Social Media Report Template

Make social media reporting easier and retain clients with a professional white label social media report template. Easily gather social media metrics to show clients trends in audience demographics, follower growth, website traffic, and more in a white labeled social media report.
Example of the AgencyAnalytics Social Media report template

Why Your Agency Needs a All-in-One Social Media Report Template

Social media is a major source of growth for your client’s business, if managed properly. Agencies that consistently deliver on their promises and increase their clients’ online presence are those that continuously track changes in social media performance and engagement metrics, especially in relation to specific social media campaigns.

Although the built-in analytics tools available on each platform are handy for campaign optimization, gathering and presenting data from multiple social media platforms in a cohesive social media report is time consuming.

With the AgencyAnalytics social media reporting tool, including this customizable social media report template, agencies like yours know exactly what’s going on with each of your client’s social accounts at any point in time. This powerful analytics tool also makes it easy to communicate your client’s social media performance in a way that’s easy to understand and interpret, regardless of their level of expertise.

Share your social media reports with your clients to demonstrate the ins and outs of their social media metrics for them while backing up the strategic choices your agency makes with data. Presenting your clients’ marketing metrics in a concise and understandable manner builds transparency and trust, leading to greater client retention and less churn.

With AgencyAnalytics, easily set up real-time social media dashboards to accompany your periodic social media reports so your marketing team–and clients– keep a finger on the pulse of social media performance.

Create Professional Social Media Reports in Minutes

Start Your Free Trial Today!

8 Key Sections Included in Your Custom Social Media Report Template

1. Cover Page

A Social Media report template is a multifaceted document, and its cover page and sections should set the stage for the in-depth analysis within. The social media report cover and section design customization feature offers the flexibility to choose a background color or upload custom images that suit your agency’s brand.

With easy ways to adjust title and image widgets, the branding elements are seamlessly integrated into the entire report. These social media report templates are easily customized, no matter what type of social media report your agency needs, including cross-channel analytics reports, Facebook analytics reports, YouTube reports, and monthly social media reports.

Social Media Report Cover Page Example

When you identify a design that captures your agency’s essence, save it as a template. This action maintains a cohesive brand presentation and streamlines the social media report creation process for future projects.

The cover page isn’t merely a visual element; it serves as an important introduction to the in-depth metrics and analysis inside. And a well-designed social media report template, from cover to end, enhances your agency’s credibility, reinforcing the quality of the insights within. It serves as a direct reflection of your agency’s expertise, impacting how clients perceive the value you deliver.

2. Monthly Social Media Report Summary

An important aspect of running any kind of social media or marketing campaign is keeping your clients informed on the progress and results on social networks in a way that’s easy to digest with a monthly report. The Report Summary section of the social media report template gives you the opportunity to inform your clients in plain English exactly what happened over the last month and whether or not you’re on track to meet their business goals.

Example of using the report summary to recap social media performance in a monthly report

Also, use the Social Media Report Summary to discuss new marketing strategies that you plan to implement in the coming period. Was there anything that just didn’t work this month that you want to change next month? This is a great place to discuss your objectives and key results (OKRs) that will help grow their social media presence.

The same principles apply if you are creating weekly or quarterly reports for clients.

3. Google Analytics - Social Breakdown

Following the Social Media Report Summary, the Google Analytics - Social Breakdown section provides essential digital marketing metrics that highlight the social media efforts that drive real business results as opposed to top of funnel metrics like followers and likes.

A screenshot of Google Analytics data in the social media report

First, you’ll see the number of web sessions coming from social displayed in a line graph that tracks total traffic over time. To the right you’ll find a bar graph that displays how many sessions are coming from each individual social media account. In addition to total Sessions, the social media report displays the average number of pages customers visit per session.

This section also differentiates between repeat visits and new sessions so you can see if you’re attracting new customers with your social media marketing strategy. Like the number of web sessions, the Social Breakdown section displays the total number of conversions, or Goal Completions, generated from social media.

Below, the table highlights four crucial metrics that provide deeper insights into user engagement, conversion rates, and overall campaign performance:



Example Use Case


Engagement Rate



Example Use Case

Evaluate the impact of content strategies.


Conversion Rate



Example Use Case

Assess the effectiveness of social campaigns in generating leads or sales.


New Users



Example Use Case

Monitor the growth of the audience via social platforms.


Average Session Duration



Example Use Case

Gauge content engagement and interest levels.

Including these key performance indicators in a social media report template help the agency - and their clients - understand and optimize social media strategies by providing a clear view of user behavior and interaction patterns.

Use these social media analytics to show your client which social media channels are driving results for their business, and which platforms represent an opportunity for growth.

4. Facebook

Next up, the social media analytics report template includes a section dedicated to Facebook, including Facebook Insights and Facebook Posts. This provides insights into the overall performance of your Facebook marketing initiatives, as well as a breakdown of your individual posts.

Facebook Insights from the Social Media Reporting Template

The Facebook Insights page focuses on your clients’ follower growth and activity on their business pages. To start, you’ll see the total number of Likes on a page, along differentiating between paid and organic Likes. You’ll also see a graph that displays the change in audience growth over the past month, which is a direct reflection of the growth in brand awareness across this powerful social network.

The Insights section also displays audience demographics data of your clients’ followers on Facebook. You’ll be able to see data relating to gender, age and geographic information. This information keeps you informed about your clients’ audiences and whether or not you’re reaching the intended target demographics.

An example of the Facebook post data in a monthly social media report

The Facebook Posts section of the social media report template provides your agency with an overview of each of your clients’ individual social media posts performance and engagement. The page displays a full list of the Facebook posts you’ve made, along with the total reach and number of Likes, Shares, Clicks or other reactions followers have left.

This section helps you and your clients understand which types of posts are resonating with their target audience at a glance, providing key insights that helps your agency create an informed content strategy in subsequent months.

For example, to understand user engagement, conversion rates, and overall campaign performance, consider including the following four key metrics in your agency’s social media report:



Example Use Case


Post Reach



Example Use Case

Measure how many people have seen a post to evaluate content reach and exposure.


Engagement (Likes, Comments, Shares)



Example Use Case

Analyze user interaction to refine content and increase engagement.


Click-Through Rate (CTR)



Example Use Case

Track the effectiveness of calls-to-action and ad creatives in driving user responses.


Video Views



Example Use Case

Assess the engagement and appeal of video content within your audience.

Use AgencyAnalytics’ dedicated Facebook report template to get all your clients’ Facebook reports set up and automated in a few clicks.

5. TikTok

AgencyAnalytics makes it faster and easier to gather and present insights into your client’s TikTok presence. Social media marketers can utilize templates for tracking and reporting on key social media metrics, ensuring that various aspects of social media performance are monitored and aligned with broader company initiatives.

If your clients are on TikTok, simply add metrics like follower growth and engagement (Likes, Comments, Shares, Views) to create a custom social media report or dashboard that helps gauge audience reception.

Example of TikTok Data in a Social Media Report Template

If you’re leveraging TikTok Ads for a client, provide a dedicated section in your agency’s social media report template to analyze these campaigns to showcase relevant KPIs and measure campaign effectiveness.

TikTok Ads Analytics Reporting

By analyzing this data, you are better equipped to optimize your client’s TikTok marketing strategy and maximize return on investment.

With TikTok, agencies should concentrate on metrics that offer insights into content reach, engagement, and audience growth. For example, the following outlines some critical metrics from TikTok, their importance to social media marketing, and how they can be utilized effectively.



Example Use Case


Video Views



Example Use Case

Monitor the popularity and reach of specific content to gauge audience interest.


Follower Growth



Example Use Case

Track the rate of new followers to assess brand popularity and campaign effectiveness.


Engagement Rate (Likes, Comments, Shares)



Example Use Case

Analyze how users interact with content to refine marketing strategies and enhance engagement.


Watch Time



Example Use Case

Evaluate the total time spent by users watching videos to measure content stickiness and interest.

Each metric added to a social media report template should be essential for showcasing how well content resonates with users and drives tangible growth and engagement.

6. Instagram

The next section is dedicated to Instagram and provides analytics into the overall account as well as individual post performance. To start, you’ll see a section for Instagram Insights, which displays metrics for the overall account including the number of total followers and follow growth over time. Below that you’ll find line graphs displaying the number of Likes, Comments, and Posts over time.

An example of the Instagram insights report in AgencyAnalytics social media monthly report template

Below the Insights section, you’ll find a page dedicated to individual Instagram posts, along with the number of Likes and Comments each post has received throughout the month.

Just as with Facebook, if you’re running ads on Instagram, this part displays all relevant KPIs for a particular campaign. Much like demographics data, you can use this information to re-adjust your social media strategy as necessary to maximize your client's ROI by analyzing the performance of social media campaigns.

An example of the Instagram post metrics report in a social media monthly report

For Instagram marketing efforts, monitoring the right metrics is essential to understand audience interaction and campaign effectiveness. For example, include the key Instagram metrics that align to the client’s end goals, such as:



Example Use Case


Follower Growth



Example Use Case

Track changes in follower numbers to evaluate brand appeal and audience growth.





Example Use Case

Measure the total number of unique users who see your posts to assess exposure and influence.





Example Use Case

Determine how often your posts are viewed to gauge content visibility and frequency of exposure.


Engagement Rate (Likes, Comments, Shares, Saves)



Example Use Case

Examine user interactions to optimize content and increase engagement across posts.

This table pinpoints the metrics that are most useful for agencies handling Instagram marketing campaigns. Each metric in a social media report provides vital insights into different aspects of content performance and audience behavior, crucial for refining strategies and enhancing overall engagement on the platform.

7. LinkedIn

A social media report template must include analytics for LinkedIn, particularly if a client is focused on B2B marketing. Tracking metrics across different social media platforms is essential for comprehensive reporting.

First, the Insights page presents the total number of followers and whether they’re organic or paid. Tracking the change in followers over time with the bar graph is an easy way to identify if your LinkedIn strategy is resonating with the audience or if it needs improvement.

An example of the LinkedIn Insights data on a social media reporting template

Just like the other post sections in this social media report, the LinkedIn Posts section displays a list of each post you made during the month, along with the number of Comments and Likes your clients are getting.

LinkedIn Post Performance Report Example

For LinkedIn, distinguishing between organic and paid metrics is key to creating a comprehensive understanding of both the organic audience growth and the impact of paid campaigns. For example, here are some key LinkedIn metrics that agencies should focus on within client reports:



Example Use Case


Organic vs Paid New Followers



Example Use Case

Differentiate natural growth from campaign-driven increases to tailor future strategies.





Example Use Case

Measure the total number of times your content is displayed to evaluate visibility and reach.





Example Use Case

Track user clicks to assess interest and the effectiveness of calls-to-action.


Social Actions (Likes, Comments, Shares)



Example Use Case

Analyze engagement to enhance content interaction and foster community growth.

Automatically pull data to monitor these metrics and develop a clear understanding of how different types of content perform and how audiences are engaging with the brand on LinkedIn and LinkedIn Ads.

8. X (Twitter)

This comprehensive social media report also includes a dedicated X (formerly Twitter) section that provides Twitter analytics and growth insights for each account as a whole, as well as individual post analytics.

An example of the Twitter Insights data report

Quickly and easily build X reports in just a few minutes by leveraging AgencyAnalytics’ integration with Google Sheets to automatically integrate X success metrics into your client’s social media reporting templates.

Showcase the total number of X followers in your periodic social media report, including a bar graph that displays the change in follower count over the past month. The X Insights section also displays the total number of Likes, Retweets and Tweets for the overall account.

Below that, you’ll find a section for audience demographics, including language, gender and geographic location. If you’re targeting a specific location or demographic, use this section to see if you’re on the right track or if your strategy needs refining.

An example of the Twitter post data report

The X Posts page displays a full list of each Tweet during the past month, including the text and image. This section is especially useful if your agency has a client agreement to provide a certain number of Tweets per month. It also provides an overview of the type of content that resonates with your clients’ target audience and what can be improved next month by analyzing the performance and engagement of social media posts.

Tracking X metrics to help evaluate how content resonates with users and grows a brand’s presence. For example, some of the most commonly reported X metrics include:



Example Use Case





Example Use Case

Assess the immediate appeal and approval of posts.





Example Use Case

Gauge content's reach and its virality potential.


Follower Growth



Example Use Case

Monitor brand popularity and audience expansion.


Feed Activity



Example Use Case

Evaluate overall engagement to refine content strategy and posting schedules.

Each metric offers insights into different facets of X performance, critical when optimizing social media strategies to maximize content impact.

Customize the Social Media Report Template to Meet Client Needs

Go beyond the ordinary and create reports that perfectly align with each client’s unique goals. The social media report template is only the foundation–easily tailor it with just a few clicks, using the social media reporting tool.

Example of the Drag-and-Drop Social Media Report Builder

Seamlessly pull in data from any of the 80+ integrations, including different social platforms, such as, Pinterest, TikTok Ads, Vimeo, YouTube, and more! Whether your client is focused on video performance, niche social engagement, or cross-platform analysis for each social media channel, you deliver the insights they need.

Streamlining Reporting with Customizable Social Media Report Templates

A tailored social media report template quickly improves the way agencies handle client reporting. The easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor reduces reporting time by up to 80% on monthly reporting compared to manual methods like Excel or Google Sheets. Automated data collection makes the reporting process more efficient and reduces the likelihood of human errors.

drag-and-drop report builder example

Create monthly reports and analyze data across multiple platforms, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Discover the All-in-One Reporting Tool Trusted by 6,500+ Marketing Agencies

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As your agency continues to grow its clientele, the time it takes to collect, aggregate, and report on each client’s social media KPIs and metrics each month quickly adds up. Social media marketers can benefit greatly from automating the reporting process, freeing up time for analysis and strategy.

Free up your social media teams to concentrate on analyzing data and refining strategies rather than on manual data management.

Creating your own social media report template, based on the unique needs of your clients, saves time by automatically pulling data from each platform, displaying the key data in a way that’s easy to digest. And by automating the process of sending periodic reports to clients, your agency scales its operations.

Putting an automated social media reporting system in place streamlines your agency’s entire social media analytics and reporting process. It instantly shows your social media marketing team and your clients everything that’s taking place on each channel in real time.

This not only saves your agency countless hours each month, but demonstrates the value of your agency’s social media services to clients by clearly displaying exactly how much traffic, conversions, and revenue you’re driving to their bottom line from your social media marketing efforts.

Automate Your Social Media Reporting. Focus on What Matters.

Stop wasting valuable hours wrangling spreadsheets and manually compiling social media data. A robust social media reporting platform automates the entire process, freeing you from tedious tasks and empowering you to focus on what truly drives results.

Imagine having a beautifully designed, insightful social media report delivered directly to clients with a single click. Instead of scrambling to pull numbers, you’ll be analyzing trends, uncovering growth opportunities, and crafting strategic recommendations that propel your clients’ (and your agency’s) success.

By consolidating all of our tools into dashboards, we have saved so much time and money—it’s truly been invaluable.

Jason Hylan
Jason Hylan

Spend More Time on Strategy, Less Time on Client Reporting

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Social Media Reports as Unique as Your Agency


Instantly Access All Your Clients’ Social Media Data

Switching between multiple social media platforms is a pain. Not with AgencyAnalytics! Access all your clients’ social media channels from one streamlined platform: Create reports that paint a complete picture of your social media team's performance by connecting Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat Ads, YouTube, and many more. Managing your client’s social media metrics has never been easier.

Go deeper by adding data from over 80 automatic platform integrations to include analytics and insights from PPC campaigns, social media ads, email marketing, SEO, and so much more.

All your clients data in one place

Create Social Media Reports in Minutes–Not Hours


No more screenshots and Excel spreadsheets! All your client’s real-time social media data is right here waiting for you. With an easy-to-use, automated client reporting platform built for marketing agencies, focus your time on creating social media content that moves the needle.


With dozens of report templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop report builder, set up your client reports in no time, with thumbnails of their latest posts and all! A social media report template leaves you more time for your social media team to optimize client campaigns, scale your agency, and focus on building relationships with your clients.

Custom Marketing Report Builder

White Label Your Social Media Reports


Match your agency’s brand to your professional reports with fully white-labeled dashboards and reports. Just upload your agency logo, use your brand’s color palette, and you’re set! A comprehensive set of white labeled tools helps your agency stand above the competition.


On the Agency plan and higher, create multiple white label profiles for different client-facing brands, including different logos & color schemes. Even host your marketing dashboards on a custom domain and send reports from your email address for a complete white-labeled experience.

white labelled google sheets reports and dashboards

Put Your Social Media Reporting on Autopilot

As social media marketers, you need to spend more time crafting social media posts and executing exceptional social media campaigns and less time creating social media reports.

Use your customizable social media dashboard as a starting point to effortlessly pull in key metrics, then build and schedule automated marketing reports in minutes. The visual-first format turns complex social media metrics into an easy-to-understand presentation your social media clients will appreciate.

On Agency plans and above, pair your report scheduling with the report approval feature for the best of both worlds: streamline your agency’s efficiency while providing clients with a personalized experience. You’ll get notified before your scheduled reports go out to add extra insights to your automated reports and ensure there are no surprises.

A screenshot of the AgencyAnalytics report scheduling interface

The reports we send to clients look a lot cleaner and professional as we’re able to white label them. We always know the data and charts are up-to-date and that each report is visually appealing and straight to the point.

Kevin Szypula
Kevin Szypula
Ferocious Media

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Check out the Customizable Social Media Report Template