KPI Examples & Definitions
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Click-through Rate, commonly abbreviated as CTR, measures the percentage of clicks received on online advertising or a link relative to the number of times it has been viewed.
Email Bounce Rate
This metric measures the percentage of emails that fail to reach recipients' inboxes due to various factors, such as invalid email addresses or server issues.
Email Click-Through Rate
Email Click-Through Rate measures the percentage of recipients who click on one or more links in an email campaign.
Email Click-to-Open Rate
Email Click-to-Open Rate gauges the relevance and appeal of email content to the audience, offering insights into the success of the overall email marketing efforts.
Email Delivery Rate
Email Delivery Rate is the percentage of sent emails that hit the intended inboxes.
Email Forward Rate
Email Forward Rate measures the shareability and engagement level of email marketing campaigns.
Email Open Rate
Email Open Rate is a crucial digital marketing metric that reveals the percentage of recipients who have opened an email campaign.
Email Subscribers
Email Subscribers refer to the count of individuals who opt in to receive updates or content from a brand.
Email Unsubscribe Rate
Email Unsubscribe Rate is the percentage of recipients who opt out of email communications.
Hard Bounce
A Hard Bounce is an email rejection due to invalid addresses, server issues, or other permanent errors.
List Growth Rate
List Growth Rate is a key metric that tracks the rate at which an email subscription list expands.
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