The Best SEO Report Templates for Marketing Agencies

Best SEO Report Templates - Hero Image


SEO report templates streamline how marketing agencies present data, making it easier to track and explain SEO metrics like keyword rankings and website traffic. This guide highlights the best templates for crafting clear, impactful client reports, ensuring agencies clearly demonstrate their value.

Keeping clients informed about their SEO progress is key to building trust and maintaining a strong relationship. That's why having the right SEO report template can make or break a client relationship.

Leaving your clients in the dark, overwhelmed by complex data, or unclear on what your agency has achieved hardly paints a picture of your agency's worth. So, how do you effectively demonstrate the value your team brings to the table?

No matter the size of your marketing agency, the right template makes the data clear, understandable, and actionable. We’ve rounded up the best SEO report templates out there, designed to give your reports that extra edge. These templates help create SEO reports that are packed with the insights clients care about. From tracking target keyword rankings to analyzing website traffic, these templates make life easier and your digital marketing reports more impactful. 

Let’s get started. 

The 10 Best SEO Report Templates 

As an agency that specializes in or offers SEO services, you need a scalable reporting process. Here is a list of the best SEO reporting software solutions currently available.

When selecting a reporting tool, it was paramount for our team at seoplus+ to find a solution that checked multiple boxes. Ease of use was a top priority, as we wanted a tool that could be seamlessly adopted by our team members without significant training or learning curves. Equally important was the ability to generate visually appealing, professional reports that effectively conveyed the results and insights to our clients.

Alexa Rees, SEO Manager, seoplus+

1. AgencyAnalytics SEO Report Template

White Label Technical SEO Report Template Example

The AgencyAnalytics SEO Report Template offers a comprehensive overview of important SEO key performance indicators (KPIs), helping clients understand their website's health and the effectiveness of SEO campaigns. 

Whether your marketing agency needs to report on Local SEO or perhaps pitch a new client with an SEO proposal template, AgencyAnalytics has you covered. With over 80 marketing platforms to integrate with, marketing agencies keep clients informed about SEO performance in the context of their larger marketing campaigns. 

Key Metrics and Features

  • Organic Search Traffic Trends: Use data visualizations to showcase organic search traffic performance over time and highlight growth or decline patterns.

  • Keyword Rankings: Display a website’s keyword rankings for targeted keywords, monitor the progress, and track improvements. Use the data to inform keyword research. 

  • Backlink Profile (New/Lost Backlinks): This section provides an overview of a website's backlink profile, including the number of new and lost backlinks, helping identify opportunities and risks.

  • Site Audit Scores: Incorporate the score from a dedicated SEO site audit tool to assess a website's technical SEO issues and provide insights for improvement.

  • Competitor Analytics (Optional): Compare a website's SEO performance with competitors, offering benchmarks and competitive insights your agency will help a client achieve.

  • Customizable With Client-Specific KPIs: Tailor the report by including client-specific KPIs relevant to their goals.


The AgencyAnalytics SEO Report Template seamlessly integrates with leading SEO reporting tools, including Ahrefs, Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Semrush, and Moz, ensuring accurate and up-to-date SEO data.

Best Suited For

The AgencyAnalytics SEO Report Template is ideal for clients focused on broad SEO performance, including organic traffic growth, search rankings, and overall site health.

AgencyAnalytics offers reports that are simple to understand, that a client with zero SEO knowledge can still see how the work we have done has helped benefit their website.

Guy Hudson, Founder, Bespoke Marketing Plans

2. AgencyAnalytics Local SEO Report Template

Local SEO Report Template Example

The AgencyAnalytics Local SEO Report Template is one of the best tools that marketing agencies use to showcase localized organic search visibility and provide actionable insights. This template is crafted with a local client’s needs in mind, collecting data from key local search engine optimization metrics. Creating local marketing reports simplifies the process of assessing local search strategies and pinpoints opportunities for improvement.

Key Metrics and Features

  • Local Search Rankings (Google Maps): Track a website's rankings within Google Maps results, providing insight into local search performance.

  • Google Business Profile Insights (Impressions, Clicks, etc.): Analyze key metrics from the client's Google Business Profile to showcase visibility and engagement on Google's local platform.

  • Online Reviews and Ratings (positive and negative): Collect and display online reviews and ratings from important platforms to demonstrate the client's online reputation.

  • Citation Tracking: Monitor business listings (citations) across authoritative directories, revealing consistency and accuracy across the web.

  • Competitor Analysis (Optional): Provide local competitor insights to benchmark the client's performance against industry rivals.


The AgencyAnalytics Local SEO Report Template integrates with a range of local SEO and reputation management platforms, including Google Business Profile, Birdeye, BrightLocal, GatherUp,, Synup, Trustpilot, Vendasta, Yelp, and Yext.

Agency Tip: This complete guide to Yelp Ads is another worthwhile SEO strategy to boost a local client’s advertising efforts. These ads appear in key areas that match up with specific search queries from customers–products or services. 

Best Suited For

The AgencyAnalytics Local SEO Report Template saves agencies tons of time on local clients with brick-and-mortar locations. These clients heavily rely on local search visibility for customer acquisition.

We used to have a dedicated PC working 24/7 to create SEO reports. We also had no proper way of creating reports for our smaller customers, as it is not efficient to spend 50% of your time creating campaigns and the other 50% on reporting. Now that we have automated reporting, our smaller customers can also enjoy monthly reports.

Nico de Jong, CEO, Forward Marketing

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Link Building Report Template Example

The AgencyAnalytics Link Building Report Template offers agencies a streamlined solution for measuring the impact of their link-building initiatives. The template includes a ranking section and a backlink summary that provide clients with the full picture of their SEO.

Key Metrics and Features 

  • New and Lost Backlinks: Monitor the growth of a client's backlink profile, detailing recent gains and potential losses.

  • Domain Authority of Referring Sites: Analyze the quality of websites linking to the client, gauging the potential SEO impact.

  • Anchor Text Analysis: Examine the relevant keywords used within backlinks, revealing link context and optimization opportunities.

  • Competitor Backlink Comparison (Optional): Benchmark a client's backlink profile against competitors, offering insights into relative strengths and weaknesses.


The AgencyAnalytics Link Building Report Template integrates with leading backlink analysis tools such as Ahrefs, Majestic SEO, and Moz.

Best Suited For

The AgencyAnalytics Link Building report template is ideal for clients actively investing in link-building campaigns and those seeking insights to optimize their backlink acquisition strategies. 

4. AgencyAnalytics Keyword Rank Tracker

A screenshot of an SEO Ranking report example in AgencyAnalytics

With the AgencyAnalytics Rank Tracker, marketing agencies monitor a client’s specific keyword ranking across Google and other search engines in real time. The platform combines keyword performance with other important SEO metrics like traffic and engagement, providing a full picture of your agency’s SEO strategies. The Rank Tracker report template also highlights high-impact keywords to improve traffic results and conversions and makes keyword suggestions for use in any content marketing initiatives.

Key Metrics and Features

  • Keyword Positions: Track a website's rankings for targeted keywords over time, displaying positive or negative changes.

  • Search Engine Tracking: Based on client needs, the Keyword Rank Tracker provides ranking data for Google, Bing, and other relevant search engines.

  • Local and Global Tracking: Offer location-specific rank tracking for both local and global SEO strategies.


AgencyAnalytics integrates with the best SEO reporting tools, such as Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz, facilitating streamlined keyword data collection for tracking and reporting.

Best Suited For

The Keyword Rank Tracking Report is ideal for clients focused on improving search engine rankings for specific targeted keywords.

5. AgencyAnalytics SEO Proposal Report Template

ppc proposal summary

The AgencyAnalytics SEO Proposal Template provides agencies with a professional framework for crafting winning SEO proposals. Designed for converting prospects into clients, this template leverages insights and data within an SEO report to showcase agency expertise and outline tailored SEO strategies.

Key Metrics and Features 

  • Website's Current SEO Audit Score: Use an SEO website audit to capture current SEO health, highlighting areas for improvement and opportunities for growth.

  • Competitor Analysis: Provide insights into competitors' SEO strategies, outlining strengths and weaknesses to inform a winning proposal.

  • Proposed SEO Solutions: Offer a detailed proposal of SEO services and recommended actions aligned with the client's specific needs.

  • Pricing and Packages: Offer clear and transparent pricing options for clients to easily compare and choose.

  • Customization: Tailor the proposal with client-specific branding, goals, and proposed solutions.


The AgencyAnalytics SEO Proposal Template integrates with a range of SEO tools like Ahrefs, Semrush, and Moz to provide data-driven insights for proposal creation.

Best Suited For

The AgencyAnalytics SEO Proposal Template is ideal for agencies seeking to streamline their proposal process and convert prospects into clients through data-backed SEO insights.

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6. Google Analytics Organic Search Report Template

Google Analytics 4 Organic Search Report Example

The AgencyAnalytics Google Analytics Organic Search Report helps SEO teams get a deeper analysis of organic traffic patterns generated from search engines. By leveraging Google Analytics data, this template offers granular insights into user behavior, giving agencies the information needed to optimize websites for greater organic success.

Key Metrics and Features 

  • Organic Traffic Trends: Visualize organic search traffic patterns over time, segmented by source, device type, and location.

  • Top Landing Pages (Organic Traffic): Identify the pages attracting the most organic traffic, highlighting content performance.

  • Bounce Rates, Pages per Session, and Engagement: Analyze essential user engagement metrics associated with organic traffic, providing insights into user experience.

  • Conversion Tracking: Track goal conversions attributed to organic search, demonstrating the ROI of SEO efforts.


The AgencyAnalytics Google Analytics Organic Search Report Template integrates exclusively with Google Analytics.

Best Suited For

The Google Analytics Organic Search report template is ideal for clients seeking detailed insights into their website's performance driven by organic search, especially those heavily invested in Google Analytics as a data source.

Digital Marketing Dashboard example for agencies

Connect a client’s Google Analytics metrics with over 80 other marketing platforms to visually demonstrate your agency's marketing strategies. Try AgencyAnalytics free for 14 days.

7. Google Search Console Report Template

Google Search Console Smart Report Example

Marketing agencies that create a Google Search Console report template are aiming to keep their clients informed about search traffic sources, keyword performance, and click-through rates. Utilizing Smart Reports from AgencyAnalytics, agencies assemble a comprehensive report in just 11 seconds, streamlining the reporting process and highlighting key SEO insights.

Agency Tip: Before you publish any website content, run it through this SEO checklist to ensure it's optimized for both readers and search engines. This step prevents your agency’s well-crafted, informative content from getting lost in the noise.

Key Metrics and Features 

  • Search Traffic Sources: Track where visitors are coming from to optimize marketing strategies.

  • Keyword Performance: Analyze which keywords are driving traffic and conversions.

  • Click-Through Rates: Measure the effectiveness of search result listings.

  • Website Errors: Identify and resolve errors reported by Google.

  • Page Indexing Status: Monitor how many pages are indexed by Google.

  • Site Performance Trends: Track changes in a website’s performance over time.


The AgencyAnalytics Google Search Console Report Template (via Smart Reports) integrates with over 80+ marketing platforms. Highlight important GSC data within a client’s overarching marketing strategy on channels such as Google Analytics, Ahrefs, and Semrush. 

Best Suited For

Marketing agencies that use a Google Search Console Report Template are looking to automate their reporting process. These reports are generated based on a client’s specific integration and populated with top metrics for that integration. 

One-off monthly reporting tools simply didn't cut it anymore. Our clients wanted to be able to see results for themselves all in one place.

Brooke Lamberti, Director of SEO, RiZen Metrics

8. Bing SEO Audit Report Template

Bing Smart Report Template Example - Webmaster Tools

Agencies use a Bing SEO Audit Report Template to identify keywords driving traffic to a client’s website. Bing Webmaster Tools helps track crawl errors while showing clients exactly which web pages generate the most clicks and impressions and have the highest average position. 

Key Metrics and Features 

  • Blocked by Robots.txt: Track pages blocked from search engine results to ensure valuable content is visible and indexed properly.

  • Clicks: Measure the number of clicks from search results to evaluate the effectiveness of titles and meta descriptions.

  • Code 4xx (User Errors): Identify broken links and missing pages that negatively impact user experience and SEO rankings.

  • Code 5xx (Server Errors): Monitor server errors to quickly resolve issues that affect website availability and performance.

  • DNS Failures: Keep an eye on DNS failures that make a site inaccessible, affecting user experience and search rankings.

  • Impressions: Monitor the number of times a site appears in search results to gauge visibility and how effective SEO strategies are.


Connect a client’s SEO data across Bing, Google, or any other relevant SEO tool to give clients a full picture of their website performance. 

Best Suited For

Marketing agencies benefit from creating a Bing SEO audit report to uncover unique optimization opportunities that differentiate Bing from other search engines. Offering Bing-specific insights has the potential to set an agency apart, attracting new clients interested in expanding their online presence across more search platforms.

An example of the available marketing platform integrations AgencyAnalytics offers to connect your clients' marketing data

Integrate Bing Webmaster tools with over 80+ platforms from your client’s marketing campaigns. Try AgencyAnalytics free for 14 days.

A screenshot of the Backlinks report from the SEO template

Backlinks are important for SEO, but their quality matters more than sheer quantity. A backlink manager lets agencies curate and track the most important links, simplifying reporting and highlighting success.

Instead of a massive list of every link, focus on high-value backlinks from sources like guest posts, authoritative sites, or strategic partnerships. Customizable fields like "Link Type,” "Status,” and "Notes" add valuable context. The backlink manager tells a compelling story about a backlink strategy, emphasizing the quality and strategic importance of the links your agency has obtained. Using Smart Reports, marketing agencies compile backlink data within an auto-generated template in just 11 seconds.

Key Metrics and Features

  • Tracks Important Backlinks: Focus on the backlinks that have the most impact on a client’s SEO strategy.

  • Customizable: Add and categorize links manually, using fields like Link Type, Status, and Notes.

  • Reporting: Provides reporting and graphical analysis of tracked backlinks.

Agency Tip: Agencies track their link-building efforts using the AgencyAnalytics Backlink Manager tool. Give clients access with custom user permissions to check in on the new links your agency has acquired on their behalf. 


Marketing agencies connect key SEO integrations to their backlink monitor reports to automatically pull data from Moz, Google Lighthouse, and Majestic. 

Best Suited For

Adding a backlink summary to a marketing report helps agencies communicate the work they’ve done to build a client’s web presence. Use this report to analyze a link building campaign to determine what strategies were successful. 

Clients gain a granular, clear view of the backlink work done on their behalf. It offers easy-to-understand evidence of the SEO strategy's value and avoids overwhelming them with technical data.

10. AgencyAnalytics Web Analytics Report Template

Web Analytics Report Template Example

Make website data more accessible to your clients with dedicated web analytics report templates that clearly show what marketing activities your agency is doing to drive their success. This template automatically compiles metrics from different data sources, eliminating time and resources that an agency would typically spend reporting manually on platforms like Google Analytics.

Key Metrics and Features 

  • SEO Tools: Include rankings, monitor backlinks, and organic performance within one platform.

  • White Labeling Capabilities: Customize the entire AgencyAnalytics platform and make reports that match brand colors. Upload logos and host a dashboard on a custom domain. 

  • Automated Reports: Stop wasting billable hours by manually creating client reports each month. Automated (and customizable) marketing reports are built in minutes to speed up your agency's data retrieval and reporting workflow.


Integrate all of your SEO clients’ marketing platforms to their web analytics report to provide a holistic view of the work your team is doing. For example, connect Shopify, HubSpot, and Unbounce. 

Best Suited For

Large-scale marketing agencies use the Web Analytics report template from AgencyAnalytics to streamline their client reporting processes. It pulls in data from over 80 marketing platforms for every client with automation features, helping agencies with a large number of clients maximize their reporting efficiencies. 

We primarily rely on Web Analytics, and SEO reports for our clients. It's very difficult to explain the value of a service to a client without visuals. Using the web analytics report and the SEO reports side by side helps us show our clients a correlation between SEO and Traffic. We merge this data with a custom template that tracks conversions, and Stripe data to show traffic growth (from SEO and PPC) does have an impact on their bottom line. 

Ruben Roel, President, Investigator Marketing 

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How Do I Automate SEO Reporting?

Marketing agencies are busy. They don’t have time to sift through data manually or jump from platform to platform to compile data and hope it looks nice in an intuitive report. 

So, how do they automate their SEO reporting? AgencyAnalytics' Smart Reports automatically collects data from a client’s connected integrations (like Ahrefs, SEMrush, Google Analytics, and more) to create a pre-populated report. Then, easily customize the report by adding branding, annotations, or any customized metrics that are most important to your client. This feature provides a fast and flexible way to generate unique SEO reports.

What Should a Good SEO Report Include?

Now that you have a repertoire of report templates with customizable features, you’re probably wondering what should a good SEO report include?

Marketing agencies typically create an SEO report for clients that includes these key sections:

Report summary

Keyword Rankings

Traffic Overview by Channel

Google Search Console

Conversions via Organic Traffic

Backlink Overview

Landing Page Report 

SEO Site Health

Bring it all together in a comprehensive content marketing report template and demonstrate the value your agency brings to your clients across multiple platforms.

Summary and Key Takeaways

Here are a few things to keep in mind while selecting an SEO report template for your clients:

  • What do your clients look for in an SEO report? Do they need local metrics? Or are they more interested in looking at specific keyword ideas or broken links? 

  • What integrations does the report template work with? Will your agency be able to collect data into their marketing report from several different sources? 

  • What is the price point? Is the platform scalable as your agency grows and takes on more clients? 

Reporting on the work your agency has done for a client is just as important as doing the actual work! Although reports are time-consuming to make, they also strengthen relationships while highlighting your skills and expertise. 

Client reporting doesn’t have to be complex, though. Successful SEO reporting starts with a report template and is customized from there. More than 6,500 AgencyAnalytics customers love the SEO tools, drag-and-drop report builder, white label reports, and goals and annotation features to report a client’s SEO data in no time. 

Elevate your agency’s SEO reporting game with deeper insights in a professional client report template and position your agency as an indispensable partner. Start your 14-day free trial.

Streamline Your Client Reporting With Other Platform-Specific Report Templates

Headshot of Richelle Peace

Written by

Richelle Peace

Richelle Peace is a joyful writer with a degree in Journalism. She loves writing web content, blogs, and social media posts. Whatever the topic, she’s fascinated by learning and sharing.

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