How To Create an Instagram Report That Wows Clients

How To Create an Instagram Report for Clients


A professional Instagram report provides detailed insights into account performance, essential for assessing the effectiveness of posts and content strategies on the platform. Understanding the engagement and interactions of people with the content is crucial. This article offers a clear guide on using Instagram Insights reports to measure success and identify growth opportunities, emphasizing the practical application of Instagram’s analytics tools.

A great Instagram report goes beyond simply presenting data to deliver a comprehensive analysis of performance. When clients demand results, an insightful Instagram report is your agency’s proof of efficacy.

As an agency specializing in social media management, collating metrics and data is not enough. It’s important to interpret these metrics and put them in the context of your client’s goals. An effective Instagram report provides a clear narrative, showing how your agency’s strategies have impacted your client’s presence on this prominent social platform.

Picture this: A client eagerly awaits your monthly update, anticipating clear, insightful feedback on their Instagram campaign. It’s your moment to shine, to showcase not just numbers and graphs, but a compelling story of success, challenge, and strategy. Welcome to the world of creating an Instagram report that doesn’t just inform, but truly wows.

This guide will show you how to create Instagram reports that are informative and authoritative. You will learn to craft reports that articulate the success and challenges of Instagram campaigns in a clear, concise manner.

Let’s get started.

Why Your Marketing Agency Needs Instagram Reports

Instagram, with its visually appealing interface and massive user base, is a goldmine of marketing opportunities. However, data is essential to effectively harness these opportunities.

Enter an Instagram analytics report, your compass in the vast sea of social media. These reports provide an overview of account performance, enabling you to measure the success of Instagram posts and content strategy in achieving social media objectives, all thanks to the power of Instagram analytics data and other social media analytics tools.

However, navigating the native Instagram analytics tool, Instagram Insights, comes with challenges. Note that you can filter metrics to focus on specific data points or access benchmarking data to compare your performance against industry standards. These include difficulty in exporting or sharing data, irrelevant metrics, and an incomplete narrative for performance analysis.

This is where integrating Instagram data with other Instagram analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, becomes useful. This integration allows agencies to evaluate the impact of Instagram initiatives on broader marketing strategies and quantify their effect on website traffic and conversion rates.

A screenshot of the Instagram Marketing Dashboard in AgencyAnalytics

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Automated Instagram analytics reports provide consistent, immediate, and shareable information from the Instagram app, along with data from other social platforms, ecommerce platforms, and Google Analytics. This comprehensive set of data helps agencies generate reports that clearly showcase the effectiveness and efficiency of your strategic marketing deliverables.

How Frequently Should You Send Out Instagram Insights Reports?

The frequency of Instagram analytics reports often hinges on the client’s preferences and the agency’s resources. That said, monthly reporting is the most common cadence. Monthly reports balance providing fresh data for prompt decision-making and allowing ample time to gauge the impact of campaigns or partnerships. 

client reporting frequency graph

Based on the AgencyAnalytics 2023 Marketing Agency Benchmarks Report data, most agencies send out client reports every month. 

Monthly reports also enable a clearer assessment of a campaign's long-term effectiveness. However, weekly or quarterly reports should be tailored to suit client needs and resources.

For example, an event management company promoting a high-profile conference or launch through Instagram might find weekly reports more beneficial. They provide real-time insights into how the audience is engaging with event-related content, allowing for quick adjustments in strategy if needed. Weekly reporting helps keep the campaign agile, adapting to immediate feedback and changing audience interests.

On the flip side, a non-profit organization conducting a year-long awareness campaign would likely benefit from quarterly reports. These reports give a bird's-eye view of the campaign’s progress over an extended period.

Essential Features, Insights & Metrics for an Effective Instagram Analytics Report

A comprehensive Instagram report is like a well-cooked meal, where each dish contributes to a satisfying feast. The ‘dishes’ in your report should include:

  • A branded cover page.

  • Report summary.

  • Key metrics such as followers, reach, engagement, profile visits, website clicks, audience demographics, and performance by post type.

These ingredients, when combined, give a full picture of the Instagram account’s performance, enabling you to evaluate your Instagram efforts and guide your content strategy.

Let’s take a look at each of these ‘dishes’ in detail.

Branded Report Cover Page & Report Summary

First impressions matter, and the cover page of your report is your first impression. A visually appealing cover page sets the tone for the report while reflecting your agency’s branding. 

Custom design your Instagram Report cover, section pages, and more!

Maintaining consistency in design and branding is vital for a professional and engaging report. Include compelling visuals consistent with your agency’s brand and a brief introduction to the report’s contents.

The ability to customize the report's cover and subsequent sections plays a significant role in aligning the report with your agency's branding. With AgencyAnalytics, white label capabilities provide the option to change the background color or to upload a unique image that reflects your agency’s visual identity.

Infuse each report with a unique touch, ensuring that the presentation is informative and visually compelling.

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A report summary is like a map, guiding readers through the report’s landscape. It provides an overview of the period’s key challenges, accomplishments, and opportunities. When crafting your summary, focus on key findings that align with your agency’s success narrative.

Instagram Monthly Client Report Summary Example

Omit unnecessary details and focus on insights that highlight the achievements of your client’s Instagram account and content strategy.

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Top Metrics To Include in Instagram Reports

Selecting the right metrics for Instagram reports is key to success, as it shapes the narrative of how effectively a campaign meets its goals. Tailoring these metrics to align with specific campaign objectives ensures that the reports deliver actionable insights, unique to each client's needs.

For instance, an ecommerce brand focusing on sales might prioritize metrics like click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per action. These figures directly tie to their revenue goals. 

On the other hand, a newly launched local restaurant aiming to raise awareness would benefit from metrics like reach, impressions, and engagement rates, which reflect the spread and impact of their message. 

Understanding and choosing the appropriate metrics for each campaign type is key in delivering reports that not only inform but also drive strategic decision-making. 

The following outlines the top metrics most agencies use when creating Instagram reports for their clients. 

Followers & Follower Growth

Tracking follower growth measures the success of your client’s marketing campaigns and content strategies. Audience growth is an indicator of the effectiveness of your agency’s efforts to engage and attract new followers.

Instagram Follower Growth Report Example

By examining how the follower numbers change over a period, it’s easy to calculate the follower growth rate and track the campaign performance.

Reach & Impressions

Reach and impressions provide insights into the visibility and potential impact of your client’s content. Reach measures the percentage of followers who have viewed content, counting unique users. Users can check the status of their reported items to see when action is taken. Impressions count the total views of a post, including multiple views by the same person.

A collage of Instagram engagement metrics

Engagement Rate & Click-Through Rate

Engagement rate and click-through rate gauge the effectiveness of Instagram content and how it resonates with the target audience, with the end goal of driving desired actions.

Instagram Engagement Report Widget Example

Engagement on social media posts involves various actions such as:

  • Likes

  • Comments

  • Saves

  • Shares

Click-through rate (CTR) is pivotal for measuring an ad’s effectiveness in prompting users to complete the desired action, such as visiting a website or purchasing a product.

Profile Visits

Monitoring profile visits helps identify trends and guide adjustments in content strategy. A profile visit is the number of times an individual clicks on a profile and views the content within.

Instagram Profile Visits Report Widget Example

These insights assist in determining the conversion rate from profile visitors to followers and utilize Instagram insights to better comprehend follower trends and content performance.

Website Clicks, Message Clicks, and Calls

Website clicks, message clicks, and calls indicate the success of Instagram content in driving traffic and conversions. These actions serve as calls to action that directly contribute to online conversions.

Instagram Interactions Report Example

By classifying the traffic from Instagram using UTM parameters, you gather in-depth analytics regarding which content is generating website clicks and impacting overall traffic and conversions.

Audience Demographics (Age, Gender, Location)

Understanding your client’s audience demographics helps tailor content and targeting strategies for better results. 

Instagram Demographic Report Example

Instagram offers demographic insights about the audience reached, such as:

  • Top cities

  • Top countries

  • Primary age groups

  • Gender distribution

Access this information through your client’s profile by clicking the Insights action button, or view these details in the AgencyAnalytics Instagram report template. 

Performance by Instagram Posts, Reels, and Stories (Likes and Comments)

Analyzing the performance of posts, reels helps identify content preferences and optimize content strategy.  

AgencyAnalytics Instagram dashboard showing posts and analytics.

Instagram Insights provides detailed performance data for individual posts and Instagram stories, helping identify trends and inform content strategy.

Instagram Insights Report Example

Easily access Instagram Insights through a Business or Creator account. Instagram performance metrics provide valuable data on an account’s performance. If your client does not have a Creator or Business account, navigate to the profile in question and select the options in the Settings and Privacy section. 

Instagram Feed Report Example

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Using AgencyAnalytics To Streamline Instagram Reporting

AgencyAnalytics acts as a magic wand for Instagram reporting by simplifying and automating the process. It offers a range of features designed to streamline the reporting process through automation and customization, ultimately saving time and ensuring that the Instagram analytics report aligns with the agency’s branding.

Share your reports via email, a shared link, or a custom Instagram dashboard for easy access and collaboration.

Instagram dashboard template example

A custom dashboard streamlines reporting for stakeholders or team members and offers customizable report features for more convenient analysis and comparison of results.

Creating a Customized Instagram Report Template

Creating a customized Instagram report template conserves time and permits effortless customization to accommodate each client’s distinct needs.

A screenshot of the Instagram Marketing Dashboard

It should also offer customization based on the report’s objectives and deliver a comprehensive breakdown of performance metrics. A well-structured Instagram analytics report with consistent design and branding significantly improves client engagement.

With readability in mind, choose colors and fonts that enhance the report’s legibility and comprehension. Present specific data-driven recommendations, such as suggesting an increase in posting carousels to raise followers, supported by insights accessible through Instagram Insights on mobile.

Optimizing Instagram reports requires maintaining a consistent metrics record, analyzing data, and extracting insights to guide marketing strategy modifications. Regular monitoring allows you to recognize trends and patterns in data, enabling informed decisions regarding your Instagram marketing strategy.

Analyzing the data in a monthly Instagram analytics report helps facilitate timely adjustments and enhancements to a client’s Instagram marketing strategies.

How To Set Up an Instagram Reporting Integration

To begin, ensure you are not signed into another Instagram account on your current browser. To confirm this, go to and log out there. Remember that closing the Instagram window or tab does not guarantee you are logged out of the account.

Instagram has two requirements before you can access your client’s data:

  • The Instagram account must be set up as a professional account. This can be done by following these instructions

  • The Instagram account must be linked to a Facebook page. This can be done by following these instructions.

After confirming these prerequisites, go to the specific campaign within the AgencyAnalytics client reporting platform for which you want to enable Instagram integration. From there, select "Integrations" located in the menu on the left-hand side of your screen.

Connecting Instagram integration example

Click on Instagram in the list of available integrations. ​

Finding Instagram integration example

Then click Connect Account.

Connecting Instagram account example

A prompt will appear, asking you to sign in to Facebook. Use the Facebook login details that are associated with the Instagram account for this step.

Facebook login prompt example

Following this, you will have the option to select the specific Instagram account you wish to link with your campaign.

Choosing Instagram account to connect

Why Agencies Should Provide Regular Social Media Reports To Their Clients

Providing regular social media reports is like serving a routine health check-up for your client’s social strategy. 

A screenshot of the Social Media Marketing Dashboard with highlighted engagement metrics

It showcases your agency’s value by offering insights on:

  • The best times for follower activity.

  • ROI for Instagram ads.

  • Performance metrics such as engagement rates, follower growth, website traffic, and conversions.

Frequent reports also boost communication by offering data visualizations, personalized insights, and a transparent record of activities.

Instagram analytics reports are a powerful tool for any marketing agency. They provide a comprehensive overview of an Instagram account’s performance, helping to identify trends, measure success, and guide marketing strategies. With regular reports, you demonstrate your value to clients, keep them informed, and drive continuous improvement in their Instagram marketing strategies.

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Key Takeaways

  • Instagram analytics reports are essential for evaluating marketing strategies, but the native tool–Insights–has limitations, prompting the need for integration with other analytics tools like Google Analytics.

  • The reports should include a variety of metrics such as follower growth, reach, engagement, website clicks, audience demographics, and performance by post type, providing a comprehensive overview of Instagram account performance.

  • Optimal Instagram reporting involves using tools like AgencyAnalytics for automation and creating visually appealing, customized reports with actionable insights that align with client goals and facilitate strategic decision-making.

Paul Stainton

Written by

Paul Stainton

Paul Stainton is a digital marketing leader with extensive experience creating brand value through digital transformation, eCommerce strategies, brand strategy, and go-to-market execution.

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