15 Essential ECommerce Tools for Your Clients’ Business

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Ecommerce tools improve online retail success by increasing conversion rates and optimizing customer experiences. This article covers 15 important ecommerce tools for boosting client sales and brand presence.

Gone are the days of solely relying on brick-and-mortar stores to fulfill our shopping needs. In fact, by 2026, 24% of retail purchases are expected to take place online!

With the explosive rise of e-commerce, marketing agencies have harnessed the power of cutting-edge tools to navigate the intricate world of online retail.

From skyrocketing conversion rates to optimizing customer experiences, eCommerce tools are a non-negoitable for elevating your clients' business success.

Showcase your marketing agency's value by helping your clients connect with their target audience. This article covers how to boost your clients' sales and brand presence with the top e-commerce tools. We've broken our list into five different catergories:

  1. Website ECommerce Tools

  2. Research ECommerce Tools

  3. Business ECommerce Tools

  4. Marketing ECommerce Tools

  5. Analytics ECommerce Tools

ECommerce Tools: Websites

1. Shopify

Shopify’s strength lies in providing a platform to create an online business. It is purpose-built for an e-commerce business, with built-in features for inventory management, marketing, and analytics.

Technically, Shopify is easy to set up with no coding knowledge required to set up your e-commerce website from start to finish. Visual website editors and easily customizable checkout and payment options provide the perfect eCommerce platform for starting to generate online sales.

As well as simply selling through your clients' eCommerce store, Shopify offers alternative sales channels that you can connect right into your website, such as point of sales and social channels. ECommerce marketing tools prevent you from logging in and out of multiple Shopify accounts for your clients to track Shopify analytics.

Shopify Reporting Dashboard Example using the automated integration on AgencyAnalytics

Switch between Shopify dashboards instantly, in a single platform designed to save your agency's time. Get started with your free 14-day trial.

2. WooCommerce

WooCommerce is an awesome eCommerce tool for those who are loyal to WordPress. If your clients' website is built on WordPress, you can simply install the WooCommerce plug-in and transform their website into an online store.

WooCommerce also has a lot of extensions that you can connect to gain more functionality - MailChimp, PayPal, and Google Ads are just some of the great extensions available. WooCommerce is unique in that it doesn’t offer an out-of-the-box eCommerce website builder. Rather it relies on the user having WordPress knowledge and is a powerful option for those already familiar with the platform.

An example of the WooCommerce reporting dashboard on AgencyAnalytics

Integrate WooCommerce into your clients' marketing dashboards or use a professional WooCommerce report template to show the value your agency brings to your clients.

3. Hotjar

Hotjar provides behavior analytics and feedback tools for your clients' eCommerce business, including heatmaps, session recordings, and surveys. Marketing agencies use it to understand how visitors interact with websites and identify areas for improvement.

This eCommerce tool helps identify problems with your clients' customer service and create data-driven strategies to help convert more leads.

ECommerce Tools: Research

4. Semrush

Semrush is one of the great e-commerce tools available. It has an all-in-one marketing toolkit, designed to enable you to grow your online presence. Its main focus is research and optimization, meaning that it allows you to act on market and competitor insights.

Semrush provides you with the platform to grow your online store with features that help convert leads. For example, this eCommerce tool helps with competitor research, visitor behavior, social reputation management, and more.

It also offers keyword and content ideas that give you insights into what angle you can promote your store and products from. Semrush helps to improve SEO, niche down, and hit those consumers that match your clients' business needs.

A screenshot of the SEMrush integration on AgencyAnalytics

Connect the Semrush integration to your clients' marketing dashboards to give them a comprehensive view of their entire marketing campaigns.

5. Ahrefs

Ahrefs gives you powerful content insights and is really focused on growing the SEO of your clients' online businesses. With its keyword, content, and competitor analysis tools, you gain an in-depth understanding of your content niche, and clean ideas on valuable content that will rank highly for you clients' eCommerce business.

ECommerce tools help you conduct keyword and content research around the products that your clients sell. They help you to see what others in the space are writing about and also where there are content gaps that you can fill. This eCommerce tool is really about getting organic visibility and tends to pay off in the long run.

Ahrefs AgencyAnalytics Marketing Dashboard

Input Ahrefs backlink data to your eCommerce website reports, and track live updates, like site visits, via cross-channel dashboards.

6. Answer The Public

Answer The Public is a unique content and keyword research tool. You simply need to enter a keyword related to your business, and Answer The Public will provide with real Google searches that people are looking for.

The uniqueness of this eCommerce tool comes from the keyword grouping. It will combine similar keywords into groups such as 'prepositions', 'comparisons', 'questions', and 'alphabetic'.

Answer the Public Screenshot

ECommerce Tools: Business Management

7. ClickUp

A good task management system is vital to the seamless running of any business, inlcuding your marketing agency. ClickUp is one of the top management tools that helps you do just that.

With easy integrations, automation, views, and boards, Clickup lets you organize and prioritize the tasks that you identify as having the biggest impact on your business.

Clickup Screenshot

8. Inventory Source

Depending on your eCommerce business model, you may hold stock yourself or get other suppliers to fulfill orders for you. The latter is known as dropshipping.

Inventory Source is a dropship automation software that connects you with suppliers of your product. This eCommerce platform syncs with your sales channels and automatically updates inventory and orders as necessary.

InventorySource Screenshot

ECommerce Tools: Marketing

9. MailChimp

Mailchimp's power lies in e-mail campaigns and automation. It provides you with the platform to engage with current and potential customers with customizable e-mail templates.

While Mailchimp do offer general marketing tools, their bread and butter is e-mail marketing. Integrate Mailchimp right into your AgencyAnalytics dashboard to start analyzing and actioning on the results of your e-mail marketing campaigns!

Automated Mailchimp Reports

Track mailchimp email campaigns and connect them with your client's eCommerce reports to highlight their progress across multiple platforms.

10. Buffer

Buffer allows you to schedule posts to your various social media accounts. It's a great tool for staying on top of regular posting, as well as scheduling important product release posts to ensure you reach customers during imporant times.

Buffer Screenshot

11. AdRoll

AdRoll is a retargeting and prospecting eCommerce platform that helps agencies run targeted ad campaigns across multiple channels, including social media and display networks. It focuses on reaching potential customers who have shown interest in your client's products or services.

Use AdRoll to collect consumer data, define your client's conversion segment, upload their product feeds daily, and create key audiences.

12. Trustpilot

Help your eCommerce clients build trust, improve customer experiences, and drive business growth with Trustpilot. ECommerce tools that have reputation management features are crucial for any of your clients who rely customer testimonials as part of their local marketing strategies.

Trustpilot also reviews website content to improve your clients' local SEO and generates rich snippets from Trustpilot reviews to boost the credibility of their sites.

adding Trustpilot review metrics to your marketing report

Add the Trustpilot integration to your clients' eCommerce reports to give a comprehensive view of their entire local business marketing strategies. Get started with your free 14-day trial.

ECommerce Tools: Analytics

13. AgencyAnalytics

Integrate popular eCommerce platforms directly into AgencyAnalytics to avoid jumping from multiple platforms when it comes time for client reporting.

For a true, all-in-one analytics dashboard, AgencyAnalytics offers the option to pull multiple data sources into one dashboard that focuses on the most important eCommerce KPIs.

On top of that, the easy drag & drop dashboard editor and automated report options make this a powerful e-commerce reporting software, helping your agency easily visualize all of your clients' important eCommerce marketing data.

A screenshot of an example ecommerce dashboard

Integrate the best eCommerce platforms like BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Shopify, Stripe, and more, into a comprehensive eCommerce report template that showcases your agency's results. Start your 14-day free trial.

14. Google Analytics

Get in-depth tracking of your clients' eCommerce website, with sections, segments, demographics, and user behavior reports. They also offer e-commerce goals and metrics.

Easily create clean, customized marketing dashboards with your clients’ real-time GA and GA4 data with the Google Analytics integration.

Custom Google Analytics Dashboard Example highlighting key performance indicators

Spot trends, understand a buyer's journey, and highlight conversion success for your clients' eCommerce store. Show your clients exactly how you impact their bottom line and continue delivering unmatched value. Start your free 14-day trial now.

15. Optimizely

Optimizely is an A/B testing and experimentation platform that helps marketing agencies optimize their clients' websites and landing pages for improved conversions.

This eCommerce platform is not only a content management system (CMS) but also manages cataloged products, registers purchases, and manages a user's relationship with your clients' online business.

This eCommerce tool is ideal for both B2B or B2C businesses that sell tangible goods or provide remote services.

The Takeaway

With the number of eCommerce tools out there, it's important to break down each use case as we have done in this blog. Evaluate which platforms will work for you, and opt for any free trials that are offered. This way, you'll be able to build your eCommerce store into a well-oiled machine that suits you!

Remember, most of what you need will integrate right into AgencyAnalytics' dashboard for seamless, visual reporting of your important metrics.

And if you don't see what you need there, you can always request it from us

AgencyAnalytics Stripe Dashboard Template

Streamline your monthly eCommerce reporting processes and show clients the results your agency is delivering. Get started with your free 14-day trial.

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Alex Girardi

Written by

Alex Girardi

Alex is in product marketing, pushing the great work from the engineering team out into the world. When he's not marketing, he's probably rock climbing or researching the latest eCommerce trends!

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