
Average Rating
Analyze average ratings across multiple time frames
Customer Sentiment
Monitor the breakdown of positive, neutral and negative sentiment
Source Analysis
Leverage top review sources to optimize for additional positive ratings
Live Reviews
Monitor new reviews from right within the dashboard
Streamlined Reputation Management
Keep tabs on current customer sentiment. Leverage historical trends to optimize for higher ratings. Show clients the exact state of their business's online reputation in an intuitive marketing dashboard.

Track Ratings and Reviews by Source
With the proliferation of review sites in recent years, reputation management at scale can pose a challenge for even agencies of a modest size. Our Grade Us dashboard automatically pulls in reviews from hundreds of sites across the web, saving you time and money so that you can focus on activities that generate revenue.

Monitor Customer Sentiment
Overall customer sentiment and brand reputation can fluctuate based on a variety of factors, and can change in a heartbeat. Visualize current or historical customer sentiment over any given time period. Cross-reference this data to past client business events to prepare for future reputation shifts.

Engage In Real Time
Customers expect businesses to engage in real-time, 24/7. Read reviews from any site across the web instantly, from one centralized location. React quickly to negative reviews and defuse potential problems before they escalate. Similarly, react asap to positive reviews to turn happy customers into lifelong fans.

Cross-Channel Marketing Reports
Opening 80 different browser tabs just to track all of your marketing efforts is a thing of the past. View every marketing channel for every client in a single interface, and switch between customers with a single click. Grade Us, PPC, SEO, social media, and more all in a single reporting platform.

Connect the integration in seconds to streamline your client reporting.
Everything Your Agency Needs
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