCommerce, Google Analytics, Google Ads, LinkedIn, and more, painting a full picture of your clients' WooCommerce store performance.
Tailor your WooCommerce report template or each report template or dashboard to meet your unique requirements. Clone them in seconds to speed up client onboarding and accelerate agency growth. Save time, maximize productivity, and wow clients with your marketing expertise.
Save Time and Money By Automating Your Client Reporting
Creating, generating, and sharing reports has never been easier, and our clients love the fact they can follow our activity and their stats in real time. Everything is simplified, accessible, and beautifully presented.