8 Best Marketing Report Templates to Streamline Client Reporting

Best Marketing Report Templates


Marketing report templates are an important tool that agencies use to manage and present client campaign data efficiently. This guide introduces eight exceptional templates that cover various aspects of digital marketing, including social media, SEO, and PPC campaigns. These templates streamline the reporting process and enhance the quality of insights provided to clients, ensuring clear communication and effective campaign management.

Onboarding new clients is always a great feeling. The multiplying of subsequent responsibilities, not so much. 

How do you efficiently scale your agency if you don’t have time-saving, scalable measures in place? 

That’s why marketing report templates play an essential role in your day-to-day. They help you get ahead and stay that way while ensuring you’re following client reporting best practices

This article will showcase eight report templates digital agencies use to save time, deliver results, and save unnecessary headaches. 

Why Are Marketing Report Templates So Important?

Let’s put it this way–when business is booming, your agency will have increased reporting demands. It’s inevitable. 

And it’s impossible to rely on unsustainable reporting methods such as manual spreadsheets or screenshots when you’re striving to be a bigger fish in the pond. 

Unless you hire someone full-time to pump out reports. But good luck keeping them on board.

Whether you’re considering buying vs. building your report, here are a few reasons why a marketing template is an absolute must for your agency.

1. Promotes Standardization

We can’t emphasize the importance of standardization enough. Imagine your client’s perspective when you send a social media report with engagement metrics on the first page, and much to their surprise, it’s way at the end of page 5 of the report the following month.

Clear, consistent reporting is one of the cornerstones of client retention.

new custom report cover pages example for full white labeled customization of client reports built for agencies

Your busy clients have limited time and don’t want to spend it scouring through marketing reports for key metrics, digging out performance stats that should be available at a quick glance, or trying to find data that keeps moving from report to report. Once you’ve decided on an appropriate marketing report template, it's easy to remain consistent with each client.

As CJ Dunbar, Brand Manager at Suite Edge, says, “Templates offer quick, visually appealing overviews of any selected data. Their customization is valuable, and they make data easily accessible to staff and clients.”

Marketing Report Templates From AgencyAnalytics

Although it's easy to customize a specific report for a specific client, once those changes to the template have been saved they can be replicated quickly and easily the following month. Standardization provides consistency that goes a long way in building trust in your agency’s services while also making it easier to spot historical trends over time.

2. Saves Valuable Time Each Month

Collecting critical data all in one spot is amazing and has bought us time back. When you are tracking SEO, PPC, Social Media, and email marketing campaigns, it can be time-consuming. This is why having a template and dashboard that efficiently does it all is a game changer.

Justin Hual, Co-Founder + COO at HIP Creative

While client reports will have variation depending on campaign goals, chances are there’ll be significant overlap in what’s being reported. Not only will you save countless hours, but you won’t need to start from scratch each time your client’s reporting period rolls around. 

Take the time to create or edit reusable marketing templates that require little (or no) tweaking across different clients. This becomes especially important as your agency begins to scale. There's no need to reinvent the template wheel when you’ve got half the work done! 

Agency Tip: Learn how to automate reports through a platform like AgencyAnalytics and get billable hours back in your day, reduce the likelihood of human errors, and streamline the entire reporting process.

3. Adds Structure and a Professional Touch

Picture this–you receive a spreadsheet filled with a jumble of analytics from one company followed by a sleekly-designed, white-labeled marketing report from another. It’s a no-brainer–the latter probably gave a better first impression (or at least we think so). 

Creating an easy-to-follow template ensures that your client’s data narrative is intuitive, easily digestible, and sensible. Additionally, a marketing report template shows that your agency is committed to providing an extra touch of professionalism. 

Not only does it reiterate your agency’s value proposition and capabilities, but it also entices your client to onboard more services (if they aren’t already). A well-structured reporting process is essential for strategic decision-making, and you definitely don't want your clients misinterpreting their data when the stakes are so high. 

gif of a white labelled report cover in client reports being made

Give your reports that extra pizzazz and let your agency's value shine. Splash on some vibrant background hues, images, and fine-tune the title box widget for that perfect color, alignment, and see-through vibe.

4.  Helps Your Agency Scale More Effectively

When onboarding new clients, there's a huge checklist of tasks to go through. You know the drill–it’s a tedious and lengthy process. With AgencyAnalytics, the step for implementing reporting is a snap. Because you can create reports with just a few clicks, that whole process is effortless, and anyone on the team can do it.

Graham Lumley, Director of Growth Marketing at Blackhawk

It’ll be nearly impossible to grow your agency without having the ease of templates. Can you imagine scaling your agency from creating 50 to 250 client reports without a proper system in place? We can’t either. 

For context, expect to send 5X more reports as you scale from a mid-sized agency to the enterprise level. Using templates to create reports helps you to manage your clients more efficiently and sets you up for scaling success. 

5. Improves Data Visualization

It's very difficult to explain the value of a service to a client without visuals. Using the web analytics report and the SEO reports side by side helps us show our clients a correlation between SEO and Traffic. We merge this data with a custom template that tracks conversions and Stripe data to show that traffic growth–from SEO and PPC–does have an impact on the number of conversions and revenue (their bottom line).

Ruben Roel, President of Investigator Marketing

A marketing template that factors in data visualization is an effective one. Why? Because no client wants to get lost in an eyesore of numbers and not grasp what it means. 

From setting up goals that are automatically tracked toward completion, to adding charts, graphs, and other widgets, every visual cue adds to the data storytelling aspect of a marketing report. When setting up a marketing report template, data visualization creates tremendous value.

In a nutshell, this extra step helps get the most insightful messages across in a relatively short time. It also breaks down complex numbers into a more palatable form.

Marketing Report Templates Your Agency Must Know

Whether you’re debating between buying or building a report, here are the most important marketing agency report templates you should know about. 

General Marketing Report Template

If you’re looking for a consolidated way to present high-level snapshots of your client’s efforts, a general marketing report template is the way to go. 

One key advantage is that your client will easily understand the results from multiple marketing efforts–all at a glance.

AgencyAnalytics General Marketing Report Template

Many of our client relationships require customized reports because we're managing multiple marketing channels for them at once to run cohesive, integrated marketing campaigns. They don't want to see seven reports–they want everything condensed so they can view all of their most significant marketing data in one place.

Graham Lumley, Director of Growth Marketing at Blackhawk 

When creating a general marketing report, include the following:

  • Your client’s goals, progress, and how they fit into the overall marketing strategy

  • The most critical marketing metrics and key performance indicators, including online and offline metrics (such as call tracking).

  • Goal conversion rates and revenue

  • A snapshot of each campaign you manage (e.g., social media marketing, PPC, email marketing) 

  • Recommendations for future optimizations and campaigns (including programs you don't currently manage, as this is a great opportunity for a softer upsell)

Agency Tip: Regardless of what template you’re using, always include a report summary. Clients don’t always have time to go through reports in tremendous detail, so write a client report with summarized takeaways for easy reference.

Digital Marketing Report Template

You'll need a digital marketing report template if you’re running several campaigns specific to the online realm. Similar to a general marketing report, it gives an overview of your client’s marketing efforts but hones in on more granular details.

We use the AgencyAnalytics’ digital marketing report the most. It really makes it easy to place all performance reporting in one place. We have used other reporting templates in the past but AgencyAnalytics templates are not only easy to use as an agency but they are great for our partners to easily view the KPIs and digest the information in a fast efficient way.

Justin Hual, Co-Founder + COO at HIP Creative

Depending on your client’s campaigns, creating a digital marketing reporting would inslude information like:

  • Social media metrics (e.g., the detailed performance of Facebook AdsInstagram posts, Twitter Analytics, and LinkedIn posts, for example)

  • SEO metrics (e.g., website traffic, number of pages viewed, and bounce rate)

  • Social media analytics (e.g., engagement metrics, follower growth, and conversions) 

  • PPC metrics (e.g., clickthrough and conversion rates) 

AgencyAnalytics Digital Marketing Report Template

Agency Tip: Before creating a client dashboard or report, understand the difference between KPIs and metrics. That way, you’ll report on meaningful indicators that tie into your client’s strategic goals instead of vanity metrics that only look good on paper. 

SEO Marketing Report Template

After you’ve put all that effort into your client’s organic search strategy, you’ll want to track how it has progressed by utilizing an SEO marketing report template.

To provide the most valuable information to your client, be sure to include:

AgencyAnalytics SEO report template

PPC Marketing Report Template

When money is spent, your client wants to know the ROI of those efforts (even more so than other campaigns), which is why it’s crucial to regularly write PPC reports for clients

If you opt to use a PPC marketing report template (which you should), be sure to include the following metrics: 

AgencyAnalytics PPC report template

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Web Analytics Report Template

Suppose your agency is responsible for a variety of web-related efforts for any one client (such as simultaneously developing their website, executing a content marketing program, as well as running SEO and PPC campaigns). In that case, a web analytics template is a great way to consolidate website performance in a single report.

Similar to an SEO or PPC report, you’ll want to report on metrics that tie the most into your client’s strategic website goals. A web analytics report will also let you compare traffic sources, determining how your client’s paid and organic efforts stack up against one another. Consider using it in conjunction with another report template to see the full picture. 

We primarily rely on the AgencyAnalytics Web Analytics & SEO reports for our clients. It's very difficult to explain the value of a service to a client without visuals. Using the Web Analytics and SEO reports side by side helps us show our clients a correlation between SEO and Traffic.

Ruben Roell, President of Investigator Marketing

AgencyAnalytics Web Analytics Report Template

Social Media Report Template

Social media is the place to be when it comes to increasing brand visibility, engaging with potential customers, and reaching a large audience. 

But it’s not just a matter of posting a graphic or video and hoping for the best–social media analytics software is needed to assess performance and decipher what resonates most with your client’s audience. Using social media KPIs to compare social media efforts across different platforms also helps you understand the traction of each and every growth opportunity. 

Here’s what you need to include on your social media report template

  • Audience growth rate

  • Reach and impressions 

  • Engagement rate

  • Clickthrough rate (CTR)

  • Conversion rate (e.g., filling out a lead generation form)

  • Website traffic from social media

AgencyAnalytics Social Media Report Template

Looking for a platform-specific social media report template? That's easy! From the Instagram report template to showcase your organic social media reach to the Facebook Ads report template to highlight your PPC prowess, we've got you covered!

Email Marketing Report Template

After you’ve hit ‘Send’ on a client’s e-mail campaign, you want to track its performance and make any necessary improvements for the upcoming emails. When crafting your client’s email marketing report template, remember to include the following metrics:

  • Open rate

  • Click-through rate and top-clicked links 

  • Subscribe and unsubscribe rates (including any spam reports)

  • Open rates by region (especially if your client’s mailing list has a high number of subscribers in different geographical areas)

  • Delivery rate

  • Bounce rate

  • Session duration

AgencyAnalytics Email Marketing Report Template

Local SEO Report Template

If your client relies heavily on local marketing (such as a dentist or lawyer), a local marketing report template captures those key, local-based insights. Increase their search visibility, attract more qualified leads, and drive in-person visits or appointments. 

Create a local marketing report that includes:

  • Google Business Profile insights (e.g., number of searches, calls, clicks, reviews, and map views) 

  • Traffic sources

  • Google local ranking

  • Sessions by geographic location

  • Keyword rankings for local SEO-related terms

  • Number of relevant, acquired backlinks

AgencyAnalytics Local SEO Marketing Report Template

Wondering what other agencies typically include in their templates? In our recent 2022 Client Reporting Benchmarks Report, our data showed that the top AgencyAnalytics reporting sections were keyword rankings, Google Analytics, and Google Business Profile Insights. 

Agency Tip: If you decide to automate your client reporting through AgencyAnalytics, send it on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9.00 AM - 9.30 AM. We’ve found that this was the most optimal day and send time (based on open and clickthrough rates). 

Platform-Specific Marketing Report Templates

If you’re managing a platform-specific campaign for a client, you’ll need a marketing template that speaks directly to that. Your client will want more in-depth data about that platform, which will guide their future strategic goals and show where any changes should be made. 

The AgencyAnalytics platform features 80+ integrations which all come with a pre-built dashboard and report template to make things easier for you and your clients. Agencies mostly used our Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and Facebook integrations, just to give you an idea of the most popular templates and dashboards.

Here’s an example of what a Google Analytics marketing dashboard looks like. Customize as much as you need to and create a reusable template that’s easy to send each month. 

AgencyAnalytics Google Analytics Dashboard

Communicate more granular insights with other platform-specific report templates:

And there you have it! 

Use our Facebook report template or our Google Analytics report template to drive your clients (and agency) toward marketing success.

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Creating Custom Report Templates

Forget the one-size-fits-all approach. The drag-and-drop editor in AgencyAnalytics brings a new level of flexibility to your reporting. It's like having a magic wand that transforms data into precisely what your agency and clients need. Need to focus on SEO results? No problem. Want to highlight social media metrics? Easy. This tool adapts to your specific requirements, ensuring that each report you generate speaks directly to your client's unique goals and KPIs.

With AgencyAnalytics, marketing teams access a wide array of marketing metrics, crucial for developing and adjusting marketing strategies. The platform supports a comprehensive view of paid, organic, and social media channels, crafting campaign or content marketing reports that truly reflect the impact of these platforms.

drag-and-drop report builder example

Every client is unique, and their reports should be too. Whether it’s a small local business or a multinational corporation, the flexibility of AgencyAnalytics ensures you deliver the right information in the right format. Tailor-made reports show clients that you understand their individual needs, strengthening your relationship and building trust.

5 Ways Marketing Report Templates Save Time and Money

Marketing reports are an essential tool for any marketing agency. They help you track and report progress, measure results, identify areas of improvement, and reinforce the value your agency brings to a client's business. But creating these reports can be time-consuming and expensive.

Streamlining repetitive processes, such as client reporting, is vital for a number of reasons. First, it saves time. This allows you to focus on more critical tasks and projects–which means you get them done quicker.

Finally, streamlining repetitive processes makes your workflow more efficient. This means you can get more done in the same time, which is especially helpful when you're working under a tight deadline. So if you want to save time and be more productive at your marketing agency, start streamlining your repetitive processes!

Here are some key benefits of using reporting automation systems to reclaim billable hours at your agency.

1. More time for strategic planning and innovation.

When you're bogged down in administrative tasks, it's challenging to focus on the big picture and develop creative ideas. Streamlining your client reporting process frees up time for strategic thinking and allows you to be more innovative with your marketing plans.

Be smarter and use that boring reporting time to do actual work which can bring more money for your client.

Pinku Ranpura, CTO, Zib Digital

2. Faster turnaround times for clients.

One of the most significant benefits of using templates is that it speeds up the reporting process. Your clients will appreciate getting their reports sooner, which means they can take action on them faster.

AgencyAnalytics streamlines data presentation and focuses the client on what’s working and what isn’t, quickly. Stakeholders, on both sides, appreciate the efficiency this brings to communication.

Jessica Weiss, Director of Marketing & Strategic Partnerships, One Firefly

3. More accurate and timely data.

Report templates and automated data processes help your marketing team avoid mistakes. When you streamline repetitive tasks, you're less likely to end up with errors because your team does not get lost in the doldrums of doing the same thing over and over and over again.

With accurate and timely data, your team makes better decisions about where to allocate resources and how to improve marketing efforts. Templates help ensure that data is clean and organized–so you get the most out of it.

It helps us to save crucial time that would be spent collating data and writing reports that are just unnecessary and open to errors.

Claire Aldridge, Digital Marketing Specialist, Victory Digital

4. Increased efficiency and productivity.

When you have a system that works efficiently, it allows you to work faster without sacrificing quality. This increased efficiency leads to increased productivity, making you more effective at your job.

Instead of spending hours copying, pasting, and formatting data–the heavily lifting is already done, and all your team has to do is add insights and analysis. These processes and report templates free up time to focus on what your agency does best. 

Digital agencies sell time, and if a client buys 5 hours of your time and you waste the first 20% on a report each month, you have less time to scale the client. We were able to go from 1 hour 15 minutes to around 20 minutes for each report with AgancyAnalytics.

Mikael Sørensen, Head of Marketing, Adtention, Adtention

5. Happier employees.

A happier workforce is a more productive workforce. When employees are bogged down with tedious tasks, it affects their morale and motivation. Streamlining your client reporting process makes everyone's job easier and more enjoyable, resulting in a more positive work environment.   6. Better client relationships.

The better your relationships with clients, the more business they'll bring your way. Using templates to streamline your reporting process helps build trust and strengthens the bond between you and your clients. They'll appreciate that you're taking the time to provide them with clear, concise reports that are easy to understand.

Our employees are happy with this approach because they are able to talk to customers on a higher level instead of spending a lot of time doing administrative work (like making reports).

Nico de Jong, CEO of Forward Marketing

Create Marketing Reports That Clients Will Value

In the end, well-crafted marketing reports help keep clients happy. And keeping clients happy is one of the most important goals for any agency. 

Not only is it good for them, but it’s also necessary to keep your business thriving. As your agency scales, you don’t want a lack of processes to negatively impact existing clients or give the wrong first impression to new ones.

Whether you're creating a daily, weekly, or monthly marketing report template-provide an extra edge and show that your agency is committed to providing top-tier services. And they don’t have to be time-consuming or overly complicated. With AgencyAnalytics, creating customizable, white-labeled reports is as easy as clicking a button!

“AgencyAnalytics report templates have significantly reduced the time required to create reports for our clients by 5X. After integrating Google Ads, Google Search Console, or any other of the dozens of platforms that connect with AgencyAnalytics, you can create a report in less than a minute that's ready to send to a client right away.”

Graham Lumley, Director of Growth Marketing at Blackhawk

Set your agency up for success by using report templates from the get-go. That way, you’ll save valuable time and help your clients to reach their goals.

Ready to take the hassle out of client reporting and access a customizable client report template? Try AgencyAnalytics free for 14-days–no credit card required.

Faryal Khan

Written by

Faryal Khan

Faryal Khan is an experienced marketer and brand photographer with a passion for content creation. She creates value for brands through storytelling and captivating visuals.

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