Google Business Profile Dashboard

A live Google Business Profile Dashboard gives marketing agencies real-time access to essential data. With a live reporting and analytics dashboard, clients gain transparency, while agencies use the dashboard to streamline campaign optimization. Immediate insights into search visibility, customer engagement, and local rankings allow agencies to adjust strategies to improve performance, making it easier to achieve client goals and demonstrate value.
Google Business Profile Dashboard Template Example

What is a Google Business Profile Dashboard?

A white label Google Business Profile Dashboard is a customizable tool marketing agencies use to track and present essential KPIs related to their clients' Google Business Profiles. This dashboard helps agencies monitor key Google business account metrics such as search visibility, customer reviews, engagement rates, and local search rankings. By branding the dashboard with the agency's logo and colors, agencies provide a seamless, professional reporting experience that makes it easy to showcase performance insights and drive data-driven decisions for their clients.

Why Your Agency Needs a Google Business Profile Analytics Dashboard

Your agency isn’t a generic, one-size-fits-all business—so why settle for standard client reporting? A Google Business Profile analytics dashboard tailored to your agency's needs transforms how you track and present key metrics for a local business. With AgencyAnalytics, customize dashboards to reflect your branding and highlight the metrics that matter most to your clients. 

AgencyAnalytics dashboards provide real-time data and Google Business Profile insights on search visibility, customer reviews, engagement rates, and local search presence. By offering live access to these business insights, you empower clients to stay informed and engaged. They see exactly how your strategies drive results, which fosters a sense of transparency and accountability that strengthens your client relationships.

This business dashboard's flexibility allows you to adapt and optimize campaigns in a flash. With clear, customized visualizations of key performance metrics, your team quickly identifies areas for improvement and implements changes that boost performance. 

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17 Sections To Include in a Google Business Profile Dashboard

1. Platform & Device

In a Google Business Profile (formerly Google My Business) dashboard, platform & device data shows where your client’s business listing is viewed—on mobile or desktop—and through which Google products like Google Maps. This insight gives clients a clear picture of how potential customers interact with their business information across different platforms.

GBP dashboard platform and device metrics widget

Platform & device data reveals how and where customers engage with clients’ business listings, making it easier to optimize campaigns. For example, if you see a lot of mobile searches or direction requests on Google Maps, you know where to focus to attract more customers. With this information, you present a clear, concise snapshot of performance data, showing how you excel in managing business locations across Google products.

2. Desktop vs. Mobile

In a Google Business Profile dashboard, the Desktop vs. Mobile data shows how a client's business listing is viewed on different devices. After all, depending on the mobile-friendliness of a client’s website, the same user could have a completely different experience on different devices. This insight reveals whether potential customers find the business on their phones or desktop computers.

GBP desktop vs mobile metrics

This data shows where customers engage with your clients' business listings, helping you optimize campaigns for better results. If mobile searches are high, you know where to focus to attract more customers. 

3. Search vs. Maps

Search vs. maps data within your Google Business Profile dashboard shows how customers find your client's business through Google Search or Google Maps. This insight gives a clear view of how people interact with the business.

GBP search vs maps metrics

Search vs. maps data pinpoints where customers engage with your clients' listings, helping you fine-tune campaigns. For example, if Google Maps shows a lot of direction requests, you know to focus efforts there to draw in more customers. 

4. Business Profile Impressions

Business Profile impressions data shows how often a client's business listing appears in search results or Google Maps. This metric is key to understanding how visible the business is to potential customers.

GBP dashboard impressions metrics

Business Profile impressions offer valuable insights into a client's visibility. High impressions on a Google business page means that more potential customers see the business listing, but if these search views don’t lead to customer interactions like website visits, phone calls, or direction requests, there's room for improvement. The listing may need to be optimized, and descriptions, photos, and business information may need to be refined to make it more engaging.

5. Business Profile Interactions

To complement impressions, Business Profile interactions data tracks how potential customers interact with a client's business listing to demonstrate customer engagement.

GBP dashboard interactions metrics

High interaction rates mean the business listing is attracting and engaging viewers. If interactions are low despite high impressions, it indicates a need for optimization. Improving descriptions, updating photos, or ensuring accurate business information will make the listing more appealing. By analyzing the data, agencies will adjust strategies to boost engagement, turn views into actions, and drive more customers to the business.

6. Ratings & Reviews

The average rating metric shows the overall rating of a client's business based on customer reviews as well as the total number of reviews the business received. This gives a quick snapshot of the business's reputation and customer satisfaction, and can impact how the business appears online.

Average rating is a key indicator of how well customers perceive a client's business. A high average rating attracts more potential customers, while a low rating will turn them away. Improving the average rating might involve responding to reviews, resolving complaints, and encouraging happy customers to leave positive feedback to ensure a client’s business maintains a strong, positive online presence.

GBP dashboard reviews metrics

A higher number of 5-star reviews typically indicates a strong customer base and active engagement, positively influencing potential customers. Monitoring this metric helps agencies understand how well their strategies are working to encourage customer feedback and identify opportunities to boost customer interaction and enhance the business's online presence.

7. Calls

The calls metric shows the total number of phone calls made by customers directly from a client's business listing, providing insight into how effectively the listing converts views into direct customer interactions.

GBP dashboard calls metrics

A high number of calls indicates that potential customers are finding the business and are motivated to reach out. Regularly reviewing this metric ensures that the business listing remains an effective tool for converting interest into customer actions.

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8. Directions

The directions metric shows the total number of requests for directions to a client's business location. This data highlights how many potential customers plan to visit the business in person.

GBP dashboard directions metrics

This metric helps agencies gauge the effectiveness of their efforts in driving foot traffic, as it shows that the user viewed detailed directions to a physical location. By analyzing direction request data, agencies identify patterns and optimize listings to attract more in-person visitors.

9. Website Clicks

The Website Clicks metric tracks how often potential customers click through to a client's website link from their business listing. This data provides insight into online interest and engagement.

GBP dashboard website clicks metrics

This metric helps agencies measure the success of their efforts to drive web traffic. By examining website click data, agencies spot trends and adjust their strategies to boost online visits.

10. Messages

The messages metric tracks the total number of messages sent to a client's business through their Google Business Profile during a given time period. 

GBP dashboard messages metrics

This metric helps agencies evaluate their strategies' effectiveness in encouraging direct interaction by target users. By reviewing message data, agencies identify common customer concerns and refine responses or provide additional information in the business listing to address these issues.

11. Bookings

The bookings metric shows the total number of appointments or reservations made through the business listing. This data highlights how effectively businesses convert interest into scheduled visits or services.

GBP dashboard bookings metrics

Just as messages reveal direct customer engagement, bookings provide insight into how well a business converts interest into tangible actions. High booking numbers indicate strong customer interest and effective conversion strategies. This metric helps agencies refine their strategies to boost bookings, ensuring clients see real value in their services. Start tracking bookings on the dashboard to demonstrate how well your strategies drive customer actions within a given period. 

12. Food Orders

The food orders metric tracks the number of orders placed through the business listing. Like messages and bookings, food orders offer key insights into customer engagement for food services clients.

GBP Dashboard food order metrics

Tracking food orders is essential for marketing agencies to see how well their strategies work. By analyzing this data, agencies tweak their approaches to drive more orders, showing value to restaurant and food service business clients. 

13. Posts

Posts tracks the performance of content or related resources shared through the business listing. This includes updates, promotions, events, and other relevant content that engages customers.

GBP dashboard post view

Just like reviews and food orders, posts offer critical insights into customer engagement. High engagement on posts indicates that the content resonates well with the audience, driving more interaction. The data is vital to understand what types of content work best. Regularly monitoring post engagement ensures that the business listing remains dynamic and relevant, showcasing the agency’s ability to manage and optimize content effectively. 

17. Goal Tracking 

Incorporating goal tracking into a Google Business Profile dashboard is a game-changer for showing progress toward client objectives. It displays how local searches, customer interactions, and business engagement align with targets, allowing agencies to spotlight their impact, tweak strategies on the fly, and ensure their efforts hit the mark. 

GBP dashboard goal tracking widgets

Setting effective KPI goals helps agencies demonstrate value and drive client success. Here are three best practices:

  • Align With Client Objectives: Ensure KPIs reflect the client's overall business goals.

  • Be Specific and Measurable: Clearly define success and how it will be measured.

  • Regularly Review and Adjust: Continuously monitor progress and make necessary adjustments to stay on track.

Streamline Reporting With Google Business Profile Dashboards and Focus on What Matters

Using a Google Business Profile dashboard makes client reporting and campaign analysis much easier, saves time, and provides real-time insights. This allows agencies to focus on creating successful campaigns and building client trust. 

GBP drag and drop dashboard

With customizable templates, agencies quickly set up a business dashboard tailored to each client’s needs, ensuring clear and useful reports. The drag-and-drop editor makes creating reports simple and straightforward, even without technical expertise.

As agencies grow, automated reporting ensures consistent quality across all client accounts. Successful dashboards and reports are easily replicated for new clients, streamlining onboarding and ongoing management. This helps maintain high service standards, allowing agencies to focus on delivering strategic value and fostering long-term client relationships that drive business growth.

AgencyAnalytics is clearly a game-changer. It has streamlined our reporting process, saving us invaluable time and significantly enhanced client satisfaction. The intuitive interface and detailed insights offered are second to none. AgencyAnalytics is an indispensable tool for any forward-thinking agency.

Ben Spray
Ben Spray / Managing Director
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Custom Google Business Dashboards as Unique as Your Agency

Seamless Integration

Instantly Access All Your Clients’ Google Business Profile Data

Effortlessly pull all your clients' Google Business Profile data from over 80+ marketing platforms, including Google Search Console, Google Ads, Facebook, and more into one report. Streamline data collection to provide a comprehensive overview of campaign performance. With all data points in a single view, you save time, reduce errors, and focus on creating winning strategies that drive client success.

An example of the available marketing platform integrations AgencyAnalytics offers to connect your clients' marketing data
Customize With Confidence

White Label Your Google Business Profile Dashboards

Easily white label your Google Business Profile dashboards to reflect your agency’s unique branding. Present data with your logo and colors to create a seamless, professional look for clients. Personalizing dashboards enhances your agency’s image, builds stronger client relationships, and showcases your commitment to delivering tailored, high-quality reporting.

Add Your Own Branding To Your Customizable SEO Reporting Software
Tailor Your Insights

Provide Granular Insights With Custom Metrics

Elevate your reporting with custom metrics that combine data points from 80+ integrations. Blend various data sources into unique metrics tailored to each client's needs. By providing the most detailed and relevant insights, you gain a better understanding of client performance, optimize campaigns more effectively, and showcase your agency’s ability to deliver truly personalized and impactful results.

GBP dashboard custom metrics
Streamline Your Reporting

Monitor All of Your Clients at a Glance

Build custom dashboards that consolidate crucial metrics and data for all your clients in one place. Monitor and compare performance across multiple accounts, save time, and simplify client management. By having a comprehensive view of all client metrics, you’ll quickly identify trends, optimize strategies, and demonstrate the value of your services with clear, impactful reporting.

GBP multi campaign dashboard
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AgencyAnalytics prioritizes your agency’s needs with 24/5 live chat support. Our team is ready to assist you, with response times under 3 minutes, ensuring your questions are answered quickly. With a satisfaction rate consistently above 95%, our support team excels in helping you create Google Business Profile dashboards and more, ensuring your agency delivers outstanding services to your clients.

You care about your client's success. We care about yours. 

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Give Your Agency Time To Grow

Report Smarter. Not Harder.

Save time every month by automatically including the most critical Google Business Profile data and metrics from over 80 other sources in one platform.

Pull in key metrics from Google Analytics, Facebook, Google Maps, and more to give clients a complete picture of their local search success.

Customize each Google Business Profile dashboard and quickly clone them to speed up client onboarding. Use the time saved on reporting and data visualization to grow your agency.

Smarter Client Reporting Platform

We love using AgencyAnalytics, and of all the SEO tools we invest in, we consider this to be the most important one! When we’re able to clearly show a client their data, we improve client retention.

Jessica Tappana
Jessica Tappana / Owner
Simplified SEO Consulting

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