KPI Examples & Definitions
Click-Through Rate (CTR)
Click-through Rate, commonly abbreviated as CTR, measures the percentage of clicks received on online advertising or a link relative to the number of times it has been viewed.
This metric helps gauge audience engagement and sentiment toward a brand, product, or campaign.
Cost Per Reach
Cost Per Reach refers to the cost of reaching each individual in a target audience during an ad campaign.
Cost Per Thousand (CPM)
Cost Per Thousand (CPM) represents the cost an advertiser pays for 1,000 impressions of an ad.
Cost Per View (CPV)
Cost per View (CPV) measures the cost an advertiser pays for each video view in a video marketing campaign.
Demographics refer to statistical data representing the characteristics of a population, including age, gender, income, education, and location.
Earned Media Value (EMV)
Earned Media Value (EMV) represents the equivalent dollar value of exposure gained through non-paid channels, such as social media mentions, reviews, and organic search results.
Engaged Users
Engaged Users are individuals actively participating on a specific platform, like a website or app.
Engagement Rate
Engagement rate is a measure of how many people interact with specific content.
Followers refer to the number of individuals who have chosen to receive updates and content from specific social media accounts.
Impressions represent the total count of times digital content, such as an ad, web page, or social media post, is displayed on a user's screen.
Likes refer to the number of affirmative or positive votes received on a piece of content across social media platforms.
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