SEO Dashboard

Stop struggling to track SEO performance. Gain actionable insights with a customizable SEO reporting dashboard. See key metrics like keyword rank changes and conversions in a clear and easy-to-understand format. A white label SEO dashboard helps your agency showcase your value with data-driven reporting, putting the power to make informed decisions at your fingertips.
SEO Dashboard Template Example

What Is an SEO Dashboard?

An SEO dashboard displays all of the essential key performance indicators of an SEO campaign in a real-time interface. It typically includes metrics such as keyword rank tracking, organic traffic, web conversions, backlinks built, and more. An SEO dashboard gives you all of the data you need to improve your clients performance in organic search and report on the progress.

Why Your Agency Needs an SEO Dashboard

A dedicated search engine optimization (SEO) dashboard for clients helps monitor all the relevant KPIs in a single, comprehensive view. This helps your team easily determine where your campaigns are excelling, where they’re struggling, and how to improve them. This SEO client dashboard automatically tracks keyword rank changes, conversions and link building, among other metrics, so you don’t have to waste time with manual reporting.

SEO is often one of the most confusing aspects of digital marketing for your clients from a technical perspective. There’s a lot of terminology to follow and new concepts to understand, which can all get very complicated to someone who isn’t familiar with digital marketing. This is why it’s so important for you to show your clients what your strategy is doing for their business in a clear and simple way.

To highlight your SEO efforts and show clients a more filtered snapshot of their campaigns, use our SEO report dashboard template.

Easily Track All Your Clients’ SEO Metrics

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11 Sections Included In Our Template

1. Conversions (from SEO)

Measuring the number of conversions your client receives as a direct result of your SEO strategy is one of the most integral parts of measuring success. Simply put, conversions are leads who have completed a campaign’s call to action (CTA), whatever it may be. In other words, conversions are counted when a lead comes to your client’s website from organic search and performs some kind of action, like making a purchase or filling out your contact form.

SEO report dashboard

Your SEO report dashboard displays this as a simple number. By itself, this gives you a general idea of your SEO strategy’s success, but in order to get the big picture, you should compare your goal completions to other metrics on your dashboard. If you aren’t getting a high number of conversions, take a look at other metrics that aren’t performing well to see if you can identify where the problem is.

2. SEO Traffic (AKA Organic Traffic)

One of the main goals of an SEO marketing strategy is to drive more search traffic to your clients’ websites. A good organic strategy makes a website more visible to potential customers, often without those customers feeling like they’re being advertised to. Also called organic traffic, your SEO dashboard shows how many sessions are being initiated from search engines like Google and Bing.

SEO Traffic on Dashboard

3. SEO Ranking Change

In the world of SEO, a website’s keyword rankings are crucial to the campaign’s success. If a client’s website doesn’t rank high, it won’t show up to their customers, and no one will visit the site and you won’t see any conversions. This means you won’t experience the kind of success that your clients are looking for.

SEO Ranking on Dashboard

Our SEO client dashboard measures the change in keyword rankings of your client’s website across the different search engine platforms. This rank change tracker lets you understand the overall trends of your SEO performance. While you’ll always experience ups and downs with this metric, you should aim for a general upward trend. Then, when your client asks where their website ranks, you can clearly tell them without any doubt.

4. Local SEO Ranking Change

While it measures a similar trend, the local SEO ranking change KPI is quite different from the standard organic search engine ranking change. This measures how well the client’s website performs when compared to local competitors in Google Maps and the “3-pack”.

SEO Local Rank Change on Dashboard

Your SEO dashboard integrates with a client’s Google My Business listing and tracks how it compares to the local keywords you’re targeting. If a client is trying to build a bigger local presence, this metric is one you can’t afford to miss.

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Search engines rank authoritative sites higher than others, so part of your SEO strategy should be to make your clients’ websites more authoritative. One way to do this is by getting other websites to link back to their website through things like guest posts or blogging.

New & lost links chart

We display how many new backlinks you’ve gained and how many existing backlinks you lost over a certain period of time. The dashboard uses Majestic, a backlink tracking software, to generate this number for you. If you’re losing a lot of links, consider refreshing your outreach strategy. If you’re getting a lot of new backlinks, but your SEO rank isn’t improving, you’ll have to dig a little deeper to identify the problem so you can resolve it.

Oftentimes, you’ll need to report to your client on the number of backlinks you’ve actively built for your client’s website. This will typically be a part of your actual contract and determine whether or not you get paid for your services.

SEO Links Built on Dashboard

Tracking the number of backlinks you’ve built can give your client an idea of the amount of work you’re putting into their campaign and the amount of success you’re experiencing because of it. This helps build trust with your agency clients.

7. Site Audit Score

Connect your client's Google Lighthouse integration to quickly identify technical on-site errors on your client’s website that may negatively affect the site’s SEO score. Include Lighthouse SEO audit metrics to identify performance, accessibility & SEO roadblocks. Fix them fast & watch client results soar!

google lighthouse dashboard metrics

This tool shows progress over time for you to compare the improvement in the technical aspects of a client’s website against the improvement in conversions and ROI. This helps highlight to your clients the importance of always keeping up with technical website maintenance.

8. Top Landing Pages (SEO)

Of all the parts on a website, the landing pages are perhaps the most important. These are the first points of contact for a potential customer and can make or break your conversion rate.

SEO Landing Pages on Dashboard

The SEO analytics report uses Google Analytics data or Google Webmaster Tools metrics to identify which landing pages are driving the most organic search traffic for your clients. This analytics data helps you determine which landing page strategy is most effective so you can build subsequent pages with the same strategy for maximum effectiveness.

9. Number of Reviews (Google)

The number of rankings a client receives is a quick way to tell how much buzz the business is generating. It’s always a good idea to keep track of new reviews and what customers are saying. If you’re getting a bunch of new reviews out of nowhere, you can correlate that with any changes you’ve made to your overall campaign strategy.

SEO Reviews on Dashboard

The number of reviews a client is getting is also an important factor for local SEO ranking. Generally speaking, the more positive reviews a client is receiving, the higher their website will rank on the local map 3-pack.

10. Average Review Rating (Google)

Tracking the number of reviews gives you a surface-level look at what people are saying about a client’s business. However, the average review rating tells you exactly what customers think. A high rating is the goal here, of course, and if you’re not achieving that, you should have a discussion with your client to improve that score.

SEO average Reviews on Dashboard

As you raise your clients’ average review score, it will lead to more sales and leads. This number shows your clients how their positive adjustments and your SEO efforts directly affect their ROI and success.

11. SEO Goal Tracking

Tracking organic traffic and revenue goals is essential to demonstrate how SEO efforts align with client objectives. By highlighting progress against set goals, you provide clear, measurable results that showcase the value of your work.

Create, monitor, and display clear goals to prove the value your agency delivers to its clients.

Integrated goal tracking also identifies areas for improvement, ensuring continuous optimization of strategies. This transparency builds trust and helps clients understand the impact of your efforts on their business success. Learn more about goal tracking and annotations to elevate your reporting.

Customizable Dashboards to Meet Client Needs

The intuitive drag and drop editor makes it easy to customize the dashboard to meet your client's specific needs.

Customize the SEM report template using the drag-and-drop editor

Want to combine SEO and PPC performance in a single dashboard? That's easy! Have a specific metric from the over 80 marketing platforms that isn't covered in the standard template? Easily add it to create a comprehensive SEO reporting dashboard that wows clients.

Meet all of your client's needs with precision and efficiency.

Streamline Reporting With SEO Dashboards and Focus on What Matters

The importance of a well-designed SEO dashboard to demonstrate the effectiveness of SEO campaigns to clients cannot be understated. By integrating key metrics from Google Analytics, Google Search Console data, and, where relevant, Google Ads, a reporting dashboard shows a clear, concise view of SEO performance.

Example of the SEO KPIs overview section of a report template

A customizable SEO reporting dashboard helps agencies present organic search traffic improvements, keyword rankings, and other key SEO metrics in an easily digestible format. It also tracks historical data, providing a comprehensive picture of how search engine optimization efforts have evolved and succeeded over time. Accessing a Google Analytics account through the dashboard further empowers agencies and their clients with detailed insights into user behavior and website performance.

Bridge the gap between the work done behind the scenes and the tangible results seen by clients with a powerful SEO reporting dashboard. The transparency and accountability that dashboards offer are key to building trust and ensuring a long-term partnership between agencies and their clients.

AgencyAnalytics saves time and money in addition to wowing our clients with professional reports. Instead of spending hours on report preparation, our team is selling more and spending productive time with clients.

Colin Lewis
Colin Lewis / Director of Content
SEO Design Chicago

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Automate Your Client Reporting with an SEO Dashboard

Choose the Metrics to Display

Custom SEO Dashboards

SEO monitoring dashboards are never "one size fits all", which is why our dashboard and reports are 100% customizable. Show the metrics that matter most to you and your clients, customized to your exact needs. Build a new dashboard for each client to monitor data in real-time, and to showcase your SEO achievements.

image of an seo dashboard with easy to grab data for ad hoc reporting
Everything on One Screen

Powerful Dashboard Widgets

Mix, match, and filter different prebuilt widgets to vizualize rankings, backlinks, analytics, site audits, local SEO, and more. Resize, move, and color widgets so your data is always visible. Want to see keyword rank changes next to organic traffic? Done! Add a chart with new and lost backlinks? No problem!

Collection of AgencyAnalytics SEO tools
Access 80 Integrations

Connect to Essential Platform Integrations

Along with comprehensive in-house tools, our 80+ integrations include SEO essentials like Google Analytics, Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, and Google My Business. Real-time data allows you to stay on top of the constantly changing local, national, and international SEO landscape.

A sample of third-party integrations that are on the AgencyAnalytics client reporting software
More Than Just a Single Dashboard

Built For SEO Success

If custom SEO widgets aren't enough, dive even deeper with our feature-packed dedicated SEO dashboards. Understand your rankings, competition, traffic, and on-site issues like never before. Our powerful in-house tools give you the insights you need, all in one place.

Google Analytics Sessions Reporting Widget
White Label SEO Report

Add Your Own Branding

Add your agency's logo and branding to your custom SEO dashboard. You can even host the dashboard on your own domain! Our dashboards and reports are 100% white-labeled, so you can choose to present it as an in-house tool that sets your agency apart.

white labelled google sheets reports and dashboards
Unlimited Client & Staff Users

Give Clients a Custom Login

Many clients want up-to-date SEO data, and they want it on their schedule. But too little or too much data can lead to more work for you. Give clients their own dashboard login, and customize the exact metrics they see. Highlight your achievements, and add personalized notes to really impress them!

Client and Staff User Interface
Accurate SERP Rankings

Daily Search Rankings

Track rankings across all the major search engines including Google, Google Maps, and Bing. Chart campaign-level ranking metrics to help evaluate performance, or see in-depth data for any keyword. Specify an exact location and language for spot on accuracy.

Keyword Rank Tracker Widgets
Access to Majestic Backlink Data

Detailed Backlink Analytics

A key element to SEO success is maintaining a strong backlink profile. With our backlink monitor tool, track backlinks, anchor text and much more. Monitor backlink changes on your custom SEO dashboard, and dive deep into each new and lost link in our dedicated backlinks area.

Semrush Backlinks and Referring Domains Visualization Examples
See Your Most Important Data, Anywhere

Mobile-Friendly SEO Dashboards

The web is mobile, and so are we. Fully interactive mobile SEO dashboards allow you to monitor your data at any time. Quickly switch to mobile-view when building a dashboard to ensure that both your team and your clients can see the data they need, no matter where they are.

mobile friendly rank tracker interface
Always Here to Support Your Agency

Fast, Round-the-Clock Support

With 24/5 live chat support, your questions get answered quickly, ensuring seamless operations. With an average response time under 3 minutes and a satisfaction rate of over 95%, you can be confident you'll get the support you need to impress your clients.

Whenever you need help, our expert team is there to guide you through creating dashboards and reports that showcase your agency's value.

You care about your client’s success. We care about yours.

Best in Class Customer Support
Comprehensive and Efficient SEO Reporting

Save Time with Automated, Multi-Source SEO Dashboards

Unleash the power of one platform for all your SEO reporting needs. Automate the integration of crucial SEO data alongside metrics from over 80 other sources.

Say goodbye to time-consuming manual data entry and consolidate data from Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, Keyword Rank Tracking, and more to provide a holistic view of your clients' search marketing performance.

Create custom SEO dashboards tailored to your client's needs and easily replicate them for streamlined onboarding. Happier clients and a more efficient agency–all within a single, powerful platform.

Smarter Client Reporting Platform

We love using AgencyAnalytics, and of all the SEO tools we invest in, we consider this to be the most important one! When we’re able to clearly show a client their data, we improve client retention.

Jessica Tappana
Jessica Tappana / Owner
Simplified SEO Consulting

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Check Out the Customizable SEO Dashboard