DashboardsCall Tracking

Call Tracking Dashboard

Call tracking is one of the best tools to grow your clients’ local businesses. Without an automated solution, monitoring the performance of each call and analyzing the results over time for each of your clients is challenging. With a dedicated call tracking dashboard template, automatically collect data from various sources, visualize the data, and report on the results to clients in real-time.
Call Tracking Dashboard template example

What Is a Call Tracking Dashboard?

A call tracking dashboard is a single, unified platform that monitors relevant metrics and KPIs and gets updated in real-time. If you’re managing multiple client accounts, you can provide each client with their own login that provides real-time data about the calls coming to their business.

With a fully white-labeled call tracking dashboard, you can impress clients by prominently featuring your logo, branding, and even hosting it on your own domain. This dashboard template is built with our CallRail integration, although it can easily be modified for any other of our call tracking integrations with our drag-and-drop editor.

Why You Need A Live Dashboard

Call tracking dashboards are useful to optimize and scale the performance of your marketing campaigns. Automatically collecting data from multiple sources allows you to identify the top marketing channels and compare the total number of leads from each platform. Call tracking dashboards also provide visibility into your calls and conversions.

The dashboard allows you to browse each lead’s information—including the name, phone number, time, location, and call recording. Finally, a call tracking dashboard helps you and your clients identify missed opportunities. By analyzing the time-of-day or day-of-week of missed calls, you can use this information to help clients optimize their schedule and avoid missing out on valuable opportunities.

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What’s Included in a Call Tracking Dashboard?

Call Volume

The first section of our call tracking dashboard is dedicated to call volume metrics, including:

  • Total number of calls

  • The number of calls answered

  • The number of first-time calls

In this case, the number of first-time calls is displayed as a time-based chart so you can easily identify trends over time.

call volume metric in Call Tracking Dashboard

Call Attribution

Call attribution is key to understanding which channels are delivering the highest ROI. The call attribution section includes the following widgets:

  • Top Sources: This provides insight into the exact number of calls from each traffic source.

  • Caller Type: This pie chart breaks up the total calls into returning callers vs. first-time callers.

  • Answered vs. Missed Calls: This pie chart tells you how many calls were answered vs. missed, providing insight into the number of lost opportunities each month.

  • Call Table: The call table provides a link to each individual call recording, including the caller's name, phone number, source, and other relevant information.

caller attribution in Call Tracking Dashboard

Need more sections or custom metrics? No problem, AgencyAnalytics lets you easily drag and drop new sections to your call tracking dashboard.

See the Call Tracking Dashboard Template in Action
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Why AgencyAnalytics is the Best Call Tracking Dashboard


Collect Real-Time Call Tracking Data in One Place

Switching between platforms is a pain—especially when you want to track your clients’ Call Tracking metrics alongside their other marketing campaigns. AgencyAnalytics connects with integrations like Twilio, CallRail, WildJar, WhatConverts, CallSource, PhoneWagon, and many more. 

Keep all your clients’ data in one streamlined platform. There are new integrations released every month to add to a list of 80 channels and counting! Connect to your client’s key marketing data in seconds and watch as their data aggregates into live dashboards that turn into ready-to-use client reports at the flip of a switch.

Example of Available Marketing Integrations

Highlight the Leads You’re Driving to Your Clients’ Business

Phone leads are high-quality leads. Ensure your clients are following up with missed calls and keep track of the high intent leads your agency is bringing to the table. Give clients their own login to a real-time marketing dashboard they can access when they want. With granular user permissions, you control exactly what each client can see.

Client & Staff User Account Options

Professional Marketing Reports Built For Agencies

With white label features and customization options, your agency has everything it needs to call the platform your own in-house client reporting tool. For a complete white-labeled experience, host your marketing dashboards on a custom domain and send reports from your agency’s email.

white labelled reporting features
Client Reports That Are Ready in Minutes, Not Hours
Here’s Why 6,500+ Agencies Trust AgencyAnalytics With Their Client Reporting

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Build Your Own Custom Call Tracking Dashboard in Minutes