KPI ExamplesPromoters


Promoters are customers who express high satisfaction with a product or service and are likely to recommend it to others. This group is often identified through feedback mechanisms like the Net Promoter Score (NPS), which classifies customers based on their likelihood to advocate for the brand.

Referral Tracking

Monitor Promoter referrals to gauge the impact of word-of-mouth recommendations.

Product Optimization

Analyze Promoter feedback to optimize existing offerings and create impactful messaging.

Community Building

Invite Promoters to exclusive loyalty programs and foster a dedicated customer base.

Target Identification

Use Promoter data to identify and focus on high-value customer segments for targeted campaigns.

Evaluating Customer Perception

Why NPS Promoters Are Important

A critical aspect of analyzing a Net Promoter Score lies in understanding the customer feedback role in shaping the score, especially positive and negative word-of-mouth. Detractors, or those who score a service or product between 0 and 6, are often the source of negative sentiment that typically spreads quickly, influencing other potential customers and directly impacting a company's reputation and growth.

On the other hand, Promoters are crucial for gauging customer satisfaction and loyalty. They’re also essential for driving business growth, as these customers are more likely to provide word-of-mouth referrals. A high number of Promoters indicates that existing customers are satisfied and enthusiastic advocates for a brand or product. 

Understanding Promoters helps refine marketing strategies. Nurturing these customers increases customer loyalty, repeat business, revenue growth, and a larger market share.

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Promoters in the NPS Score Calculation

The Basics of Net Promoter Score (NPS)

Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a management tool used to gauge customer loyalty and satisfaction by asking a single question: "On a scale from 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend our company/product/service to a friend or colleague?" Based on their responses, customers are categorized into three groups: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors.

To calculate the NPS for a business, subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The score is not expressed as a percentage but as an absolute number, falling somewhere between -100 and 100. 

For example, if 50% of respondents are Promoters, 20% are Passives, and 30% are Detractors, the NPS would be 20 (50% - 30%). Passives count toward the total number of respondents, which reduces the impact of Promoters and Detractors on the final score but does not directly affect the score itself.

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Promoters in the Metrics Ecosystem

How Promoters Relate to Other KPIs

Although used primarily in calculating Net Promoter Scores, Promoters also directly influence several other key performance indicators (KPIs), such as Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). A higher number of Promoters often correlates with lower CAC since word-of-mouth and organic referrals reduce the need for paid advertising.

Similarly, Promoters impact Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). This is because satisfied customers are more likely to make repeat purchases and maintain longer brand relationships. Additionally, Promoters positively influence Engagement rates on social media. Their interactions and shares amplify brand reach, improving social media performance. 

How Marketing KPIs Impact Each Other
Boosting Customer Loyalty

Key Factors Influencing NPS Promoter Levels

Measuring customer loyalty is about more than just a number—it’s about gaining actionable insights that help to increase the number of NPS Promoters over time. Unhappy customers rarely become Promoters, but it’s not impossible. Be sure to address pain points and prioritize customer relationships to secure a good Net Promoter Score over time. 

The quality of customer service also influences NPS scores. A good brand interaction creates a positive experience, which often turns neutral customers into NPS Promoters. Invest in adequate customer service training and ensure teams have the right tools to get the job done. 

To gain valuable data about the customer experience, have a proper Net Promoter system in place. For example, ask for feedback at the right times (e.g., after a purchase) and make an NPS survey easy to fill out. Then, calculate Net Promoter Score at regular intervals to see if there have been any changes.

KPI Definitions - Other Factors to Consider
By investing in long-term marketing strategies, businesses are able to build relationships with customers, increase brand recognition, and create a clear message that resonates with their target audience. This will help them to develop a loyal customer base and gain an edge over their competitors.
Scott Wilson, Digital Influence

How To Do a Net Promoter Score Calculation

To calculate Promoters, rely on the Net Promoter Score (NPS) score method. Based on the responses, categorize customers into Promoters (9-10 score), Passives (7-8), and Detractors (0-6). The percentage of customers who are Promoters is then calculated to gauge overall customer advocacy.

Promoters Formula Example

Percentage of Promoters
Number of Promoters
Total Number of Respondents

What Is a Good Percentage of Promoters?

A good percentage for Promoters typically ranges around 70-80%. This indicates strong brand loyalty and satisfaction levels. It suggests that most customers are pleased with the product or service and actively advocate for it. 

Such high average Net Promoter Scores are often seen in businesses with exceptional customer service and a commitment to building relationships.

What Is a Bad Percentage of Promoters?

A bad percentage for Promoters is generally considered to be below 50%. This signals potential satisfaction or brand perception issues, indicating fewer customers are willing to recommend the brand. 

A low Promoter score should warrant immediate attention to identify underlying problems and prevent unhappy customers (e.g., poor support after an online purchase).

How To Set Promoter Benchmarks and Goals

Begin by analyzing historical Promoter and NPS data, which forms the baseline for setting benchmarks. Next, compare these figures with Net Promoter Scores (NPS) industry standards to gauge performance.

To break it down further, back-calculate how much revenue is generated per existing Promoter. This step puts a monetary value on the Promoter metric, making it more specific to a business. Additionally, segment customer bases to reveal what type of customer typically becomes a Promoter and use this to boost NPS score over time.

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Voice of the Customer

Why Promoters Matter to Clients

For clients, Promoters reflect loyalty and brand strength. Essentially, Promoters are a testament to their product or service quality, giving a quantitative measure of customer feedback.

Promoter brand advocacy often translates into organic business growth, which reduces reliance on paid advertising and improves cost efficiency. Furthermore, Promoters provide invaluable feedback and help clients fine-tune their product or service offerings. In turn, this approach helps to build a sustainable, customer-centric brand.

Why Marketing KPIs Matter to Agency Clients
Loyalty Speaks Volumes

Why Promoters Matter to Agencies

For agencies, Promoters demonstrate the effectiveness of their developed marketing strategies. It’s also a clear indicator of how well they manage and enhance a client's brand image. 

This metric also serves as a powerful tool in validating an agency’s work to clients, showcasing tangible results in enhancing customer loyalty. Moreover, understanding Promoters is helpful for refining strategies and ensuring that campaigns continue to resonate with target audiences. This helps agencies deliver optimal results continuously and retain clients in the long run.

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Best Practices When Analyzing and Reporting on Promoters

Effective reporting is essential to demonstrate campaign effectiveness and guide future strategies. Here are a few best practices to enhance understanding of customer advocacy and drive informed decision-making.


Present Segmented Data

Break down Promoters by demographics, behavior, or purchase history. Explain your Net Promoter Score system for greater transparency.


Use Visual Representations

Incorporate graphs and charts to represent Promoter data visually, making it easy to understand and interpret.


Show Correlation with Other KPIs

Show how Promoters correlate with other vital KPIs like Customer acquisition Cost, Conversion Rates, or Customer Lifetime Value.


Do a Trend Analysis

Track changes in Promoter numbers and NPS data over time. Use Net Promoter Score surveys to identify trends, seasonal fluctuations, or the impact of specific campaigns. 


Share Qualitative Feedback

Include qualitative feedback from Promoters to give a complete picture of customer sentiment and satisfaction.


Include Actionable Insights

After running NPS surveys, include actionable recommendations to increase the number of Promoters and enhance the overall customer experience. 

Reputation Management Reports Made Easy

GatherUp Dashboard Example

To grasp how Promoter data is presented in a reporting context, explore the GatherUp dashboard in AgencyAnalytics. Promoters are presented alongside metrics such as Net Promoter Score (NPS), Passives, and Detractors. This visual presentation helps quickly understand brand reputation and whether any improvements are needed. With a few clicks, customize this dashboard to include related data from over 80 platforms and provide a comprehensive marketing overview to clients.
GatherUp KPI Dashboard Example

How To Improve the Number of Promoters

Cultivating strong Promoters plays a vital role in shaping a brand’s image. Here are some actionable strategies to enhance this critical metric and nurture loyal customers.


Personalize Interactions

Tailor interactions to make customers feel valued and increase their likelihood of becoming Promoters.


Quality Consistency

Maintain high product or service quality, which drives customer satisfaction and leads to more Promoters. 


Acknowledge Loyalty

Implement loyalty programs or incentives for repeat customers to reward their repeat business. 

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