Google Lighthouse Dashboard & Reporting Tool

Uncover hidden website issues with a Google Lighthouse Dashboard. Generate powerful Lighthouse reporting to identify performance, accessibility & SEO roadblocks. Monitor metrics like Speed Index, Largest Contentful Paint, and other key data. Impress your clients with a proactive approach to website and SEO management.
A screenshot of the Google Lighthouse integration on AgencyAnalytics

Perform Audits

Report on website performance, accessibility, and SEO metrics

Prioritize Issues

Identify which issues need addressing at a glance

Power Up SEO

Glean actionable insights for technical SEO

Share Reports

Easily share detailed reports with clients

Technical SEO Fundamentals

Run Comprehensive Website Audits

Spotlight and resolve unseen performance blockers. With a quick scan, pinpoint areas for improvement across SEO, speed, compliance, and accessibility. Elevate your client’s site health to optimal levels, ensuring it excels for visitors and search rankings. Turn diagnostic insights into impactful actions for a stronger online presence.

google lighthouse report metrics
Turn Insights Into Actions

Prioritize Important Issues That Need Addressing

Create an action plan by sorting reports based on performance scores. This direct approach shines a light on the critical areas demanding immediate attention, allowing you to channel your agency’s efforts into fixing low-scoring tests. Transform challenges into opportunities, driving measurable enhancements in performance and user experience without getting sidetracked by reporting tasks.

google lighthouse performance metrics
Reports in Minutes, Not Hours

Professional Technical SEO Reports

Use the Drag and Drop editor to build easy-to-understand SEO reports so that you and your clients glean important information from them, at a glance. Highlight the metrics that matter most and show your clients how their website really performs at a technical level.

Use the customizable Google Lighthouse report template to make recommendations backed by data and set custom goals that highlight how much growth your agency is driving.

Drag-and-Drop Google Lighthouse Report Builder
Embrace Efficiency

Spend More Time Driving Growth, Less Time Creating Reports

By automating reporting tasks, agencies reallocate resources toward strategic planning, campaign development, and client engagement. This shift enhances current client relations and sets the stage for future expansion. Embrace efficiency, precision, and strategic growth with the Google Lighthouse dashboard & reporting integration.

google lighthouse dashboard metrics

AgencyAnalytics presents a significant upgrade to our previous solution. The new reporting is much more powerful and provides detailed and tailored insights to help us make better decisions informed by data.

Bryce MacCabe
Bryce MacCabe / Director of Digital Marketing Services

Connect the Google Lighthouse integration in seconds to streamline your client reporting.

Power Up Your Agency's SEO Game

A Full Suite of SEO Tools

Leverage Google Lighthouse alongside a powerful suite of SEO tools, propelling your clients' online presence to unprecedented heights. Unlock actionable insights to enhance website performance, driving tangible results and surpassing expectations.

google lighthouse metrics
Reinforce Your Agency’s Brand

White-Labeled Client SEO Reports

Send customized reports with your brand on them easily, choosing when to send them so it works best for you and your clients. This makes sharing updates simple and keeps your brand front and center, showing your dedication to keeping clients informed and happy.

An example of custom white label settings in AgencyAnalytics
Flexibility at Your Fingertips

Automated Reporting Made Easy

Never worry about whether you remembered to send that client report! Offer unparalleled reporting convenience through tailor-made schedules and round-the-clock dashboard access. Customize user permissions, create an unlimited number of client login profiles, and keep transparency on the table.

The blend of scheduled reports and anytime access showcases your agency's commitment to top-notch performance. It also ensures clients are in the loop at all times.

An example of marketing report scheduling options from AgencyAnalytics
All Your Client Data in One Platform

Centralize Metrics with 80+ Marketing Integrations

Automatically gather data from more than 80 marketing platforms into one centralized reporting tool. Simplify how you view and manage data, eliminate the need to switch between multiple tools, and boost productivity. With all your client data in one place, quickly gather insights, make informed decisions, and focus on strategies that enhance their success.

A sample of third-party integrations that are on the AgencyAnalytics client reporting software
Streamline Client Onboarding & Reporting

Professional SEO Report Templates

SEO report templates transform hours of work into minutes, streamlining client reporting and onboarding. This rapid turnaround not only impresses clients but also significantly boosts your agency's capacity to scale. By cutting down the time spent on creating reports, your team can allocate more resources to strategy and growth, enhancing service quality and client satisfaction. Embrace these templates for a smarter, faster approach to scaling your agency's operations.

White Label Technical SEO Report Template Example

Access 24/5 Live Customer Support

Our friendly customer support team is here to ensure you maximize platform benefits and get assistance when needed. Investing in AgencyAnalytics means having round-the-clock live chat support five days a week.

Our team has a track record of responding in under 3 minutes, too! Plus, our customer satisfaction ratings consistently exceed 95%. That's because your success is our top priority.

Best in Class Customer Support

Spend Time Crafting Winning Strategies, Not Just Reporting Them.

We love using AgencyAnalytics, and of all the SEO tools we invest in, we consider this to be the most important one! When we’re able to clearly show a client their data, we improve client retention.

Jessica Tappana
Jessica Tappana / Owner
Simplified SEO Consulting

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