FeaturesEmbeddable Content

Embeddable Content

Easily embed almost any online content to your dashboards and reports in a few clicks.
A screenshot of embeddable content in AgencyAnalytics
Display Content In Your Dashboards & Reports

Embed Widgets

Embedding simply refers to integrating content online from one location to another. With the use of embed widgets add almost any online content to your dashboards and reports in an iFrame. As long as the platform allows embedded content, you can display it in your AgencyAnalytics dashboards and clients reports. 

A screenshot of embedding custom widgets in dashboards
Showcase Any Type of Data

Provide Instant Access to Key Assets

Not all the content you want to show clients will come in the form of graphs, tables, and metrics. With embeddable widgets, provide clients instant access to key assets they care about. For example, easily embed Google Docs, slideshows, calendars, YouTube Videos, social media posts, and more. Embed widgets allow you to customize the look and feel of your reports while wowing clients in the process.

A screenshot showing examples of embedded third-party services in an AgencyAnalytics dashboard

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