Instagram Ads Reporting

Easily track your client's Instagram Ads performance with intuitive, white-labeled reporting. Consolidate data across the Meta ecosystem and create custom reports with related Facebook Ads insights. Present a comprehensive picture of PPC performance and help clients achieve higher return on investment.
Instagram integration example on AgencyAnalytics

Analyze Performance

Track data from any Instagram ad set including click-through-rate, impressions, and cost

Track Conversions

Identify your client's top performing Instagram ad by monitoring detailed conversion metrics

Monitor Cost

Track the distribution of your client's budget and ensure their ads are reaching the right target audience

Show ROI

Grant clients 24/7 dashboard login access, ensure data transparency, and show the value of your services

Monitor Clicks, Impressions and Conversions

Track Ad Performance

No more switching between accounts across multiple platforms or manually logging into an Instagram account. Analyze detailed Instagram and Facebook PPC metrics in a single, intuitive interface. With the Meta dashboard templates, understand exactly which ads and social media networks drive results for your clients.

instagram ads report CTR
Metrics Explorer

Explore All Available Instagram Ads Metrics

See all the metrics you can easily add to your client reports and marketing dashboards
    • Achievement Unlocked
    • Activate App
    • Add Payment Info
    • Add To Cart
    • Add To Cart Conversion Value
    • Add To Wishlist
    • Amount Spent
    • App Engagements
    • App Installs
    • App Stories
    • App Uses
    • Appointments Scheduled
    • Avg CPC
    • Block Messaging Connections
    • Checkins
    • Checkout Initiated
    • Clicks
    • Contact Conversion Value
    • Contacts
    • Content Views Conversion Value
    • Conversions
    • Cost Per Achievement Unlocked
    • Cost Per Activate App
    • Cost Per Add Payment Info
    • Cost Per Add To Cart
    • Cost Per Add To Wishlist
    • Cost Per App Engagements
    • Cost Per App Installs
    • Cost Per App Stories
    • Cost Per App Uses
    • Cost Per Checkout Initiated
    • Cost Per Contact
    • Cost Per Conversion
    • Cost Per Credit Spends
    • Cost Per Custom Events
    • Cost Per Customize Product
    • Cost Per Donation
    • Cost Per Estimated Ad Recallers
    • Cost Per Event Responses
    • Cost Per Find Location
    • Cost Per Flow Complete
    • Cost Per Game Plays
    • Cost Per Landing Page Views
    • Cost Per Lead
    • Cost Per Levels Achieved
    • Cost Per Link Click
    • Cost Per Messaging Conversation Started
    • Cost Per Mobile App D2 Retentions
    • Cost Per Mobile App D7 Retentions
    • Cost Per New Messaging Connections
    • Cost Per Offline Conversion Others
    • Cost Per Outbound Clicks
    • Cost Per Page Engagements
    • Cost Per Page Like
    • Cost Per Post Engagements
    • Cost Per Post Reaction
    • Cost Per Purchases
    • Cost Per Ratings Submitted
    • Cost Per Registrations Completed
    • Cost Per Schedule
    • Cost Per Searches
    • Cost Per Start Trial
    • Cost Per Submit Application
    • Cost Per Subscription
    • Cost Per Three Second Video Views
    • Cost Per Thru Plays
    • Cost Per Tutorials Completed
    • Cost Per Two Second Continuous Video Views
    • Cost Per Unique Achievement Unlocked
    • Cost Per Unique Activate App
    • Cost Per Unique Add Payment Info
    • Cost Per Unique Add To Cart
    • Cost Per Unique Add To Wishlist
    • Cost Per Unique Checkout Initiated
    • Cost Per Unique Clicks
    • Cost Per Unique Credit Spends
    • Cost Per Unique Landing Page Views
    • Cost Per Unique Levels Achieved
    • Cost Per Unique Link Click
    • Cost Per Unique Mobile App D2 Retentions
    • Cost Per Unique Mobile App D7 Retentions
    • Cost Per Unique Outbound Clicks
    • Cost Per Unique Purchases
    • Cost Per Unique Ratings Submitted
    • Cost Per Unique Registrations Completed
    • Cost Per Unique Searches
    • Cost Per Unique Tutorials Completed
    • Cost Per Unique View Contents
    • Cost Per View Contents
    • CPM
    • Cpp
    • Credit Spends
    • CTR
    • Custom Events
    • Customize Product Conversion Value
    • Date
    • Desktop App Installs
    • Donate Conversion Value
    • Donations
    • Estimated Ad Recall Rates
    • Estimated Ad Recallers
    • Estimated Call Confirmation Clicks
    • Event Responses
    • Events
    • Facebook Donate Conversion Value
    • Facebook Donations
    • Field Status
    • Find Location Mobile App
    • Find Location Mobile App Value
    • Find Location Offline
    • Find Location Offline Value
    • Find Location Total
    • Find Location Total Value
    • Find Location Website
    • Find Location Website Value
    • Flow Complete
    • Frequency
    • Game Plays
    • Impressions
    • Instant Experience Clicks To Open
    • Instant Experience Clicks To Start
    • Instant Experience Outbound Clicks
    • Instant Experience View Percents
    • Instant Experience View Times
    • Landing Page Views
    • Leads
    • Leads On Facebook
    • Levels Achieved
    • Link Clicks
    • Link Clicks CTR
    • Messaging Conversation Started
    • Meta Content Views
    • Mobile App Appointments Scheduled
    • Mobile App Contact Conversion Value
    • Mobile App Contacts
    • Mobile App Content Views
    • Mobile App Content Views Conversion Value
    • Mobile App Customize Product Conversion Value
    • Mobile App D2 Retentions
    • Mobile App D7 Retentions
    • Mobile App Donate Conversion Value
    • Mobile App Donations
    • Mobile App Installs
    • Mobile App Products Customized
    • Mobile App Purchases Roas
    • Mobile App Schedule Conversion Value
    • Mobile Purchases
    • Mobile Purchases Conversion Value
    • New Messaging Connections
    • Offline Appointments Scheduled
    • Offline Content Views
    • Offline Content Views Conversion Value
    • Offline Conversion Others
    • Offline Customize Product Conversion Value
    • Offline Donate Conversion Value
    • Offline Donations
    • Offline Leads
    • Offline Products Customized
    • Offline Purchases
    • Offline Purchases Conversion Value
    • Offline Schedule Conversion Value
    • Offline Start Trial Conversion Value
    • Offline Trials Started
    • On Facebook Purchase Conversion Value
    • On Facebook Purchases
    • Outbound Clicks
    • Outbound Clicks CTR
    • Page Engagements
    • Page Likes
    • Photo Views
    • Post Comments
    • Post Engagements
    • Post Reactions
    • Post Saves
    • Post Shares
    • Products Customized
    • Purchases
    • Purchases Conversion Value
    • Purchases Roas
    • Ratings Submitted
    • Reach
    • Registrations Completed
    • Schedule Conversion Value
    • Searches
    • Start Trial Conversion Value
    • Submit Application
    • Submit Application Conversion Value
    • Submit Application Mobile App
    • Submit Application Mobile App Conversion Value
    • Submit Application Offline
    • Submit Application Offline Conversion Value
    • Submit Application On Facebook
    • Submit Application On Facebook Conversion Value
    • Submit Application Website
    • Submit Application Website Conversion Value
    • Subscription Values
    • Subscription Values Mobile App
    • Subscription Values Offline
    • Subscription Values Website
    • Subscriptions
    • Subscriptions Mobile App
    • Subscriptions Offline
    • Subscriptions Website
    • Three Second Video Views
    • Thru Plays
    • Trial Started
    • Tutorials Completed
    • Two Second Continuous Video Views
    • Unique Achievement Unlocked
    • Unique Activate App
    • Unique Add Payment Info
    • Unique Add To Cart
    • Unique Add To Wishlist
    • Unique Checkout Initiated
    • Unique Clicks All
    • Unique Credit Spends
    • Unique CTR
    • Unique CTR All
    • Unique Landing Page Views
    • Unique Levels Achieved
    • Unique Link Clicks
    • Unique Mobile App D2 Retentions
    • Unique Mobile App D7 Retentions
    • Unique Outbound Clicks
    • Unique Outbound Clicks CTR
    • Unique Purchases
    • Unique Ratings Submitted
    • Unique Registrations Completed
    • Unique Searches
    • Unique Tutorials Completed
    • Unique Two Second Continuous Video Views
    • Unique View Contents
    • Video Average Watch Time
    • Video Plays
    • Video Watches 100
    • Video Watches 25
    • Video Watches 50
    • Video Watches 75
    • Video Watches 95
    • View Contents
    • Website Appointments Scheduled
    • Website Contact Conversion Value
    • Website Contacts
    • Website Content Views
    • Website Content Views Conversion Value
    • Website Customize Product Conversion Value
    • Website Donate Conversion Value
    • Website Donations
    • Website Leads
    • Website Products Customized
    • Website Purchases
    • Website Purchases Conversion Value
    • Website Purchases Roas
    • Website Registrations Completed
    • Website Schedule Conversion Value
    • Website Start Trial Conversion Value
    • Website Trials Started
    Demonstrate ROI, conversions, and RESULTS

    Focus On Conversions

    Ultimately, clients just want to know how their Instagram campaigns are impacting their bottom line. Show clients the value your agency delivers by prominently featuring conversions in their dashboards and reports. Whether it's Feed Ads or Instagram Stories, share exactly what's driving the most value. Let the numbers and data visualizations speak for themselves.

    instagram ads report conversion
    Instagram, Facebook, Messenger & Audience Network

    Compare Publisher Platforms

    Got clients that advertise on multiple platforms in the Meta ecosystem? Whether it's Instagram Stories or Facebook Image Ads, consolidate those insights into a visual PPC report. Easily compare performance across Instagram, Facebook Ads, Audience Network, and Messenger. Add insights from other platforms like Adwords and Bing to show the full marketing picture.

    instagram ads reporting compared to other platforms example

    If you’re looking for an all-in-one reporting tool for your agency that manages various marketing tactics and channels, AgencyAnalytics has to be your go-to reporting solution. Create stunning automated reports and dashboards in just a few minutes.

    Michael Wisby
    Michael Wisby / CEO
    Two Trees PPC
    Intuitive, personalized reporting for each client

    Create Customized Dashboards

    PPC reporting shouldn't be one-size-fits-all. Craft customizable PPC dashboards and reports that puts key data front and center. Go beyond surface-level metrics and report on what they actually want to see. In a few clicks, create custom metrics that reflect their unique business objectives. Toggle with data visualizations, add annotations, and take client reporting to the next level.

    Build Dashboards & Reports Your Own Way
    Add Your Margin to Customer PPC Data

    Show Your Markup on PPC Spend

    No more smoke and mirrors! If your agency chargers percentage-based PPC fees, transparent reporting is key. With this reporting tool, it's simple to integrate your markup directly into client reports. Choose a single, agency-wide markup for streamlined efficiency, or go the extra mile with custom margins tailored to each client's needs. It's all about providing clear insights that build trust and fuel campaign success.

    PPC Ad Spend Metrics
    Goodbye Spreadsheets and Screenshots

    Save Hours on Reporting

    Client reporting doesn't have to take all day. Instead of wasting those precious billable hours on tedious manual work, invest in automated system that does the heavy lifting for you. Refocus your time on actually executing deliverables and exceeding client expectations. Even schedule reports in advance to ensure clients receive their insights like clockwork!

    An example of the AgencyAnalytics report scheduling feature for automated marketing reports
    Support You Can Rely On

    Customer Support Is At The Top of Our List

    At AgencyAnalytics, we are dedicated to ensuring your agency thrives. Our live chat support team is available 24/5 (with response times typically under 3 minutes), so you won't be left waiting around. Don't just take it from us; our customer satisfaction rating consistently remains at 95% or higher. Our specialized customer support team is on hand to help you make the most of your Instagram Ads reporting, ensuring you can provide top-tier services to clients.

    Best in Class Customer Support

    Love how it simplifies everything for you in a beautiful looking interface. As a SEO & PPC Agency, I work with quite a few different clients across many verticals and this allows me to monitor and streamline the reporting and see how I’m progressing for each client.

    Imran Esmail
    Imran Esmail


    Connect the Instagram Ads integration in seconds to streamline your client reporting.

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