How To Run TikTok Ads for Agency Clients

A guide to tiktok ads for agencies


TikTok Ads, a dynamic paid advertising option on TikTok, offers businesses a unique opportunity to engage with a large audience through captivating, short-form videos. This article serves as a comprehensive guide on setting up and managing TikTok ads effectively, highlighting their rising popularity and superior engagement rates.

Ah, TikTok. 

For many of us, it’s a fun scrolling pastime that’s never short of entertainment or lighthearted moments. For clients, though, it’s much more.

A TikTok ad campaign is an opportunity to reach target audiences in an engaging way. From personable tutorials to conversion-oriented campaigns, TikTok advertising puts client videos up front and center, providing a ripe opportunity for brand visibility. 

Video advertising is the best medium to show off a brand's personality and the benefits of a product or service. Need to showcase a cool factor? Video. Have some thought leadership to drop? Video. A happy customer has some kind words to share? Video. It grabs the attention of your easily distracted target audience like no static graphic can.

Paul Echols, Creative Director + Agency Owner, Square 205

It isn’t about throwing together a random TikTok ad campaign or jumping on the newest trend, though. Your agency must have the right approach–otherwise, you’ll create TikTok ads that are probably fun to look at but don’t drive any real results.

In this article, we’ll explore how TikTok Ads work, along with various ad formats and best practices. That way, you’ll be equipped to steer your clients to TikTok Ads success. 

The State of TikTok in 2024

To better understand TikTok's current position in the market, here are some recent developments worth noting.

Used by Over 1B+ Users, Primarily Gen Z and Millennials

TikTok shows no sign of slowing down, considering its growing user base. In fact, the platform has 1.7 billion users worldwide, with 150 million users in the US alone.

Unsurprisingly, TikTok is most frequently used by the 18- 24 age group, closely followed by the 25 - 34 age group (i.e., a mix of Gen Z and Millennials). 

This means that TikTok is one of the most effective social media platforms to reach these demographics and create messaging that resonates. 

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High Engagement Rates on TikTok Videos vs. Instagram Reels

Racking up views is one thing. What if you want users to engage or take action? Consider using TikTok video ads, especially because they’ve achieved higher engagement levels than Instagram Reels in the US.

US average engagement rate for Instagram Reels vs. TikTok, by number of followers, 2023


Improved Attribution Tracking

Here’s a common dilemma when it comes to social media–showing how those efforts contribute to tangible outcomes (such as conversion-oriented actions).

For example, say a user views your client’s TikTok ad. Later on, they visited the website directly and completed an online sale. As an agency, you’ll want to demonstrate that your efforts yield results, which is why installing a TikTok pixel is so important. 

Essentially, it’s a snippet of code embedded directly into your client’s website, which helps to track behavior and retarget potential customers. Coupled with TikTok’s first-party Attribution Analytics, it’s a powerful strategy to monitor the customer journey and help clients meet their goals. 

Google Analytics 4 KPI Dashboard Example

Bridge the gap between TikTok Ads and website conversions. Use the Google Analytics 4 dashboard to show traffic from paid social efforts–try AgencyAnalytics, free for 14 days.

According to TikTok’s What’s Next 2024 Trend Report, brands should take calculated risks and showcase authenticity as much as possible. This sentiment is encapsulated by a simple catchline–“Creative Bravery.”

In 2024, we're going to see the TikTok community build on creative bravery in ways we've never seen before. Fueled by a blend of curiosity, imagination, vulnerability, and courage, this will be infused into our daily lives.

Sofia Hernandez, Global Head of Business Marketing for TikTok 

More specifically, your clients should focus on these three outlined themes: Curiosity Peaked, Storytelling Unhinged, and Bridging The Trust Gap.

How to be braver in your creativity on TikTok.

Here’s a more specific breakdown of each principle: 

  • Curiosity Peaked. Find your client’s unique value proposition and uncover any brand features that will capture user attention (e.g., an overlooked product characteristic). Find inspiration by thinking back to which videos caught your attention and why. Then, apply these findings to content creation.

  • Storytelling Unhinged. Leverage the power of narratives and explore any new angles. Drive engagement by encouraging viewers to take action (e.g., stitching videos or commenting). Leverage storytelling to foster community, especially since TikTok is often used to connect through emotional experiences.

  • Bridging The Trust Gap. Instead of focusing on a single conversion, build a consistent brand presence and trust over time. Be sure to infuse commonly-used TikTok terms where appropriate (e.g., “Delulu”) to engage your client’s audience. Also, clearly define the areas your client wants to establish authority in, which refines their social media marketing strategy. 

How Much Do TikTok Ads Cost?

At the overall campaign level, your client must spend a daily minimum of $50. Alternatively, you’ll have the option to assign a daily ad spend per ad group, which must be a minimum of $20. 

So, what’s the difference between the two? 

For any given campaign, your client may have one or more ad groups. Assigning a campaign-level daily spend means your client’s budget will be distributed automatically across ad groups. It also means that some ad groups may receive more spend than others (depending on the algorithm). 

Alternatively, setting a daily spend per ad group gives you more control instead of relying on the system for allocation. This option may be preferred if your client needs ad visibility for specific ad groups.

To ensure your client’s ads don’t cross a specific amount, set a lifetime budget for a designated period. However, note that this may result in spend fluctuations or limited visibility if your client’s budget isn’t high enough. 

Additionally, choose from the following bidding strategies:

  • Cost Cap. Use this option to set the maximum cost your client is willing to pay for a specific outcome, such as a Click or Conversion. This strategy aims to keep the Cost per Acquisition (CPA) or Cost per Click (CPC) under a certain threshold.

  • Maximum Delivery. This bidding strategy is designed to maximize the efficiency of your client's budget. It aims to achieve the highest number of conversions or actions possible. Therefore, there may be fluctuating costs per action or a shorter delivery period (if their budget runs out).

7 Tips for Creating Effective TikTok Ads

Advertising on TikTok is more than just video creation. Here are a few best practices to follow to get the most from video ads. 

Tip #1: Have Well-Defined Campaign Objectives

Before you hit the ground running, be sure to define your client’s goals. 

Goals provide a clear direction and purpose for the marketing efforts. They help us and our clients align our activities towards a specific outcome, ensuring that everyone is working towards the same objective.

Anatoly Zadorozhnyy, SEO Manager,

For example, do they want to drive awareness for their latest products? Perhaps they’re a well-known brand that has aggressive sales targets to meet. Here’s how to get started. 




Choose the right campaign objective


Decide what your client wants to achieve (e.g., more video views, driving website traffic). This step is especially important for choosing the best option during the ad creation process. 


Define your client’s audience


Use these details to target the right audience. This includes demographics, interests, user behaviors, or even existing content engagement. 


Set an ad budget


Propose a realistic budget and bidding strategy based on your client’s goals. Be sure to consider the previously outlined costs for best results. 


Create content and establish a schedule


Create content that will resonate with your client’s audience (which we’ll cover in the following points). Decide on a schedule and how long your client’s ads will run. After they’re created, use a real-time TikTok dashboard to monitor results. 

Tip #2: Don’t Make Ads–Make TikToks

While TikTok has evolved over the years, they’ve emphasized one thing–create content that entertains. Whether it’s stitching videos or using filters, there is no shortage of features to keep things interesting.  

Having fun pays off, too. 74% of TikTok viewers have claimed that ads have kept their attention when they’re creative and eye-catching. 

To ensure your client’s TikTok Ads achieve their full potential, be sure to:  

  • Focus on relevant trends and hashtags (e.g., #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt). This will keep your client’s content fresh while demonstrating an active brand presence. Your discretion is important here–not every trend is on-brand or worth jumping on.

  • Maintain authenticity. The best marketing is emotional, so don’t be afraid to show content that’s relatable, funny, or shows brand personality. It fosters trust, which could lead to better engagement or conversions down the line.

People demand more authenticity, and they crave brands that have strong values and actually live and breathe those values. Customers look for them at every touchpoint, and they aren’t afraid to call brands out if those values are lacking.

Hayley Peters, Co-Owner, OhMyDigital

Tip #3: Create High-Quality Videos

Here’s the thing–millions of TikTok videos are uploaded daily. Therefore, pixelated or grainy video ads aren’t going to cut it. In fact, they’ll likely result in users swiping up and moving on to the next video. 

This doesn’t mean your clients need large production budgets, though. As a best practice, TikTok recommends a video resolution of 720P or more for best results.

A simple video is better than no video. Not every ad needs to be a Hollywood commercial.

Paul Echols, Creative Director + Agency Owner, Square 205

Using this resolution or higher presents your client’s video ads in the best way possible. Plus, video quality may influence a user’s brand impression and whether they’ll continue to view or engage.

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Tip #4: Use Portrait Orientation

Remember the golden rule: Shoot TikTok videos vertically, especially since it’s a mobile-first platform.

It makes sense–smartphones are most often held in an upright, portrait orientation. Users are less likely to engage if they have to rotate their screens. 

We love using vertical videos because they work well for consumers. We're all on our mobiles all the time, and social shopping is on the rise. This format provides the easiest and most detailed viewing!

Michelle van Blerck, Communications Manager, Digital Freak

Also, be sure to create videos that follow a 9:16 aspect ratio to avoid any empty space or poorly optimized content.

Tip #5: Adopt a Storytelling Approach

For maximum impact, create a story your client’s audience can easily follow. It’s worth the effort–videos with a clearly defined narrative keep users engaged for 1.4X longer.

The biggest reason behind our growth is our knack for storytelling. By weaving captivating narratives and keeping up with digital trends, we help our clients shine in a crowded market.

Joseph LeBlanc, Marketing Specialist, Studio Eighty-Eight

TikTok has coined an approach called Memorable Messaging, which provides a replicable structure for videos. Here’s an overview of their creative best practices: 

  • Include a hook that shares what your client has to offer within the first six seconds (along with their branding), which significantly influences 90% of ad recall.

  • Develop a body that includes your client’s branding and value proposition (e.g., their product). This also leads to greater brand recognition and impact.

  • Close strongly by encouraging users to follow through on a clearly defined call to action (e.g., “Learn More”, “Sign Up Now”). 

Agency Tip: Consider that 1 in 4 top-performing TikTok videos are between 21 and 34 seconds. So, use your storytelling skills to keep it short and sweet. Where possible, incorporate different angles and transitions to add visual interest.

Tip #6: Turn up the Sound

Even with the recent removal of Universal Music tracks from TikTok, there’s no shortage of other music, user-generated sounds, and remixes. Sound-infused videos resonate with 90% of users, so it’s a definite must-have during video production. Think about it. Music and sound effects play a critical role in establishing an emotional connection with the viewer. 

They influence the tone, mood, and atmosphere of the video–from excitement to nostalgia, it’s essential to elevate your client’s message.

High-quality audio goes a long way to keeping a viewer watching videos. If you have poor production, key metrics (such as time spent watching, click-through rates, and views) will be compromised. This will hurt channel visibility.

Will Mullins, SEO Specialist, Will Mullins Search Engine Optimisation Services

Tip #7: Make Video Ads Accessible 

To most from TikTok Ads, create content that’s easily accessible across a range of TikTok users. This step demonstrates your client’s commitment to inclusion and also increases potential reach. 

We do our best to start with accessibility considerations from the beginning of a project. We intentionally use elements that are more accessibility-friendly and avoid elements that can be problematic for people using assistive technology.

Josiah Bussing, CEO, Mountaintop Web Design

It isn’t complicated, either. Here are a few actionable ways to create accessible video ads:

  • Use auto-captions to ensure your client’s TikTok Ads are accessible to differently-abled users. Additionally, captions benefit anyone who wants to watch videos without sound.

  • Craft catchy ad descriptions that are limited to 100 characters. Incorporate visual elements that reinforce a spoken or text-based CTA. For example, this may be a button, an animated swipe gesture, or text overlays that appear at strategic times.

  • Use high-contrast colors for text and backgrounds (without being too jarring or bright). This makes your client’s video content easier to read and look at. 

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6 Types of TikTok Ads Your Agency Should Know

TikTok offers a range of ads to meet the diverse needs of your clientele. Here’s a breakdown of popular ad types and why they’re effective.

As a quick reference, here are some general TikTok ad specs to know: 

  • Video Length: Up to 60 seconds (except for Spark Ads).

  • File Size: No more than 500MB.

  • Ad Description: Up to 100 characters.

1. In-Feed TikTok Ads

As the name suggests, In-Feed TikTok Ads appear as users scroll through their “For You Page.”

These ads seamlessly blend with TikTok’s native feed and don’t interrupt the scrolling experience. 

Once crafted effectively, In-Feed TikTok Ads won’t feel like an inconvenience, which could result in better engagement (e.g., likes, shares, comments). There’s also an option to add a CTA button and guide users to a landing page.

As a rule of thumb, TikTok recommends creating in-feed ads 9 to 15 seconds long. 

2. Branded Mission TikTok Ads

Branded Mission TikTok Ads encourage users to create videos based on predefined criteria (e.g., testing your client’s product). 

It’s a way to leverage the power of user-generated content and maximize brand visibility. You’ll have the option to advertise top-performing content, which is useful for sharing testimonials and reviews. 

For maximum impact, TikTok recommends a duration of 12 to 15 seconds.

TikTok ads branded mission example


3. Top View TikTok Ads

As the name suggests, TikTok’s Top View ads autoplay once a user opens the app. Therefore, this ad format is a powerful way to capitalize on user attention. That said, you’ve got one shot to make a first impression, especially within the first three seconds. Use it wisely!

Top View ads automatically play with sound, which could mean better recall and a more immersive user experience. 

Unsurprisingly, this ad format is ideal for clients who want heightened brand awareness (e.g., during a new product launch or seasonal campaign). TikTok recommends a video length of 9 to 15 seconds.

4. Video Shopping Ads

At their core, this ad format transforms standard TikTok in-feed videos into interactive shopping experiences. 

That means there’s no navigating outside the app to fulfill a transaction. With Video Shopping Ads, seamlessly transition from watching a video to browsing or purchasing products in-platform. 

This ad format is ideal for retail and other ecommerce clients. 

AgencyAnalytics TikTok Ads conversions

Easily track conversions from TikTok advertising efforts. Monitor the impact of video ads and make informed recommendations–it’s all possible with AgencyAnalytics, free for 14 days.

5. Branded Hashtag Challenge 

A Branded Hashtag Challenge encourages users to create videos performing a specific action (e.g., sing a brand tagline while using a product). As the term suggests, it’s accompanied by a brand hashtag, which groups these videos together for easier discovery and reference.

Branded Hashtag Challenges encourage users to generate content, which could result in exponential or viral brand awareness. For example, take the e.l.f Cosmetics challenge that resulted in nearly 5 million user-generated videos and 7 billion views.

e.l.f. TikTok challenge gif


To get the most from this format, collaborate with relevant influencers and include your client’s brand name in the hashtag.

Create custom brand filters, shareable stickers, filters, or special effects for a unique twist.

6. TikTok Spark Ads

A Spark Ads TikTok campaign allows you to promote existing organic posts, either from your client or another user (with permission, of course). This format is particularly effective for amplifying authentic, engaging content that resonates with your client’s audience. 

Spark Ads come with interactive elements such as website clicks or app downloads, offering more ways to encourage engagement beyond views. Incorporate tagging, emojis, or hashtags in captions for a touch of dynamism. 

Unlike In-Feed Ads, a Spark Ad links directly to a TikTok account instead of a landing page. Therefore, it’s an opportunity to grow your client’s follower base and make a strong impact. 

As a bonus, TikTok has no restrictions on elements like aspect ratio and video resolution, which fuels brand authenticity, even if videos aren’t perfect. 

Note that Spark Ads have a maximum length of ten minutes.

TikTok Spark Ads Example


TikTok Ads Manager vs. TikTok Business Center

TikTok offers two distinct ways to advertise–using an Ads Manager account or signing up for the  Business Center option. 

To break it down: 

  • A TikTok Ads Manager Account is primarily for businesses or individuals who intend to run their own ad campaigns. It's a self-service platform where users directly create, manage, and track ad performance. 

  • The TikTok Business Center is designed for agencies and third-party service providers that manage ad campaigns for multiple clients. There are more advanced features to facilitate client account management, billing arrangements, and collaboration across teams.

Wondering which option suits your agency best?

Naturally, the TikTok Business Center seems like the best route, especially if you’re already managing multiple TikTok accounts. If you’re now starting TikTok social media management, though, consider starting with the Ads Manager option for ease of use. Then, eventually switch once more clients are on your roster (luckily, both options are free). 

As a reference, here’s a comparison between both options.


TikTok Ads Manager Account

TikTok Business Center



TikTok Ads Manager Account

For businesses or individuals to manage their own ad campaigns.

TikTok Business Center

For agencies to manage multiple client ad campaigns.


User Control

TikTok Ads Manager Account

Direct control from the business or individual.

TikTok Business Center

Agency controls multiple client accounts.



TikTok Ads Manager Account

Self-service platform for creating and managing campaigns.

TikTok Business Center

Features for client management and team collaboration.


Audience Targeting

TikTok Ads Manager Account

Basic and advanced targeting options based on campaign needs.

TikTok Business Center

Advanced targeting capabilities with access to client-specific data and insights.

Setting Up Your Client’s First TikTok Ads Campaign

If you’re just getting started, have no fear! All you need to do is head to the TikTok for Business sign-up page. 

Then, provide all relevant information to get started with your TikTok Ads Manager account. Once this is done, follow these steps to create your client’s first TikTok Ads campaign. 

Step 1: Create a Campaign

Start under the “Campaigns” tab and click the “Create” button.

Step 2: Choose the Right Objective

Based on your client’s business goal, choose the most relevant advertising objective–here’s an overview of each:

  • Awareness: Creates brand awareness and enhances your client’s brand visibility.

  • Consideration: Drives traffic to your client’s website, content, or app installs.

  • Conversion: Encourages users to complete actions like online sales, form sign-ups, and app downloads.

TikTok Ads for Agencies


Step 3: Name the Campaign and Specify a Budget

As a recap, here are available budget choices: 

  • Set a daily Budget, either by:

    • Ad group (for a minimum of $20). Use this option if you want to guarantee visibility and a dedicated spend for specific ad groups.

    • Campaign (for a minimum of $50). This approach lets the algorithm automatically assign daily spend to ad groups, which may mean less configuration and hassle. 

  • Specify a Lifetime Budget, which is the total amount your client wants to spend on TikTok Ads for a given period. While this is a safeguard against overspending, it may result in a prematurely spent budget (to remain competitive).

Also, decide on an appropriate bidding strategy (i.e., Cost Cap or Maximum Delivery), depending on your client’s budget and goal. 

Step 4: Create a TikTok Ad Group

Next, create an ad group for your client’s campaign.

How to create a TikTok ad


To get started, use the following criteria.






Where your client’s ads will be shown in TikTok and on partner apps. Choose automatic ad placement or make manual selections.


Creative Type


The type of creative asset to be promoted (e.g., video, image). You’ll also have an “Automated Creative Optimization” option, which generates images, videos, and ad texts. 




Your client’s targeting preferences, which include audience demographics, device type, interests, and operating systems. Choose whether to include custom or lookalike audiences. 


Budget and Schedule


The timing and budget for your client’s ad campaign. This includes budget type (e.g., daily or lifetime budget) and a specific time that ads should run (e.g., 9 AM on a Monday). 


Bidding and Optimization


Your client’s bidding strategy (i.e., Cost Cap or Maximum Delivery). Choose an optimization goal–conversions, clicks, or reach–depending on what your client wants to achieve.

Step 5: Create an Ad

The final step to launch a campaign is to create an ad for your client’s ad group. Choose between uploading an asset or creating a design directly in-platform. After deciding on the ad creative, choose the thumbnail and add a CTA.

That’s it! You’re now ready to submit the ad for approval. Once that’s done, start tracking performance and making adjustments if needed. 

How To Use AgencyAnalytics for TikTok Ads Reporting

Now that you’ve launched your client’s TikTok ad campaigns, the next step is monitoring performance. 

Here’s the thing, though–you’ve got multiple clients and data to track. More than likely, they’re also running other PPC campaigns or even complementary social media efforts.

What if there was a way to consolidate all those metrics into one place? Luckily, there is–use a client reporting tool like AgencyAnalytics!

No need to toggle between multiple platforms. Choose from over 80 integrations, including TikTok Ads and much more, in a few clicks. 

To get started:

1. Head to your AgencyAnalytics account and click ‘Integrations’ on the left-hand menu. Follow the instructions to link your client’s TikTok account successfully. 

AA Social Integrations TikTok Ads

2. After integrating your client’s TikTok account, head to ‘Paid Ads’ and click on ‘TikTok Ads.

Within the first three tabs, this dashboard provides performance metrics at the campaign, ad group, and ad level, including:

tiktok ads report

Use a pre-built TikTok Ads dashboard template or build your own. Explore a range of pre-built dashboard and report templates in AgencyAnalytics–try it free for 14 days

Additionally, choose to include more PPC data in your TikTok ads dashboard by clicking the “Metrics” button in the top right-hand corner. 

Specifically, you’ll find the following:

  • Average Video Play

  • Comments

  • Conversion Rate

  • Cost per Conversion

  • Cost per Result

  • Follows

  • Full Views

  • Likes

  • Profile Visits

Finally, in the Demographics section, you’ll find a detailed breakdown of which market segments are interacting with your client’s TikTok Ads. 

This dashboard section is broken down by:

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Country

  • Device

TikTok Ads demographics

For cross-channel reporting, add TikTok Ads metrics to a white-labeled social media dashboard or a dedicated PPC report.

PPC Google Adwords Report Example

Invest in an All-In-One PPC Reporting Tool

As we’ve covered, TikTok is an engaging platform that captivates attention and fosters connection. From branded effects to sharing user-generated content, there are countless ways to make a lasting impression.

It isn’t just about fleeting trends or trying to be something you’re not, though. Instead, focus on “creating TikToks, not ads” and maintain authenticity. It’s a strategic way to create a brand personality while embracing a platform-native approach to advertising. 

After creating TikTok advertising campaigns, you’ll need a way to monitor the results. It’s the only way to see which video ads resonate and create well-informed TikTok strategies.

No need to invest in multiple reporting tools or manually log into the TikTok platform each time. Use a tool like AgencyAnalytics to:

Invest in a PPC reporting tool that maximizes your agency’s efficiency and billable time–try AgencyAnalytics today, free for 14 days

Faryal Khan

Written by

Faryal Khan

Faryal Khan is an experienced digital marketer and brand photographer with 9+ years of experience. With a passion for content creation, she creates value through editorial storytelling, data-driven insights, and captivating visuals.

Read more posts by Faryal Khan ›

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