Demand Gen Report Template

With a Demand Gen report template, agencies unlock a streamlined approach to creating client reports. Gather and display key performance data across SEO, PPC, social media, and more, with just a few clicks. No more late nights merging data from multiple platforms–dedicate that time to refining strategies and executing successful client campaigns.
Demand Gen Report Template Example

Why Your Agency Needs a Demand Generation Report Template

Demand Gen report templates are a catalyst for agency growth. Forget generic data dumps or confusing, disconnected reports from multiple platforms. This standardized report template unlocks granular demand generation insights, revealing the conversion journey and pinpointing high-performing campaigns.

Boost productivity, improve sales enablement, and drive business growth! Standardized templates free your team from data wrangling, giving them back the time they need to focus on strategic campaign analysis.

Create Professional Demand Gen Reports in Minutes

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11 Sections To Include in a Demand Gen Report Template

1. Cover Page

A professional report cover page sets the stage for the impactful data inside, instantly establishing the value of each client report. By aligning the cover page with your agency's visual identity, you ensure every report serves as a cohesive, branded touchpoint that reinforces your agency’s professionalism and attention to detail.

Demand Gen Report Cover Page Example

The cover page of your report is more than just an introduction of the metrics for that time period–it's the gateway to your agency’s expertise. It ensures your clients know exactly what and when you're reporting, setting a precise and confident tone from the outset.

Once you’ve crafted the perfect cover page, save the design as a template to maintain a high standard of clarity and professionalism. This consistency saves time, reinforces your agency's reputation, and elevates client trust. 

2. Executive Summary 

When busy executives or company leaders open your monthly Demand Gen report, they have ten minutes–tops–to get enough details to reinforce your agency’s value to their business. An executive summary at the beginning of your Demand Gen report template acts like a power intro, giving them the key takeaways without getting bogged down in details.

Think of it as a cheat sheet for the C-suite. It highlights the report's golden nuggets–the findings and recommendations that matter most. This way, even with limited time, they can make smart decisions based on your insights. It's the perfect setup for the deeper dive they can do later, if they choose.

Demand Gen Report Monthly Summary Example

Creating a Demand Gen report summary is about clarity and impact. Here are a few best practices to guide you:

  • Prioritize Key Metrics: Focus on the most critical data points that align with campaign objectives, such as lead generation numbers and conversion rates.

  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Straightforward language ensures that the summary is easily understandable at a glance.

  • Include Actionable Recommendations: Provide clear, actionable insights based on the data presented to guide future strategies effectively.

3. Google Analytics 4 

Google Analytics plays a key role in shaping effective Demand Gen reports by providing detailed insights into audience behaviors and traffic trends. 

Customizable Google Analytics 4 reporting tool to automate client reports with real-time data.

Incorporating Google Analytics data into Demand Gen reports offers agencies a powerful lens through which to view client campaigns. It lays bare the pathways visitors take, highlights what captures their attention, and pinpoints where they drop off.

Here’s a detailed breakdown of key Google Analytics 4 metrics for demand generation:



Example Use Case





Example Use Case

Track the number of unique users to measure the audience size and growth over time.


Engagement Metrics (Engagement Rate, Sessions)



Example Use Case

Assess user interaction quality and frequency to evaluate content and user experience.





Example Use Case

Monitor the number of specific actions completed to assess the success of targeted campaigns.


Event Count



Example Use Case

Count interactions with specified elements on a site, useful for understanding user behavior and preferences.

This visibility helps agencies craft more tailored strategies that resonate with target audiences. By presenting these insights to clients, agencies underscore their strategic value, demonstrating not just the ability to gather data but to interpret it in ways that drive meaningful business decisions.

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Paid ads data, especially from platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, enrich Demand Gen reports with deep insights into campaign performance. This data showcases the effectiveness of each campaign and offers a detailed view of audience engagement and conversion metrics.

An example of a Demand Gen Paid Ads Overview in a report template

Marketing teams use this information to refine their approaches on key advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook, LinkedIn, and more. For example, the following are just a few of the most important PPC metrics to monitor. 



Example Use Case





Example Use Case

Use click data to analyze the appeal of ad copy and visuals, optimizing these elements to increase user interaction.


Cost Per Click (CPC)



Example Use Case

Use CPC data to refine bidding strategies and budget allocation, ensuring cost-effective ad placements.





Example Use Case

Analyze conversion data to identify the most effective aspects of the campaign, focusing on scaling these successful elements.


Conversion Rate



Example Use Case

Apply conversion rate insights to adjust targeting and ad content, enhancing precision to meet or exceed campaign objectives.

This approach emphasizes the strategic use of data to drive continuous improvement and achieve specific campaign goals, providing agencies with actionable insights to enhance PPC campaign performance.

5. SEO Performance 

SEO data is a key component in any Demand Gen report, offering granular insights into organic search performance and user engagement. This data helps decode the nuances of search trends and keyword effectiveness.


Demand Gen SEO Performance Report Example

Including SEO data in a marketing agency's Demand Gen report showcases the depth of the agency's impact on client success. It helps marketing agencies demonstrate how organic search strategies contribute to overall lead quality and business growth.



Example Use Case


Keyword Rankings



Example Use Case

Use rankings data to identify which keywords drive visibility and adjust content strategies to target more high-performing keywords.


Organic Traffic



Example Use Case

Analyze traffic data to understand the most effective sources and content to boost overall site traffic.


Conversions from SEO



Example Use Case

Use conversion data to refine SEO tactics that directly influence revenue generation.

These metrics provide a comprehensive view of SEO performance, helping agencies make informed decisions. By leveraging these insights, agencies are better equipped to align SEO efforts with each client’s marketing goals and deliver tangible business outcomes.

6. Social Media Engagement 

Social media metrics provide a rich tapestry of data that enhances the depth of Demand Gen reports, spotlighting engagement trends and audience sentiment. This data is key to understanding which social strategies spark interest and drive interaction with the brand.

Social Media Demand Gen Report Template Example

Incorporating social media analytics into a Demand Gen report helps marketing agencies clearly demonstrate the value they deliver by leveraging social platforms to increase brand visibility and engagement.

For example, the following metrics provide guidance to agencies and reinforce the value of your services to clients. 



Example Use Case


Engagement Rate



Example Use Case

Tailor content based on what drives the highest interaction, optimizing engagement.





Example Use Case

Adjust campaigns to either expand or focus target demographics, based on reach data.





Example Use Case

Allocate resources to the most effective strategies for driving user actions, informed by conversion data.

The report details the direct impact of social media efforts on overall campaign performance, offering insights into engagement rates, follower growth, and the effectiveness of specific content. By presenting this data, agencies not only prove their capability in managing dynamic social strategies but also reinforce their role in achieving sustained business growth for their clients.

7. Email Marketing Analytics 

Building on the insights gathered from social media, email marketing data introduces another layer of precision to Demand Gen reports, highlighting subscriber behavior and campaign effectiveness. 

An example of Email Marketing Analytics in a Demand Gen Report Template

This comprehensive view bridges the interaction from public platforms to private inboxes, offering a detailed breakdown of top email marketing and marketing automation metrics. 



Example Use Case


Open Rate



Example Use Case

Optimize subject lines and send times based on open rate trends.


Click-Through Rate (CTR)



Example Use Case

Focus on improving the content and layout of emails to enhance user engagement.





Example Use Case

Refine email content and calls-to-action, ensuring they align with user motivations and campaign goals.

By showing the direct results from these efforts, the report not only validates the agency's strategic prowess but also their capability to drive meaningful engagement through personalized communication.

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8. Ecommerce Tracking 

As we dive deeper into the digital customer journey, ecommerce data sheds light on the purchasing behaviors and trends of self-service buyers, providing a clear view of what drives conversions and influences buyer decisions.

An example of Ecommerce Metrics in a Demand Gen Report Template

This section of the report maps out how different touch points and marketing initiatives contribute to the sales funnel. It details transaction volumes, cart sizes, and conversion rates, offering actionable insights into what strategies pull buyers deeper into the sales cycle. For example:



Example Use Case





Example Use Case

Analyze order data to identify trends in purchasing behavior, guiding inventory management and marketing campaigns.





Example Use Case

Use revenue figures to assess the overall financial health of ecommerce activities, influencing pricing strategies and promotions.





Example Use Case

Monitor refund rates to address issues related to product quality or customer satisfaction, aiming to reduce future occurrences.

Highlight these metrics to demonstrate your agency’s ability to attract quality traffic and convert it into revenue. This robust data supports strategic decisions, reinforcing the agency's role in optimizing marketing efforts to boost bottom-line results for clients.

9. Lead Generation Activities 

Lead generation data should be the focal point of your agency’s Demand Gen reports,  quantifying the effectiveness of Demand Gen and content marketing strategies aimed at initial user engagement. This section dissects the journey from initial contact to qualified lead, showcasing the transformation of interest to action.

An example of Lead Generation Data in a Demand Gen Report Template

Incorporating lead generation data into a Demand Gen report is critical for marketing agencies to demonstrate their adeptness at nurturing and qualifying leads. The focus here is on lead quantity and lead quality—two metrics that define the success of any lead generation campaign.



Example Use Case


Lead Quantity



Example Use Case

Assess campaign reach and effectiveness, guiding budget allocations and marketing strategies.


Lead Quality



Example Use Case

Refine targeting and personalization efforts, ensuring resources are focused on high-potential leads.

This part of the report highlights the agency's role in driving targeted business growth, enhancing client trust and reinforcing the agency's status as a vital component of their marketing success.

10. Call Tracking 

Call tracking data connects digital campaigns to tangible customer actions. This section reveals how online marketing efforts translate into offline engagements, offering a comprehensive view of customer journey dynamics from first click to final call.

An example of Call-Tracking Metrics in a Demand Gen Report Template

Integrating call tracking data into a Demand Gen report provides detailed insights into which marketing efforts are driving calls, the quality of these calls, and how they contribute to conversions.



Example Use Case


Call Volume



Example Use Case

Gauge campaign effectiveness and customer interest, adjusting strategies as needed.


Answered Calls



Example Use Case

Analyze the rate of answered calls to improve staffing and training.


Missed Calls



Example Use Case

Monitor missed calls to identify peak times and staffing issues.

This level of detail reinforces the agency's role as an indispensable partner in achieving success.

11. Sales Team Performance 

As we bridge the gap between customer calls and actual sales, incorporating sales performance data into Demand Gen reports offers a critical analysis of how marketing efforts translate into tangible business outcomes from sales reps.

An example of Sales Team Analytics in a Demand Gen Report Template

This data provides a comprehensive view of sales conversions, highlighting the direct impact of marketing strategies on revenue.



Example Use Case


Total Orders



Example Use Case

Assess the volume of sales activity, guiding inventory and fulfillment strategies.


Closed Deals



Example Use Case

Evaluate the effectiveness of sales tactics and team performance, identifying areas for improvement and training.


Forecasted Revenue



Example Use Case

Plan future business activities, budgeting, and resource allocation based on anticipated income streams.

By clearly linking marketing activities to sales results, the agency underscores its value in nurturing leads that not only engage but also convert. 

Customizable Report Templates To Meet Client Needs

While the highlighted metrics provide a strong foundation for understanding campaign performance across various channels, the true power of a Demand Gen report lies in its flexibility to incorporate additional data as needed. This adaptability ensures that any specific metric crucial to an agency's unique strategy or a client’s specific goal is seamlessly integrated into the report.

Screenshot of the AgencyAnalytics Demand Gen reporting software

Tailor reports with the data that matters most and reinforce your agency’s strategic acumen. 

The 11-Second Smart Reports feature revolutionizes how marketing agencies create and manage client reports. Generate comprehensive demand generation reports with a single click, harnessing data from over 80 marketing integrations in seconds. 

Streamline Your Agency’s Reporting With a Demand Gen Report Template

Transform the way your agency handles client data. With the drag-and-drop editor, your team quickly customizes reports to highlight the most relevant data points without starting from scratch every time. This flexibility is key in responding to client needs and market changes swiftly.

An image showing the Drag and Drop editor being used to streamline Demand Gen reporting

By implementing advanced reporting tools, your team reclaims valuable hours previously spent on manual report generation. Channel this additional time into refining campaign strategies, enhancing client relationships, and driving agency growth. 

AgencyAnalytics has changed the way that we do client reporting. It saves us time, is insanely convenient, and makes us look good. It’s been a massive win for our business.

Garrett Kite
Garrett Kite / President
Kite Media

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Demand Gen Report Templates as Unique as Your Agency

Unify Demand Gen Insights

Instantly Access All Your Clients’ Marketing Data

Stop wasting time wrangling data and unlock a strategic advantage. Seamlessly integrate data from over 80 marketing platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook, Google Analytics, HubSpot, Salesforce, and more. Eliminate data silos and ensure data quality for all your analysis and reports. 

Focus your agency’s time on what matters most–executing successful client campaigns. 

A sample of third-party integrations that are on the AgencyAnalytics client reporting software
Elevate Your Agency’s Brand Identity

Customize With Your Agency’s Branding

Stop sending generic reports that disappear into the client inbox. White label reporting lets you brand every report with your logo and colors, solidifying your agency as the trusted advisor.  

Build trust, position your agency as a premium service provider, and differentiate from the competition–all while saving time and resources.

Add Your Own Branding To Your Customizable SEO Reporting Software
Track Success and Highlight Wins

Set Demand Gen Goals and Hit Targets

Set and track custom goals directly within the platform, using a broad range of metrics from the intuitive drop-down menu. 

Track progress against specific objectives for laser-focused strategy. Highlight key wins and insights with annotations, showcasing success stories and building client trust with ultimate transparency.

Set goals and hit your performance targets
Optimized Demand Gen Reporting

Report Smarter. Not Harder.

Streamline Demand Gen reporting by automatically collecting and visualizing metrics from more than 80 data sources. 

Leverage detailed insights to provide clients with a holistic view of their Demand Gen activities and effectiveness. Quickly tailor each report to reflect specific client needs and swiftly replicate proven templates to facilitate rapid onboarding and consistent reporting standards.

Smarter Client Reporting Platform

AgencyAnalytics helps with reporting that scales to any size. It’s simple and easy to add keywords and track progress, compare analytics to previous periods, and integrate email, social, PPC, and Google Analytics into one platform.

Adam Asher
Adam Asher

Ten Thousand Pots

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Create Your Own Demand Gen Report Template in Seconds!